

摘  要


With the growing development of Internet technology, computer technology has penetrated into people's daily life and become an indispensable assistant for work and study. In the daily operation of universities, various management systems have emerged like mushrooms after rain. As a higher education institution that cultivates talents, imparts knowledge and technology, universities are becoming more mature in the application of information technology. Given the lack of systematic means in library seat management, it is difficult for students to grasp the real-time usage of seats. Therefore, developing a library seat reservation system has become particularly important. This system can efficiently manage seat information in the study room, allowing students to easily check seat status online and make reservations, thereby saving time and improving learning efficiency.
This article elaborates on the design and implementation process of building a library seat reservation system using Java technology. Firstly, an in-depth analysis was conducted on the key technologies required to implement the system, elucidating why Java and MySQL databases were chosen as technical support. Subsequently, a detailed analysis was conducted on the various requirements of the library seat reservation system. On this basis, a comprehensive design of the system was carried out, including key aspects such as architecture design, functional design, and database design. Finally, the implementation work of the system was completed. In addition, to ensure that system users can use the system smoothly and securely, we have also carefully designed user permissions. In terms of interface design, we have adopted advanced technologies such as Jquery, Ajax, CSS, etc., aiming to improve the user experience. After the launch of the library seat reservation system, the response was enthusiastic, not only meeting various functional requirements, but also effectively optimizing academic affairs, which has positive practical value for the sustainable development of universities.

Key words: library seats, students, seat reservations, Java, MySQL.

目  录

摘  要    I
Abstract    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1系统开发的背景    1
1.2系统开发的意义    1
1.3国内外研究现状    2
1.4本文研究内容    3
第二章 系统开发技术    5
2.1  Java技术    5
2.2  MySQL数据库    5
2.3  SpringBoot框架    6
第三章 系统分析    7
3.1用户需求分析    7
3.1.1 学生用户    7
3.1.3 管理员用户    7
3.2 系统用例分析    7
3.2.1 公告管理用例分析    7
3.2.2 系统管理用例分析    8
3.2.3 学生信息用例分析    9
3.2.4 图书馆座位管理用例分析    10
3.3 非功能性需求分析    11
第四章 系统设计    13
4.1系统功能设计    13
4.2 系统总体设计    14
4.2.1 系统流程图    14
4.2.2 数据流图    14
4.3 系统架构设计    15
4.4 数据库设计    17
4.4.1 ER图设计    17
4.4.2 数据库表设计    18
第五章 系统实现    23
5.1前台功能的实现    23
5.1.1 首页界面    23
5.1.2 学生注册界面    23
5.1.3 图书馆座位列表界面    24
5.1.4 图书馆座位预定界面    25
5.1.5 图书馆座位取消管理    25
5.1.6 留言反馈界面    27
5.2管理员模块的实现    27
5.2.1 留言管理    27
5.2.2 学生信息管理    28
5.2.3 公告管理    29
5.2.4 图书馆座位信息管理    29
5.2.5 图书馆座位预定统计    30
第六章 系统测试    33
6.1  测试目的    33
6.2  功能测试    34
6.3  本章总结    37
结论    38
参考文献    39
致 谢    41


本文标签: 毕业设计源码座位图书馆文档