


Topic1:Overview of Product Development


A product can be a service or an item offered for sale.




the problem-solving services or core benefits that consumers are really buying when they obtain a product


Every product is made at a cost and each is sold at a price


The price that can be charged depends on the market, the quality, the marketing and the segment that is targeted


New Product and Innovation

Definition of the innovation:An innovation is successful implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations.


Another kind of definition:A creative process in which two or more existing things are combined in some novel way to produce unique new thing.


Innovation means to renew, to make new or to alter, new way of doing things


Innovation is where an idea becomes reality


Innovation is the practical application of new inventions into marketable products and services



【对于创新,更多的细节在Topic 6】

Six kinds of New Products

1. New to the world        新问世的产品

2. New product lines        新的产品线

3. Additions to existing product lines        对于已存在的产品线的增添改进

4. Improvements and revisions to existing products        对现有产品的改进和修正

5. Re-positionings        重新定位

6. Cost reductions.        降低成本

【更多细节在Topic 12】

New Product Development(NPD)

the actual development of new products is the process of transforming business opportunities into tangible products


Product Failure

Acceptance that some ideas are not commercially viable or organisationally appropriate is very important to ensure that unnecessary investment is avoided


Many studies have been carried out and the rate of failure given ranges from 10-90% of new products.



Reasons for product failure

Many reasons are given for product failure:

1.The product offers nothing new or no improved performance


2.Inadequate budget to develop ideas or market the product


3.Poor market research, positioning, misunderstanding of customers needs


4. Lack of top management support


5.Did not involve customer


6.Exceptional factors such as government decision


7.Market too small, either forecasting error with sales or insufficient demand


8.Poor match with company’s capabilities, company has insufficient experience of the technology or market


9.Inadequate support from a channel


10.Late to market


11.Competitive response was strong and competitors were able to move quickly to face the challenge of the new product


12.Internal organisational problems, often associated with poor communication


13.Poor return on investment forcing company to abandon project


14.Unexpected changes in consumer tastes/fashion


Avoiding Failure

Process improvements and a structured approach can address these common failure themes.


eg:1.Better requirements capture and management        更好的需求捕获和管理

        2.Better planning (including getting to the market on time and first, if market leader)


        3.Better analysis and screening        更好的分析和筛选

        4.Organisation-wide process framework        组织范围的过程框架

        5.Better execution        更好的执行

This means we need a structured development process


Characteristics of Successul Prodct Development

1.Product Quality                        产品质量

2.Product Cost                            产品成本

3.Development Time                   研发时间

4.Development Cost                    研发成本

5.Development Capability            综合开发能力

The Product development process

Definition:a sequence of steps or activities which an enterprise employs to conceive, design, and commercialise a product


A generic, well-defined process is very useful and the advantages of this are:


1.Quality assurance        质量保证

2.Coordination                协调配合

3.Planning                       计划

4.Management                管理

5.Improvement                改进提升

A Generic product development process has six distinct phases:


0. Planning                                制定计划

        0.1.Begins with corporate strategy – includes an assessment of technology developments and market objectives


        0.2.outcome:Mission approval                任务批准

        0.3.output:Project Mission Statement – specifies the target market for the product, business goals, key assumptions and constraints


1. Concept development           概念开发

【对于这个概念,可以参考 概念开发 - 定义、含义和 6 个阶段 (marketing91)Concept Development - Definition, Meaning and 6 Stages (marketing91)概念开发 - 定义、含义和 6 个阶段 (marketing91)】

         1.1.The needs of the target market are identified,and alternative product concepts are generated and evaluated


         1.2.outcome:Concept Review                   概念审查

2. System-level design              系统级设计

          2.1.Includes the definition of the product architecture and the decomposition of the product into subsystems and components


          2.2.outcome:System Spec Review          系统规范审查

          2.3.The output of this phase usually includes:

                (1)a geometric layout of the product       


                (2)a functional specification of each of the products subsystems


                (3)A preliminary process flow diagram for the final assembly process


3. Detail design                          细节设计

           3.1.Includes the complete specification of the geometry, materials and tolerances of all the unique parts of the product,Also includes any information regarding parts to be purchased from suppliers


           3.2.outcome:Critical Design Review        关键设计评审 

           3.3.The output of this phase is the control documentation      这个阶段的输出是控制文件

                        3.3.1.control documentation:the drawings or computer files describing the specifications of each of the parts of the product and how it is to be assembled


             3.4.Two critical issues addressed in the detail design phase are:


                  (1)Production cost                                生产成本

                  (2)Robust performance                        鲁棒性能

4. Testing and refinement          测试和改进

            4.1.Involves the construction and evaluation of multiple preproduction versions of the product – prototypes, GUI designs etc.


            4.2.outcome:Production Approval           生产批准

5. Production ramp-up               产品量产

            5.1.The product is made using the intended production system (this is relevant for both hardware and software)


            5.2.outcome:Final Product                       最终产品

The key departments in product development

1.Marketing                市场部

2.Design(R&D)      研发部

3.Manufacturing         生产部

Project teams

Project teams are made up of

1.Core team                核心团队

2.Extended team         扩展团队

        2.1Extended team:all of the people involved in the development (multiple team members etc)



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