


When you buy a subscription to Office 365, you get client applications to download and run on your computer, along with various web applications that run in your browser. So, which applications do you get as standard, and how do you access them?

购买Office 365的订阅时,您可以下载客户端应用程序并在计算机上运行,​​并在浏览器中运行各种Web应用程序。 那么,您将获得哪些标准应用程序,以及如何访问它们?

When you subscribe to Office 365, you can download the desktop versions of all the regular Office apps you know and (maybe) love—Word, Excel, and so on. You also get access to the online versions of those apps and, as long as you’re storing your documents in OneDrive, you can move pretty seamlessly between the desktop and online versions. In addition to all that, you get access to several online-only apps. It’s less confusing than it sounds, though, so let’s break it down.

订阅Office 365后,您可以下载您知道并且(也许)喜欢的所有常规Office应用程序的桌面版本-Word,Excel等。 您还可以访问这些应用程序的在线版本,并且只要将文档存储在OneDrive中,就可以在桌面版本和在线版本之间无缝地移动。 除此之外,您还可以访问几个仅在线的应用程序。 不过,它并没有听起来那么混乱,所以让我们对其进行分解。

Note: The apps described here are provided with Office 365 (also known as O365) at the time of writing. Microsoft might—and almost certainly will—change this over time, so check before you subscribe.

注意:撰写本文时,Office 365(也称为O365 )提供了此处描述的应用程序。 Microsoft可能并且几乎肯定会随着时间的推移对此进行更改,因此请在订阅前进行检查。

您可以下载的传统桌面客户端应用程序 (Traditional Desktop Client Apps You Can Download)

Office 365 gives you access to the same desktop apps with which you’re familiar. In fact, with an Office 365 subscription (unlike with the standalone perpetual license), you’re allowed to install those desktop apps on multiple computers, even on both Windows and macOS.

Office 365使您可以访问熟悉的相同桌面应用程序。 实际上,通过Office 365订阅(与独立的永久许可证不同),您可以将这些桌面应用程序安装在多台计算机上,即使是在Windows和macOS上也是如此。

With your Office 365 subscription, you get the following desktop apps when you download the standard office suite:

通过Office 365订阅,您可以在下载标准Office套件时获得以下桌面应用程序:

  • Outlook: Microsoft’s venerable email client


  • Word: Powerful word processing


  • Excel: For spreadsheets and data analysis


  • PowerPoint: For slide show presentations


  • OneDrive: While OneDrive itself is free, an Office 365 subscription includes an additional one TB of cloud storage

    OneDrive:虽然OneDrive本身是免费的,但Office 365订阅包括额外的1 TB云存储

  • OneNote: A note-taking app of which we’re quite fond, which also comes for free with Windows 10

    OneNote:我们非常喜欢的笔记应用程序,Windows 10也免费提供

  • Skype: For VOIP and video calling


  • Publisher: A simple desktop publishing app


  • Access: For simple database creation and management


If you’ve used Office before you’ll be familiar with most of these applications, even if you haven’t used some of them.


您可以访问的新Web应用程序 (New Web Applications You Can Access)

For anyone new to Office 365, you might be unfamiliar with the web applications that come with your subscription. Some of them are available for free use even without an Office 365 subscription, but some of them do require a subscription. We’ll note which are which in the list below.

对于Office 365新手来说,您可能不熟悉订阅随附的Web应用程序。 其中一些即使没有Office 365订阅也可以免费使用 ,但是其中一些确实需要订阅。 我们将注意以下列表中的哪个。

However, just because there are free versions doesn’t mean they work in the same way as when you use them as part of an Office 365 subscription. While the functionality is usually the same, the O365 apps are more tightly bound together, giving you some better inter-app options and synchronization.

但是,仅因为有免费版本并不意味着它们的工作方式与将它们用作Office 365订阅的一部分时的工作方式相同。 虽然功能通常是相同的,但是O365应用程序之间的绑定更紧密,从而为您提供了更好的应用程序间选项和同步。

These web apps also use OneDrive for storage, meaning everything you create or edit is automatically stored in your OneDrive. This means you can use Office 365 anywhere in the world from any computer using just a browser and access all of your OneDrive files. When you get back to your computer, every file you’ve created or edited will be synchronized in OneDrive.

这些网络应用程序还使用OneDrive进行存储,这意味着您创建或编辑的所有内容都会自动存储在OneDrive中。 这意味着您可以使用浏览器通过任何计算机在世界任何地方使用Office 365,并访问所有OneDrive文件。 当您返回计算机时,您创建或编辑的每个文件都将在OneDrive中同步。

When you access Office 365 online, all of the apps are available from the app launcher (the button with nine dots up at the top left of any Office 365 online app).

当您在线访问Office 365时,所有应用程序都可以从应用程序启动器中使用(该按钮在任何Office 365联机应用程序的左上角都有九个点)。

Depending on what app you’re using, you’ll either see a list of apps…


…or a sheet of tiles.


Regardless, it’s the same list of apps and here’s what they do:


  • Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote: These are online versions of the familiar desktop apps. They’re pretty well-featured, though not quite as powerful as their desktop counterparts. We’ve got a run-down on the differences if you’re interested.

    Word,Excel,PowerPoint和OneNote:这些是熟悉的桌面应用程序的在线版本。 它们功能强大,但功能不如台式机强大。 如果您有兴趣,我们会对这些差异进行简要介绍。

  • Outlook: The online version of Outlook is actually Outlook, and it’s pretty different than the desktop version. For one thing, the People, Calendar, and Tasks functionality in the desktop client are broken out into separate online apps (see below).

    Outlook:Outlook的在线版本实际上是Outlook,它与台式机版本完全不同。 一方面,桌面客户端中的“人员,日历和任务”功能分为单独的在线应用程序(请参见下文)。

  • People: Contacts manager that comes as part of Outlook on the client app, but is a separate online app.


  • Calendar: Calendar functionality that comes as part of Outlook on the client app, but is a separate online app.


  • Tasks: Tasks functionality that comes as part of Outlook on the client app, but is a separate online app.


  • Sway: Online-only presentations that are designed for story-telling through a rolling narrative, rather than individual slides.

    Sway:仅用于在线的演示文稿, 旨在通过滚动叙事而不是单个幻灯片来讲述故事 。

  • Skype: Phone and video calling which comes with Windows 10.  There is a “desktop version” you can download, which contains more functionality that then built-in version, and if that sounds complicated, it is.  We’ve written up the differences for you, so you don’t have to work it out yourself.

    Skype: Windows 10附带的电话和视频通话。您可以下载一个“桌面版本”,其中包含的功能要比内置版本更多,如果听起来很复杂,那就可以了。 我们已经为您列出了差异 ,因此您不必自己解决。

  • Flow: A trigger-based workflow system, only available if you’ve purchased an Office 365 subscription or a stand-alone Flow subscription.

    Flow: 基于触发器的工作流系统 ,仅在您购买Office 365订阅或独立Flow订阅后才可用。

  • Forms: Create surveys, quizzes, polls, and questionnaires easily and quickly. Only available if you’ve purchased an Office 365 subscription.

    表格:轻松,快速地创建调查,测验,民意调查和问卷 。 仅在您购买Office 365订阅后才可用。

  • Bing: A link that takes you to Microsoft’s search engine in a new tab.


  • MSN: Remember when portals were a big thing? Ever use them now? No, neither do we. But MSN is still around if you want a blast from the past.

    MSN:还记得门户是一件大事吗? 曾经使用过它们吗? 不,我们也不。 但是,如果您想过去一炮而红,MSN仍然存在。

  • Office: A link to the Office home page where you can open other apps and view or edit files you’ve opened with any Office 365 app.

    Office:指向Office主页的链接,您可以在其中打开其他应用程序以及查看或编辑使用任何Office 365应用程序打开的文件。

If you’ve associated your Office 365 subscription with a domain (that is, you’ve purchased email functionality for a domain you own), then you’ll also get an Admin tile that allows you to manage users, groups, security and compliance, and various other things. But if you’ve just purchased the subscription to use the Office tools, then you won’t need the Admin tools, and you won’t get access to them.

如果您已将Office 365订阅与某个域相关联(即,您已经购买了您所拥有的域的电子邮件功能),那么您还将获得一个“管理”图块,该图块可用于管理用户,组,安全性和合规性,以及其他各种东西。 但是,如果您刚刚购买了订阅以使用Office工具,则将不需要管理工具,也将无法访问它们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/400413/what-apps-come-with-office-365/


本文标签: 应用程序错误office