

WordPress design opens huge possibilities for both designers and developers. What’s more, you can bet this isn’t just a passing fashion. WordPress is really great and it’s definitely here to stay.

WordPress设计为设计师和开发人员都带来了巨大的可能性。 更重要的是,您可以打赌,这不只是一种时尚。 WordPress确实很棒,而且肯定还会保留。

If you haven’t jumped on the WordPress wagon by now, you’ve certainly missed a lot. Don’t worry, it’s never too late to join. If you’re a designer (be it graphic or web) and you’re considering switching to WordPress, here is some advice to help designers new to WordPress.

如果您现在还没有踏上WordPress旅行车,那您肯定会错过很多。 不用担心,加入永远不会太晚。 如果您是设计师(无论是图形设计师还是网络设计师),并且正在考虑切换到WordPress,则可以参考以下建议来帮助刚接触WordPress的设计师。

1.决定是否可以处理PHP代码 (1. Decide If You Can Handle PHP Code)

I don’t know if this is true for most designers, but I get the feeling the biggest hurdle they face when they become WordPress designers is code. I don’t remember this being a problem for me back in the day when I first got my hands dirty with WordPress design, but I’d had some coding experience with Java and C before I became interested in WordPress design, so to me PHP wasn’t a monster. Maybe because of this, it’s hard for me to understand how a designer, especially a web designer, who must be familiar with code like HTML and CSS can freak out at the sight of PHP code.

我不知道对于大多数设计师来说这是否是正确的,但是我感到他们成为WordPress设计师时面临的最大障碍是代码。 我不记得在我第一次接触WordPress设计的那一天对我来说是个问题,但是在对WordPress设计感兴趣之前,我曾有过Java和C的编码经验,所以对我来说PHP不是怪物。 也许正因为如此,我很难理解必须熟悉HTML和CSS这样的代码的设计人员,尤其是Web设计人员如何对PHP代码感到迷惑。

However, I know many designers, some of whom are way better designers than me, who simply can’t deal with this horrible PHP monster. For instance, this article explains why for some graphic designers WordPress code (and WordPress itself) is way too much.

但是,我知道许多设计师,其中一些设计师比我强得多,他们根本无法应对这个可怕PHP怪物。 例如, 本文解释了为什么对于某些图形设计师来说WordPress代码(以及WordPress本身)太多了。

So, if you are going to be a WordPress designer, you should learn some PHP. Of course, you can do without it if you work closely with a WordPress developer. You can always count on them for assistance, but you can easily become dependent on them.

因此,如果您打算成为WordPress设计师,则应该学习一些PHP。 当然,如果您与WordPress开发人员紧密合作,则可以不用它。 您总是可以依靠它们来寻求帮助,但是您可以轻松地依赖它们。

On the other hand, the fact that many designers are learning to code doesn’t mean you must do this as well. If you really hate code, you don’t have to force yourself to do something you’re not enthusiastic about.

另一方面,许多设计师正在学习编码的事实并不意味着您也必须这样做。 如果您真的讨厌代码,则不必强迫自己做一些自己不热衷的事情。

You just need to decide if, for you jumping into WordPress design is a good idea or not. After all, even if you force yourself into doing it, just because everybody else is doing it, it might turn out there that there is too much pain and not so much gain. This is simply pointless.

您只需要确定是否适合进入WordPress设计是一个好主意。 毕竟,即使您强迫自己去做,只是因为其他人都在做,结果可能是痛苦太多而不是那么多。 这根本没有意义。

2.熟悉WordPress主题的结构和WordPress功能的方式 (2. Get Familiar with the Structure of a WordPress Theme and the Way WordPress Functions)

After you’ve bravely decided you can handle some (or more than some) PHP code, the next step is to get familiar with the structure of a WordPress theme and the way WordPress functions in general. Fortunately, there is a lot of information about this.

在勇敢地决定可以处理一些(或多个)PHP代码之后,下一步就是熟悉WordPress主题的结构以及WordPress一般的功能方式。 幸运的是,有很多有关此的信息。

For instance, this post is a nice and easy introduction to the internals of a WordPress theme. While you won’t become a theme guru after reading it, it’s a good starting point. You might also want to check this reference for more details on WordPress CSS.

例如, 这篇文章是对WordPress主题内部的一个很好的简单介绍。 阅读完您不会成为主题专家后,这是一个不错的起点。 您可能还需要查看此参考,以获取有关WordPress CSS的更多详细信息。

3.检查WordPress特定CSS (3. Check the WordPress-specific CSS)

If you come from web design, then you should already know some CSS. The good news is that most of this knowledge is reusable. In other words, the CSS you know from static sites is the same you’ll use with WordPress.

如果您来自网页设计,那么您应该已经知道一些CSS。 好消息是,这些知识大部分都是可重用的。 换句话说,您从静态站点知道CSS与将用于WordPressCSS相同。

However, there’s also WordPress-specific CSS you can’t do without. Check out this tutorial for more information abut CSS classes and IDs. Unfortunately, there isn’t a definitive guide on the topic simply because there’s a lot of theme-specific CSS you need to discover on your own.

但是,还有一些特定于WordPressCSS。 查看本教程 ,了解有关CSS类和ID的更多信息。 不幸的是,由于您需要自己发现很多主题特定CSS,因此没有关于该主题的权威指南。

If CSS is too much for you, there are drag and drop frameworks. However, my honest opinion is that they are not for professional designers. These frameworks are good for the quick and dirty job, but if you want to create real designs, there is simply no way to do it without manually coding CSS.

如果CSS对您来说太多了,那么会有拖放框架。 但是,我的诚实观点是,它们不适合专业设计师使用。 这些框架非常适合快速而肮脏的工作,但是如果您要创建真实的设计,那么没有手动编码CSS的方法就无法实现。

4.检查现有主题的内部 (4. Examine the Internals of Existing Themes)

One of the best ways to learn WordPress design is by examining the internals of existing themes. The key here is to pick good themes – you’re not going to learn from the bad designers, right?

学习WordPress设计的最好方法之一是检查现有主题的内部。 这里的关键是挑选好的主题-您不会向不良的设计师学习,对吗?

I am not going to recommend a particular theme, because this is very subjective. Rather, I would recommend to go to the official WordPress Theme Directory, download a bunch of the popular themes. Install them and test them, and if you’re pleased with the look and feel or a particular theme, then you can start dissecting it and learning.

我不会推荐特定主题,因为这是非常主观的。 相反,我建议去官方的WordPress主题目录 ,下载一些受欢迎的主题。 安装它们并进行测试,如果您对外观和特定主题感到满意,则可以开始进行剖析和学习。

5.阅读有关WordPress的很多文章 (5. Read a Lot about WordPress)

WordPress is ever changing and if you want to stay on top of it, you do need to read a lot. New WordPress versions are being released all the time. If you add plugins and themes to this, there’s a lot to follow. Of course, it’s not realistic to expect you’ll know everything about WordPress (you don’t need to), but you do need to follow at least the major changes.

WordPress一直在变化,如果您想掌握它,您需要阅读很多东西。 新的WordPress版本一直在发布。 如果您为此添加插件和主题,那么会有很多事情要做。 当然,期望您会了解WordPress的所有知识(您不需要)是不现实的,但是您至少需要遵循主要的更改。

If you enjoy WordPress, you’ll most likely enjoy reading about it as well. In addition to WordPress blogs, WordPress forums are another resource to check. These are great places to exchange ideas and experience with other WordPress designers. In a good WordPress forum, such as the ones at WordPress or WordPress you can learn a lot by simply reading the questions other designers, developers, or ordinary users are posting.

如果您喜欢WordPress,那么您也很可能会喜欢阅读它。 除了WordPress博客外,WordPress论坛是另一个需要检查的资源。 这些是与其他WordPress设计师交流想法和经验的好地方。 在良好的WordPress的论坛,如那些在WordPress或WordPress ,你可以通过简单地读取问题的其他设计师,开发商,还是普通用户都发布学到很多东西。

结论 (Conclusion)

A career in WordPress design can be very rewarding. WordPress is the most popular CMS platform on the web, for good reason. However, if you genuinely don’t like WordPress, there’s no point forcing yourself into it. This is why you really need to give yourself an honest answer to the question – is WordPress right for you? If you do feel WordPress offers you a lot, get serious with it. You might have to spend long hours in front of a computer, but when you love what you do, it’s easier to overcome the difficulties.

从事WordPress设计的职业可能会非常有意义。 有充分的理由,WordPress是网络上最流行的CMS平台。 但是,如果您真的不喜欢WordPress,就没有必要强迫自己使用WordPress。 这就是为什么您真的需要给自己一个诚实的答案-WordPress是否适合您? 如果您确实认为WordPress为您提供了很多东西,请认真对待它。 您可能不得不在计算机前花费很长时间,但是当您热爱自己所做的事情时,克服困难就变得容易多了。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/designers-new-to-wordpress/

本文标签: 初学者提示wordpress