


Google Chrome browser provides a JavaScript Console. This console is directly connected to the currently active DOM or web page where it can use this page functions, libraries, and every resource.

Google Chrome浏览器提供了一个JavaScript控制台。 该控制台直接连接到当前活动的DOM或网页,在其中可以使用此页面功能,库和所有资源。

从菜单打开控制台 (Open Console From Menu)

We can open the JavaScript Console of theGoogle Chrome from the right menu. We will click to the right menu like below and hover to the More tools.

我们可以从右侧菜单打开Goog​​le Chrome浏览器JavaScript控制台。 我们将单击如下所示的右侧菜单,然后将鼠标悬停在“ More tools

Google Chrome More Tools Menu
Google Chrome浏览器的更多工具菜单

There some options will be listed under the more tools menu where we will click to the Developer tools like below.

在更多工具菜单下将列出一些选项,我们将单击下面的Developer tools

Google Chrome Developer Tools
Google Chrome开发人员工具

This will open the developer tools provided by Google Chrome. JavaScript also provided under the Developer Tools where we will click to the Console tab like below.

这将打开Goog​​le Chrome提供的开发人员工具。 在开发人员工具下还提供了JavaScript,我们将在其中单击如下所示的“ Console选项卡。

本文标签: 控制台如何在chromeJavaScript