

A court says Google is a monopolist. Now what?

The ruling could lead to a big-tech showdown

monopolist:美 [məˈnɑpələst] 垄断者 注意发音




Amid the 286-page judgment, issued after nearly four years of trial

proceedings and petabytes of evidence, four words stand out. “Google is a

monopolist,” wrote Amit Mehta, the judge of a district court in America,

adding that “it has acted as one”. His ruling, handed down on August 5th,

could lead to big changes for the multi-billion-dollar search market—and for

the wider tech industry.

经过近四年的审判程序和数十亿字节的证据,这份长达286页的判决中,有四个词非常突出。“谷歌是一个垄断者,”美国一个地区法院的法官Amit Mehta写道,并补充说“它已经像垄断者一样做了”。他的裁决于8月5日宣布,可能会给价值数十亿美元的搜索市场带来巨大变化——以及更广泛的科技行业。


hand down:宣布(判决等)


Google handles around 90% of search queries in America (including 95% of

those on mobile phones), forming the foundation of the world’s largest

advertising business. People use it partly because it is good at finding things,

but also because it is usually the default search engine on their phone or

browser. Google maintains this privileged position by paying colossal sums

to phone-makers and browser-developers. In 2021 these payments came to

$26bn, the trial revealed.


colossal: 美 [kəˈlɑːsl] 巨大的;庞大的;极大的;


Google’s rivals, backed by America’s Department of Justice (DOJ), have long

complained that such deals give the company a stranglehold on search. They

make it hard for competitors to reach new users (why navigate to another

search engine when you can type a query directly into your browser’s

address bar?). They also entrench Google’s superior performance, by

sending it billions of search queries a day that train its algorithms to be even

better. Mr Mehta’s ruling finds that these deals are indeed in breach of

antitrust law.



stranglehold:美 [ˈstræŋɡəlˌhoʊld] 束缚;压制;控制手段;绝对控制;垄断;


in breach of:违反


The case is a victory for American regulators in their long-running crusade

against big tech. The DOJ, which has also sued Apple, has a second case

against Google, concerning its advertising business, which is due to start

next month. The Federal Trade Commission, another trustbusting watchdog,

has filed claims against Meta and Amazon. The DOJ’s victory over Google

was hailed by pundits as the most important verdict in tech regulation since

Microsoft was found guilty of monopolistic practices in 2001.



crusade:美 [kruːˈseɪd] (长期而坚定的) 努力奋斗;奋斗;(Crusade)十字军东征






Markets were less fussed: the share price of Alphabet, Google’s parent

company, fell by only about 2% on the news. Investors are right to withhold

judgment, for two things are uncertain. First, Google’s inevitable appeal

could take years. Second, the court has yet to propose remedies to the

problem it has identified. That will happen in a separate trial, which is

expected to conclude no earlier than next year.



Most observers think a big structural prescription, such as separating

Google’s Android operating system from the rest of the company, is

unlikely. Another potential remedy would be to force Google to share its

search data with rivals, to help them train their own algorithms. The

company is already obliged to do this in the European Union under the

Digital Markets Act, passed in 2022. But under American law imposing

such an obligation is trickier. Such data-sharing also raises privacy concerns

(now even more companies will know your search history) and would

require ongoing monitoring, something courts try to avoid.





Perhaps most likely is that Google will be banned from paying for the right

to be the default search engine on platforms like the iPhone. Consumers

could instead be presented with a choice of search tools. Something similar

already happens in the EU, where Google was ordered to offer consumers a

choice over their default search engine on Android phones in 2018 (Apple

has recently been forced to do the same with browsers on its iPhones). So

far, it seems that consumers faced with these choices mostly opt for brands

they already know. Google’s share of search requests in the EU had not

budged by 2021, according to Search Engine Land, a news site.

或许最有可能的是,谷歌将被禁止付费成为iPhone等平台上的默认搜索引擎。相反,消费者可以选择搜索工具。类似的事情已经在欧盟发生,谷歌被要求在2018年为消费者提供安卓手机默认搜索引擎的选择(苹果最近被迫对其iPhones上的浏览器采取同样的做法)。到目前为止,面对这些选择的消费者似乎大多选择他们已经知道的品牌。根据新闻网站Search Engine Land的数据,截至2021年,谷歌在欧盟搜索请求中的份额没有变化。




If Google was forced to end the arrangements in question, the main

immediate loser might be Apple. Google pays it around $20bn a year to be

the iPhone’s default search engine, the trial revealed. That is equivalent to

18% of Apple’s operating profit last year. Banning such deals would deprive

Apple of a big chunk of cash. Many consumers are likely to stick with

Google anyway—at least for now.


Bowled a googly

googly:美 [ˈɡuɡli] 曲线球;变向曲线球



In the long term, though, the effects for Google may be worse. So far Apple

has had little commercial motive to launch a search engine of its own, as Mr

Mehta noted in his ruling: doing so would take away the profit Google hands

it every year. If that cosy arrangement were banned, Apple would have a

much bigger incentive to pursue the iPhone search business for itself—along

with the advertising revenue that would come with it. In recent years it has

started building an ad business around its app store; media analysts expect to

see ads soon on its streaming service, Apple TV+. Search would be a tempting


然而,从长远来看,对谷歌的影响可能会更糟。迄今为止,苹果几乎没有推出自己的搜索引擎的商业动机,正如梅塔先生在他的裁决中指出的:这样做会拿走谷歌每年交给它的利润。如果这种舒适的安排被禁止,苹果将有更大的动力为自己发展iPhone搜索业务——以及随之而来的广告收入。近年来,它已经开始围绕其应用商店建立广告业务;媒体分析师预计很快会在其流媒体服务Apple TV+上看到广告。搜索将是一个诱人的附加功能。


Consumers prompted by their browser or phone to rethink their search

engine might also be more willing than in the past to try out intriguing new

formats powered by artificial intelligence (AI). Search engines that use the

technology, such as Perplexity, claim to offer better results than Google. On

July 25th OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, launched SearchGPT, its own AI-powered

search engine. Apple is also leaning heavily towards AI-based alternatives.

Siri, its dimwitted voice assistant, currently functions as little more than a

glorified egg-timer. But in the next few months it is due to get an AI-powered

makeover designed to help users with the kinds of tasks for which they

might previously have scoured the web. In time, innovative new ways of

accessing the world’s information may disrupt Google’s business in ways

trustbusters could only dream of. ■



dimwitted: 美 [dimˌwitid] 愚蠢的; 笨的



scour:美 [ˈskaʊər] (彻底地)搜寻;搜查



本文标签: 英文学人经济monopolistcourt