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Welcome back to Pattern Matching, OneZero’s weekly newsletter that puts the week’s most compelling tech stories in context.

欢迎回到OneZero每周的时事通讯Pattern Matching 它将本周最引人注目的技术故事作为背景。

Across much of the United States this week, schools “opened” via the internet, following others that had started remote learning last week or the week before. The results have been, at best, uneven; at worst, heartbreaking.

本周在美国大部分地区,紧随其他上周或上周开始进行远程学习的学校,学校通过互联网“开放”。 结果充其量是不均衡的。 最糟糕的是,令人心碎。

America’s Covid spring offered a glitchy preview of how replacing school buildings and classrooms with home Wi-Fi and Zoom rooms might work. Now it’s our Covid fall, and this is no longer a test but an emergency. In the face of that emergency, the technologies our society is counting on to rescue our educational system are being exposed as inadequate — and deeply unequal.

美国Covid弹簧提供了一个出问题前雇主的东西的如何与家庭Wi-Fi和缩放的房间可能会奏效更换校舍和教室。 现在是我们的Covid坠落,这不再是考验,而是紧急情况。 面对这种紧急情况,我们社会指望用来挽救我们的教育系统的技术被认为是不足的,而且是严重不平等的。

The global internet that the U.S. government pioneered and Silicon Valley developed represents a particular vision of cyberspace. With scant regulation or accountability, it has evolved from a Wild West into a sort of corporate feudal state in which giant platform owners and internet service providers set the rules and own the data that their users generate while constantly warring with one another over territory. This privatized internet was neither inevitable nor accidental. “U.S. Begins Privatizing Internet’s Operations,” a New York Times headline reported in 1994, explaining how the federal government had opted to entrust the job of maintaining the “increasingly commercial” global computer network to private firms in the interest of “marketplace efficiencies.”

美国政府开创和硅谷开发的全球互联网代表了对网络空间的特殊愿景。 由于缺乏监管或问责制,它已从狂野西部演变成一种公司封建制状态,在这种状态下,大型平台所有者和互联网服务提供商制定规则并拥有其用户生成的数据,同时不断在领土上相互交战。 这种私有化的互联网既不是不可避免的,也不是偶然的。 1994年《纽约时报》的头条报道说:“美国开始私有化互联网的运营,”该书解释了联邦政府如何为了“提高市场效率”而将维护“日益商业化”的全球计算机网络的工作委托给私营公司。

From a commercial standpoint, the arrangement has in many ways been a wild success. When the pandemic forced office buildings to close and send their workers home, our corporate digital infrastructure proved to be mostly up to the task of keeping things humming — at least, for white-collar information workers. With some hiccups, well-capitalized enterprise software firms such as Atlassian, Microsoft, and Cisco rapidly scaled up to meet the demands of employers, especially larger corporations with deep pockets.

从商业角度来看,这种安排在许多方面都取得了巨大的成功。 当大流行迫使办公楼关闭并把工人遣送回国时,我们的公司数字基础设施被证明基本上可以使事情保持嗡嗡作响,至少对白领信息工作者而言。 由于遇到了一些麻烦,Atlassian,Microsoft和Cisco等资本雄厚的企业软件公司Swift扩大规模,以满足雇主的需求,尤其是财大气粗的大型公司。

Now, however, we’re turning to this same profit-driven internet as a tool to educate our children. We’re asking the internet of Netflix and TikTok, Verizon and Comcast, Amazon and Apple — a realm optimized for pleasure and productivity and commerce, at the expense of privacy and sanity and equity — to help us develop the minds of our young. We’re asking a VC ecosystem that optimizes for scalability to fund solutions that meet the disparate needs of thousands of different local school districts. Crucially, we’re trying to put that internet, and those solutions, to equal use for all children, not just the affluent. Let’s check in on how that’s going.

但是,现在,我们正在将这种以利润为导向的互联网作为一种教育我们的孩子的工具。 我们要求Netflix和TikTok,Verizon和Comcast,Amazon和Apple的互联网(为娱乐,生产力和商业而优化的领域,以牺牲隐私,理智和公平为代价)帮助我们发展年轻人的思维。 我们要求的是一个VC生态系统,该生态系统针对可伸缩性进行了优化,以资助可满足数千个不同学区不同需求的解决方案。 至关重要的是,我们正在努力使互联网和这些解决方案能够平等地用于所有儿童,而不仅仅是富裕阶层。 让我们检查一下情况。

模式 (The Pattern)

The travesty of remote learning is unfolding in real time.


  • In Savannah, Georgia, schoolkids are congregating around school buses each day — not to ride them, but to log on to their online classes. The buses have been outfitted as 4G LTE internet hotspots via a “Wi-Fi on Wheels” program for the many children who lack access to high-speed connections at home. A fleet of 10 buses rotate among the district’s campuses, visiting one in the morning, another in the afternoon. This is not a remote, rural district: It’s one of Georgia’s largest, serving some 38,000 students. It’s what passes for an innovative solution in a state where a recent study found that more than half a million homes and businesses lack access to reliable broadband service.

    在佐治亚州的萨凡纳,学生每天都聚集在校车周围–不是骑车,而是登录到他们的在线课程。 通过“车轮上的Wi-Fi”计划,这些公交车已装备成4G LTE互联网热点,适用于许多无法在家中使用高速连接的孩子。 由10辆公共汽车组成的车队在该地区的校园中轮流行驶,早上一趟,下午一趟。 这不是一个偏僻的农村地区:它是乔治亚州最大的地区之一,为大约38,000名学生提供服务。 在最近的一项研究发现该州超过一半的家庭和企业无法获得可靠的宽带服务的情况下,采用创新的解决方案就成为了现实。

  • Elsewhere in Georgia, as in other states around the country, students are trekking to churches, parks, and restaurants to pick up whatever public Wi-Fi they can find. An eye-opening story in the Athens Banner-Herald on Thursday catalogued how online schooling is exacerbating inequality along economic and geographic lines. Rural Oglethorpe County is paying a private firm called Paladin Wireless $350,000 to build a tower system that will serve only the most densely part of the county, the paper reported. Clarke County, which includes urban Athens, is trying to distribute T-Mobile hotspots to families who can’t afford broadband, but many are still waiting as 1,200 of the units are on back order.

    与乔治亚州其他州一样,佐治亚州的其他地方,学生们正徒步前往教堂,公园和餐馆,以索取他们能找到的任何公共Wi-Fi。 雅典旗帜先锋报中令人大开眼界的故事 周四列出了在线教育如何加剧经济和地理上的不平等。 该报报道,奥格索普县农村公司正在向一家名为Paladin Wireless的私营公司支付35万美元,以建造一个仅能服务于该县最密集地区的塔式系统。 包括雅典市区在内的克拉克县(Clarke County)试图向无法负担宽带费用的家庭分发T-Mobile热点,但由于仍有1200个单元处于待定状态,许多人仍在等待。

  • The problems don’t stop when kids log on. Despite school administrators, teachers, and the software companies they depend on having the spring and summer to work out the kinks, technical glitches abounded as classes began. From the AP: “The online learning platform Blackboard, which provides technology for 70 of the nation’s 100 biggest districts … reported that websites for one of its learning products were failing to load or were loading slowly, and users were unable to register on the first day of school.” Microsoft Teams and Google Drive also had widespread reports of problems Tuesday, peaking around the time kids were signing on in the morning. The New York Times added: “A ransomware attack forced Hartford, Conn., to call off the first day of classes. A website crash left many of Houston’s 200,000 students staring at error messages. And a server problem in Virginia Beach disrupted the first hours back to school there.”

    当孩子们登录时,问题不会停止。 尽管学校的管理人员,老师和他们依赖的软件公司在Spring和夏季都需要解决,但随着上课的开始技术故障仍然很多。 来自美联社的信息:“在线学习平台Blackboard为美国100个最大地区中的70个提供了技术……报告说,其学习产品之一的网站无法加载或加载缓慢,用户无法在第一个网站上注册开学日。” 微软团队和Google云端硬盘周二还发布了有关问题的大量报道,大约在孩子们早上签约的时间达到顶峰。 纽约时报补充说:“勒索软件攻击迫使康涅狄格州哈特福德取消上课的第一天。 网站崩溃使休斯顿的20万学生中的许多人盯着错误消息。 弗吉尼亚海滩的服务器问题中断了回到学校的第一个小时。”

  • Frustrating as they are, those setbacks will likely recede as the school year continues. A more enduring problem is that much of the software schools are relying on isn’t really up to the task of facilitating online schooling. For example, Zoom has become the de facto choice for video conferencing, due to its relatively stable performance and ease of setup. But just try to use it for a class of small children and it quickly becomes clear that this was not a use case Zoom’s designers had in mind. Six months in, it still feels like “a corporate meeting app that has been MacGyvered into an education platform,” as Fast Company put it. For a teacher to accomplish a task as basic as calling on a kid, “You have to scan a Brady Bunch-style grid of two dozen wiggling children for raised hands, click ‘unmute’ under one of their names, and cross your fingers that they are not muted on their end (half the time, they are).” The Fast Company article is worth a read: Author Suzanne Labarre talked to teachers about how they would redesign it, if they could.

    尽管令人沮丧,但随着学年的继续,这些挫折可能会减少。 一个更持久的问题是,学校所依赖的许多软件并不能真正促进网络学习。 例如,由于Zoom相对稳定的性能和易于设置的特性,它已成为视频会议的实际选择。 但是,只要尝试将其用于一小群孩子,很快就会发现,这并不是Zoom设计师想到的用例。 六个月后,就像快速公司所说的那样,它仍然感觉像是“已经被MacGyver整合到教育平台中的公司会议应用程序”。 为了让老师完成一个基本任务,例如呼唤孩子,“您必须扫描布雷迪·束奇式的网格,其中有两个十几岁的正在摇摇欲坠的孩子,举起手,在他们的名字之一下面单击“取消静音”,然后用手指交叉他们并没有被静音(一半的时间)。” 《快速公司》的这篇文章值得一读:作者Suzanne Labarre与老师讨论了如果可以的话,他们将如何重新设计它。

  • Videoconferencing platforms are also a disaster for music classes. On a recent episode of This American Life, a choir teacher explained how Zoom and its ilk actively sabotage any attempt at synchronous performance. Not only does the inevitable latency mess up the timing for anyone without a lightning-fast connection, but the software is designed to identify a single speaker at a time and amplify their audio while filtering out any additional speakers, on the assumption that they’re background noise. My sister, who teaches in an Ohio school for kids with learning differences like ADHD and dyslexia, bemoans the dearth of user-friendly software that facilitates both videoconferencing and an interactive digital whiteboard that teachers and students alike can use. How can it be that the world’s richest and most innovative industry struggles to replicate educational experiences as rudimentary as a classroom singalong, or a teacher looking over a student’s shoulder and helping them through a problem?

    视频会议平台对于音乐课来说也是一场灾难。 在最近的“美国生活”一集中,一个合唱老师解释了Zoom及其同类人如何积极破坏任何同步表演的尝试。 如果没有闪电般快速的连接,不可避免的延迟不仅会打乱任何人的时间,而且该软件旨在一次识别出一个扬声器,并在过滤掉任何其他扬声器的同时放大音频,并假设它们是背景噪音。 我的姐姐在俄亥俄州的一所学校里为有学习障碍(如注意力缺陷多动障碍和阅读障碍)的孩子们授课,他抱怨缺乏用户友好的软件,该软件既可以促进视频会议,又可以供教师和学生使用的交互式数字白板。 世界上最富有和最具创新性的行业怎么可能难以复制像教室课本这样的最基本的教育经验,或者是老师看着学生的肩膀并帮助他们解决问题?

  • For a hilarious, but not entirely atypical, example of everything going wrong in a virtual second-grade classroom, read this Twitter thread by author Stephanie Lucianovic. Hashtag: #Zoomoftheflies.

    有关一个有趣的但并非完全不典型的示例,该示例在虚拟的二年级课堂中出现了所有错误,请阅读作者Stephanie Lucianovic的Twitter主题。 标签:#Zoomoftheflies

  • For all its shortcomings, it’s worth acknowledging that online schooling is almost certainly better than no schooling at all — at least for children old enough to do it independently. (For families with small children, there can be a “worst of both worlds” element, as remote school requires nearly as much supervision as homeschooling without the curricular autonomy or scheduling flexibility.) There may even be particular benefits to remote learning for some children. A 15-year-old boy with ADHD went from perpetually “bleary-eyed and resentful” to improbably “happy” when school moved online, according to a New York Times op-ed by his mother, who also related corroborating stories from other parents of ADHD kids. For WNYC’s On the Media, a reporter recounted how distance learning at the college level may have saved the life of a close friend who suffered from schizophrenia. Some Black parents say their kids have found online learning more comfortable, because it spares them the microaggressions and discrimination they face daily in traditional school settings. These stories could help point the way toward needed reforms of our traditional educational institutions.

    尽管存在所有缺点,但值得肯定的是,在线教育几乎肯定比根本没有教育要好-至少对于年龄足够独立的孩子而言。 (对于有小孩的家庭,可能存在“两全其美”的要素,因为远程学校需要几乎和家庭学校一样多的监督,而没有课程自主权或安排的灵活性。)对于某些孩子来说,远程学习甚至可能会有特别的好处。 。 根据他母亲在《纽约时报》上的报道,一个15岁的患有多动症的男孩从永久性的“眨眼和怨恨”变成了永久性的“快乐”,这是他母亲在《纽约时报》上发表的。多动症的孩子。 对于WNYC的“媒体上” ,记者讲述了在大学一级的远程学习如何挽救患有精神分裂症的密友的生命。 一些黑人父母说,他们的孩子发现在线学习更加舒适,因为这可以避免他们在传统学校环境中每天面对的微攻击和歧视。 这些故事可以帮助我们为传统的教育机构进行必要的改革。

  • In many cases, however, online learning has turned out to be something more like an oxymoron. (In the Atlantic, Emily Gould called it “a bad joke.”) Research from the spring showed that students quickly fell behind, while racial and socioeconomic achievement gaps widened. Broadband access isn’t the only barrier for low-income families. Studies have found that online learning tends to work best when students have an in-person mentor or assistant they can turn to for help when they get stuck. That requires parents with flexible, work-from-home jobs, which tend to be white-collar. For younger kids, parental oversight is a necessity: My kindergartner and his classmates have to routinely log into various online platforms, download and upload assignments, and complete other tasks that no one their age can be expected to do on their own. The unspoken assumption is that every kid has a full-time caregiver on hand. My wife and I have both been afforded the luxury of scaling our jobs back to part-time, for the time being. Many other parents of young kids have had to quit their jobs altogether; others can’t afford to do that, and instead it’s the kids who have had to drop out.

    但是,在许多情况下,在线学习已变得更像是一种矛盾。 (在大西洋上,艾米丽·古尔德(Emily Gould)称其为“恶作剧” 。)Spring的研究表明,学生很快落后于学生,而种族和社会经济成就差距则不断扩大。 宽带接入并不是低收入家庭的唯一障碍。 研究发现,当学生有当面的指导者或助手时,在线学习往往会发挥最好的作用,当他们遇到困难时可以寻求帮助。 这就要求父母要有灵活的,在家工作的工作,这些工作往往是白领的。 对于年幼的孩子来说,父母的监督是必要的:我的幼儿园老师和他的同学们必须例行登录各种在线平台,下载和上传作业,并完成其他期望他们自己年龄的人无法完成的任务。 不言而喻的假设是,每个孩子手头都有专职保姆。 暂时,我和我妻子都被赋予了将工作缩减为兼职的奢侈待遇。 其他许多年幼的父母不得不辞职; 其他人付不起钱,相反,是那些不得不辍学的孩子。

  • Then there are the grading algorithms. An online learning platform called Edgenuity, used by 20 of the country’s 25 largest school districts, employs an A.I. to automatically grade students’ papers. After it gave one Los Angeles 12-year-old an F on a history paper, his mother took a closer look and realized it was mostly just scanning for keywords, The Verge reported. She found it could be easily gamed, with a word salad of relevant terms scoring 100%. In effect, Edgenuity’s software appears to be punishing students who do honest work and rewarding those who exploit loopholes. The company declined to even respond to The Verge’s requests for comment. Algorithmic grading in general has been a nightmare: It was the source of the U.K.’s appalling A-levels scandal and a similar fiasco with the International Baccalaureate exams. In the New York Times, NYU professor Meredith Broussard argued the use of Silicon Valley-style predictive algorithms for grading is deeply misguided. “Crude generalizations work for Netflix predictions because the stakes are low,” she wrote. But grading isn’t Netflix: It can alter the course of children’s lives.

    然后是分级算法。 该国25个最大学区中的20个使用了一个名为Edgenuity的在线学习平台,该平台使用AI对学生的论文进行自动评分。 据The Verge报道,在给一位洛杉矶12岁的洛杉矶姑娘一张历史记录上的F后,他的母亲仔细观察了一下,发现它基本上只是扫描关键字。 她发现它很容易玩,只要加上相关术语的沙拉,得分就可以达到100%。 实际上,Edgenuity的软件似乎在惩罚做诚实工作的学生,并奖励那些利用漏洞的学生。 该公司甚至拒绝回应The Verge的置评请求。 总体而言,算法评分是一个噩梦:它是英国令人震惊的A级丑闻和国际学士学位考试类似的惨败的源头。 在《纽约时报》上,纽约大学教授梅勒迪斯·布鲁萨德(Meredith Broussard)认为,将硅谷风格的预测算法用于评分非常误导。 “ 粗略的归纳适用于Netflix的预测,因为风险很低,“ 她写了。 但是分级不是Netflix:它可以改变孩子的生活。

  • Remote learning probably didn’t have to be quite this bad. A lack of clear direction at the federal level led districts to spend the summer waffling between online and in-person instruction rather than fully preparing for either one. The aforementioned episode of This American Life chronicled what that was like from the perspective of individual teachers, parents, and schools. At least a few of the screwups and injustices chronicled above probably could have been mitigated or avoided, had there been a clear focus on remote learning from the start.

    远程学习不一定非要如此糟糕。 联邦一级缺乏明确的指示,导致各区度过了夏季的在线指导和亲自指导之间的时间,而不是为其中任一个做好充分准备。 从个人老师,父母和学校的角度来看,《美国生活》的上述事件记录了这种情况。 如果从一开始就明确将重点放在远程学习上,那么上面记录的至少一些螺丝钉和不公现象可能可以缓解或避免。

  • And maybe part of it is just a matter of time: The tech sector is famously agile, thanks in part to the venture capital system, and no doubt there’s a crop of ed-tech startups trying to fill some of the gaps that have become so painfully obvious since March. Crunchbase News reported in August that VC funding of ed tech was up more than 50% in 2020 from the same period last year, to $4.1 billion. But even that seems somewhat anemic compared to the urgency of the need and the scope of the problem. It amounts to a much smaller fraction of all VC funding than the share of government spending that goes to education. The relative underinvestment in ed tech by Silicon Valley likely reflects the tech industry’s biases toward products and business models that scale easily without the need for human customization or nationwide sales teams.

    也许这只是时间问题:技术部门以敏捷而闻名,这在一定程度上要归功于风险资本系统,毫无疑问,有大量的ed-tech初创公司试图填补这种空白。自三月以来痛苦明显。 Crunchbase News在8月份报道称,到2020年,教育技术领域的风投资金比去年同期增长了50 %以上,达到41亿美元。 但是,与需求的紧迫性和问题的范围相比,这似乎有些贫乏。 它占所有风险投资资金的比例远小于用于教育的政府支出份额。 硅谷对ed技术的相对投资不足可能反映了技术行业对产品和业务模型的偏见,这些产品和业务模型无需人工定制或遍布全国的销售团队即可轻松扩展

  • The deeper issue is that our privatized, corporatized internet is better at supplying private goods than public goods. No doubt it has done some of both: Google search and Wikipedia are among the many examples of Silicon Valley products that benefit both the rich and the poor, the individual and the collective. It’s also worth remembering that our education system was rife with inequities long before it got pushed online. But the values that public education is supposed to embody — universal access, fairness, respect for childrens’ privacy — don’t align well with those of today’s for-profit internet.

    更深层的问题是我们私有化的公司化互联网比公共产品更擅长提供私人物品。 毫无疑问,它做到了这两者:Google搜索和Wikipedia都是硅谷产品的众多实例,它们既使富人也对穷人,个人和集体都有利。 还值得记住的是,我们的教育系统在推向网络之前就充满了不平等现象。 但是,公共教育应该体现的价值观-普及,公平,尊重儿童的隐私-与当今的营利性互联网的价值观并不一致。

  • Economists will tell you that public goods are often best supplied by governments, but we’ve allowed our digital infrastructure to be shaped almost entirely by market forces, with strikingly little regulation. And so instead of municipal broadband, public Wi-Fi, net neutrality, open-source platforms, and auditable algorithms, we have massive, opaque, corporate profit machines masquerading as public utilities. Back in January, even without Covid or online education in mind, the media scholar Ethan Zuckerman made the case for digital public infrastructure. (He is certainly not the first to do so.) If there’s an opportunity here, a cause for hope, it’s that the tragic failure of the private internet to provide public education will underscore the urgency of that need.

    经济学家会告诉您,公共物品通常最好由政府提供,但是我们已经允许我们的数字基础设施几乎完全由市场力量来塑造,而监管却很少。 因此,除了市政宽带,公共Wi-Fi,网络中立性,开放源代码平台和可审核的算法之外,我们还拥有大量不透明的公司获利机器,它们伪装成公共事业。 早在1月份,即使没有考虑Covid或在线教育,媒体学者Ethan Zuckerman也提出了数字公共基础设施的理由。 (他当然不是第一个这样做的人。)如果这里有机会,充满希望,那就是私有互联网无法提供公共教育的悲惨失败将凸显这种需求的紧迫性。

暗流 (Undercurrents)

Under-the-radar trends, stories, and random anecdotes worth your time


  • The 2020 election is under cyberattack. Microsoft has detected cyberattacks targeting “people and organizations involved in the upcoming presidential election,” the company said in a blog post on Thursday. The attacks are coming from at least three countries: China, Russia, and Iran. The company called for more federal funding to states to protect their election infrastructure. Relatedly, the New York Times asked security experts to sketch their worst-case scenarios for election night. Any remaining doubt that foreign interference and online misinformation are now a permanent part of our electoral process can probably be put to rest at this point.

    2020年大选正受到网络攻击。 微软在周四的博客文章中说,微软已经检测到针对“参与即将举行的总统选举的人员和组织”的网络攻击。 攻击至少来自三个国家:中国,俄罗斯和伊朗。 该公司呼吁向各州提供更多联邦资金,以保护其选举基础设施。 与此相关的是, 《纽约时报》要求安全专家勾勒出选举之夜的最坏情况。 现在,对于外国干扰和在线错误信息已成为我们选举过程的永久组成部分的任何疑问,现在都可以消除。

  • Amazon is deepening its ties to the surveillance state. I wrote in depth last year about how the company has quietly become a surveillance giant — its ever-growing array of cloud-connected listening and watching devices making it not just the everything store but the everywhere store. This week, the company announced that former NSA director Keith Alexander will join its board of directors. Edward Snowden, whose leaks revealed the extent of online spying during Alexander’s tenure there, tweeted: “It turns out ‘Hey Alexa’ is short for ‘Hey Keith Alexander.’”

    亚马逊正在加深与监视状态的联系。 去年,我曾深入撰写过有关该公司如何悄然成为监视巨人的信息-不断增长的云连接侦听和监视设备阵列,使其不仅是所有商店,而且无处不在。 该公司本周宣布,前国家安全局局长基思·亚历山大(Keith Alexander)将加入其董事会。 爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的泄漏透露了亚历山大在任期间的在线间谍活动范围。 ”

Headlines of the Week


Hundreds of Americans planted “Chinese mystery seeds”


— Jason Koebler, Motherboard

主板Jason Koebler

A 639-year concert, with no intermission for coronavirus


— Catherine Hickley, New York Times


This Crusader Kings 3 player ate the pope


— Christopher Livingston, PCGamer


Thanks for reading Pattern Matching. Reach me with tips and feedback by responding to this post on the web, via Twitter direct message at @WillOremus, or by email at oremus@medium.

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翻译自: https://onezero.medium/the-travesty-of-remote-learning-is-unfolding-in-real-time-6307975560e8


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