


There are a number of ways you can tweak Windows, whether you are looking to improve performance, iron out irritations, improve security or change the appearance of something you dislike. Some settings can be changed through the Control Panel, some by using a third party tweaking tool, or you may prefer to dabble in a little registry editing. But if you have the Professional version of Windows 8 there is also Group Policy Editor and here we have rounded up ten top tweaks you can apply in this way.

您可以通过多种方法来调整Windows,无论您是要提高性能,消除烦恼,提高安全性还是要更改不喜欢的外观。 可以通过“控制面板”更改某些设置,某些可以使用第三方调整工具来更改,或者您可能更喜欢进行一些注册表编辑。 但是,如果您具有Windows 8的专业版,则还有组策略编辑器,在这里我们汇总了十项最重要的调整,您可以通过这种方式进行应用。

Group Policy Editor can be accessed in a few different ways, but the easiest is to press the Windows key and R simultaneously, type gpedit.msc and press Enter.


1.块控制面板小程序 (1. Block Control Panel Applets)

There are numerous reasons to block access to individual control panel applets, not least of which is prevent other users from changing the settings you have put in place. You can tackle this in one of two ways, either blocking access to particular applets, or only providing access to specific applets.

阻止访问单个控制面板小程序的原因很多,其中最重要的原因是阻止其他用户更改您已设置的设置。 您可以通过以下两种方式之一解决此问题:阻止对特定小程序的访问,或者仅提供对特定小程序的访问。

Navigate to Local Computer Policy\User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel and double click either ‘Hide specified Control Panel items’ or ‘Show only specified Control Panel Item’ and then select Enabled.


Now click the show button and for each applets you want to either show or hide, or enter the relevant canonical name using the list provided by Microsoft.


2.禁用Aero Shake (2. Disable Aero Shake)

If you like flicking windows around but don’t want this to lead to other windows from being minimized, navigate to Local Computer Policy\User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Desktop. Double click the entry labelled ‘Turn off Aero Shake windows minimizing mouse gesture’, select Enabled and then click OK.

如果您喜欢轻拂窗口,但又不想使其他窗口最小化,请导航至“本地计算机策略” \“用户配置” \“管理模板” \“桌面”。 双击标记为“关闭Aero Shake窗口以最小化鼠标手势”的条目,选择“启用”,然后单击“确定”。

3.禁用吐司通知 (3. Disable Toast Notifications)

Windows 8 now has a new way to display notifications. Modern apps can generate toast notifications that appear to the upper right of the screen. If you would rather that these were not displayed, navigate to Local Computer Policy\User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Start Menu and Taskbar\Notifications. Double click ‘Turn off toast notifications’, select Enabled and click OK.

Windows 8现在提供了一种显示通知的新方法。 现代应用可以生成吐司通知,这些通知显示在屏幕的右上方。 如果希望不显示这些内容,请导航到“本地计算机策略” \“用户配置” \“管理模板” \“开始”菜单和“任务栏\通知”。 双击“关闭烤面包通知”,选择“启用”,然后单击“确定”。

4.阻止启动项 (4. Block Startup Items)

There are different ways in which programs and scripts can be configured to run when Windows starts, and the Group Policy Editor provides a quick and easy way to block them all in one place. Go to Local Computer Policy\User Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon and set both ‘Do not process the legacy run list’ and ‘Do not process the run once list’ to Enabled.

可以通过多种方式配置程序和脚本以在Windows启动时运行,并且组策略编辑器提供了一种快速简便的方法来将它们全部阻止在一个位置。 转到本地计算机策略\用户配置\管理模板\系统\登录,然后将“不处理旧版运行列表”和“不处理一次运行列表”都设置为“已启用”。

Interestingly, the ‘Run these programs at user logon’ can also be used to add ‘hidden’ startup items that many other users will not know how to disable. All you need to do is provide the path to the documents or executables that should be launched.

有趣的是,“在用户登录时运行这些程序”也可以用于添加许多其他用户不知道如何禁用的“隐藏”启动项。 您所需要做的就是提供应启动的文档或可执行文件的路径。

5.阻止可移动媒体 (5. Block Removable Media)

Removable media such as USB drives can be useful, but they can also be a huge source of problems, particularly if you are administering a system used by people who insist on trying to install their own software or are lackadaisical when it comes to staying virus-free.


Navigate to Local Computer Policy\User Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Removable Storage Media and a wealth of options are shown to the right. There are a number of different types of removable media to choose from and it is possible to disable both read and write access as required.

导航到“本地计算机策略” \“用户配置” \“管理模板” \“系统” \“可移动存储介质”,右侧显示了大量选项。 有许多不同类型的可移动介质可供选择,并且可以根据需要禁用读写访问。

6.防止密码泄露 (6. Prevent Password Revealing)

A new feature of Windows 8 makes it possible to remove the asterisks that mask passwords as they are entered. While this can occasionally be useful to ensure that passwords are entered correctly, it is also something of a security risk and can be disabled.

Windows 8的一项新功能可以删除输入密码时掩盖星号的星号。 尽管有时这对于确保正确输入密码很有用,但它也存在安全隐患,可以将其禁用。

Navigate down to Local Computer Policy\User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Credential Interface and then enable the ‘Do no display the password reveal button’ option.

向下导航到“本地计算机策略” \“用户配置” \“管理模板” \“ Windows组件” \“凭据界面”,然后启用“不显示密码显示按钮”选项。

7.最小化资源管理器的功能区 (7. Minimize Explorer’s Ribbon)

Windows 8’s ribbon is a controversial addition to the UI, but Group Policy Editor can be used to force Explorer to start with the ribbon minimized. All you need to do is browse to Local Computer Policy\User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\File Explorer and enable the setting labelled ‘Start File Explorer with ribbon minimized.

Windows 8的功能区是对UI的有争议的补充,但是可以使用组策略编辑器强制Explorer从最小化的功能区开始。 您所需要做的就是浏览到“本地计算机策略” \“用户配置” \“管理模板” \“ Windows组件” \“文件资源管理器”,并启用标记为“最小化功能区的启动文件资源管理器”的设置。

8.自定义位置栏 (8. Customize the Places Bar)

The Places bar is supposed to provide easy access to frequently used locations on your hard drive, but it is not immediately obvious how to go about changing the default locations that are shown. If you have opted to minimize Explorer’s ribbon in the previous tip, you are already in roughly the right section of Group Policy Editor.

应该使用位置栏来轻松访问硬盘驱动器上的常用位置,但是如何立即更改显示的默认位置并不是很明显。 如果您在上一个技巧中选择了最小化Explorer的功能区,则您已经在组策略编辑器的大致右侧区域中。

Head over to Local Computer Policy\User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\File Explorer and open the Common Open File Dialog branch. Double click the entry labeled ‘Items displayed in the Place Bar’, select Enabled and then enter up to five locations before clicking OK.

转到本地计算机策略\用户配置\管理模板\ Windows组件\文件资源管理器,然后打开“通用打开文件对话框”分支。 双击标记为“在位置栏中显示的项目”的条目,选择“启用”,然后最多输入五个位置,然后单击“确定”。

9.在Internet Explorer中停止会话还原 (9. Stop Session Restoration in Internet Explorer)

The option to restore tabs from a previous browsing session in Internet Explorer is certainly useful, but in the case of a shared computer it can also represent a privacy threat. If you would rather plug this hole, head to Local Computer Policy\User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Internet Explorer and enable the ‘Turn off Reopen Last Browsing Session’ option.

从Internet Explorer中的先前浏览会话恢复选项卡的选项当然很有用,但是在共享计算机的情况下,它也可能构成隐私威胁。 如果您想填补此漏洞,请转至“本地计算机策略” \“用户配置” \“管理模板” \“ Windows组件” \“ Internet Explorer”,并启用“关闭重新打开上次浏览会话”选项。

10.允许安装非商店应用程序 (10. Permit Installation of non-Store Apps)

Just as is the case with Android and iOS, Microsoft is keen that users only installed apps that have been made available through official channels. We have looked at how to sideload apps in Windows 8 before, and this is a great option if you are a developer or just don’t want to be tied down.

与Android和iOS一样,Microsoft渴望用户仅安装已通过官方渠道提供的应用程序。 之前,我们已经研究了如何在Windows 8中旁加载应用程序,如果您是开发人员或者不想被束缚,这是一个不错的选择。

A quick tip to finish with: there is no need to restart your computer for the settings you have changed to take effect; you can force an update from the command line. Hit the Windows key and R simultaneously, type gpupdate /force and press Enter.

最后一个快速提示:更改后的设置无需生效即可重启计算机; 您可以从命令行强制进行更新。 同时按下Windows键和R键,键入gpupdate / force ,然后按Enter键。

Of course, these are just ten of the many tweaks and changes you can put in place using Group Policy Editor. If there are any others that you think are essential, share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.

当然,这些只是使用组策略编辑器可以进行的许多调整和更改中的十个。 如果您认为还有其他必要的内容,请在下面的评论中分享您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/138459/the-10-best-group-policy-editor-tweaks-for-windows-8/


本文标签: 编辑器组策略适用于Windows