

a= []

b = [1,'c','abd',851,[1,2,3]]
b[0] = "HELLO"
b[4]= 23
# for i in range(len(b)):
#     print(b[i])

for item in b:

#成员运算符 in
if 6 in b:
    print("not in")

list_1 = [1,2,3]
for i in range(100):


del list_1[2]

# #列表相加
list_2 = [4,5,6]
list_3 = list_1+list_2

list_4 = ["芝麻","花生","巧克力","花生","转世","西瓜"]


#统计列表的长度 len
list_5 = [1,58,78,99,289]

#counter方法 快速统计列表中的每个元素出现的次数
list_6=string1.split("In the flood of darkness, hope is the light. It brings comfort, faith, and confidence. It gives us guidance when we are lost, and gives support when we are afraid. And the moment we give up hope, we give up our lives. The world we live in is disintegrating into a place of malice and hatred, where we need hope and find it harder. In this world of fear, hope to find better, but easier said than done, the more meaningful life of faith will make life meaningful.")

from  collections import  Counter

# 元组与列表的区别,元组的值不能改变

# 字符串
tring_1="hello world"
tring_2='hello world 2' \
string_3="""i am a boy 
hello world
yes i am

# 统计字符串的长度len(),空格也在统计范围之内

# 通过加号添加两个字符串

# 字符串的复制,通过*来复制

number = 5
string_7= str(number)

# 字符串的提取
string_8 = "cat.jpg"

string_9= "hello <h1>world</h2><em><span>!"
string_10= string_9.replace('h1',"").replace('/h2',"").replace('em',"").replace('span',"")

# 统计高频词汇。用split方法
Part I Writing (30minutes)
Directions: Suppose your school is organizing an orientation program to help the freshmen
adapt to the new environment and academic studies. You are now to write a proposal, which
may include its aim, duration, participants and activities. You will have 30 minutes to write the
proposal. You should write at least llQ words but no more than 1Jj_Q words.
Part II
Section A
Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)
Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report,
you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only
once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked
A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line
through the centre.
Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.
1. A) It found a pet dog on board a plane to a city in Texas.
B) It had one of its cargo planes land at a wrong airport.
C) It sent two dogs to the wrong destinations.
D) It had two of its domestic flights mixed up.
2. A) Correct their mistake as soon as possible.
B) Give the two pets a physical checkup
C) Hire a charter jet to bring the pets back
D) Send another plane to continue the flight.
Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.
3. A) She weighs 130 kilograms
B) She has had babies before.
4. A) It took 22 hours.
B) It had some complications.
C) She was brought from Africa.
D) She has a big family of six
C) It was smooth.
D) It was monitored by Dr.Sue Tygielski
Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.
5. A) It enjoyed great popularity C) It was frequented by newly-weds.
B) It started business three years ago. D) It was built above the sea-water.
6. A) Expand his business on the beach.
B) Replace the restaurant's wooden deck.
C) Post a picture of his restaurant online.
D) Celebrate his silver wedding anniversary.
2021 年 12 月英语四级真题第 1 套 第 1 页共 10 页 by: UVOOC.COM微信公众号:AMYOU
7. A) She sold it for two thousand dollars. C) She posted its picture on Facebook.
B) She took it to the restaurant manager. D) She returned it to its owner right away.
Section B
Directions: I

本文标签: 字符串知识列表Python