

Today we will learn how to download and install Java on Windows 10. If you are new to Java programming then this is the first step you need to perform. Until unless your java Windows 10 environment is set up properly, you will not be able to develop Java programs and run them successfully.

今天,我们将学习如何在Windows 10上下载和安装Java。如果您不熟悉Java编程,那么这是您需要执行的第一步。 除非正确设置了Java Windows 10环境,否则您将无法开发Java程序并无法成功运行它们。

如何在Windows 10中安装Java (How to Install Java in Windows 10)

Installing Java on Windows 10 is really easy, just follow the steps as follows:

在Windows 10上安装Java非常简单,只需执行以下步骤:

  1. 适用于Windows 10的Java下载 (Java Download for Windows 10)

  2. The first step is to download java installation files from Oracle’s website. Java 9 is the latest version, so go to this link and accept the license agreement. Then click on the download link for windows as shown in the below image and save the file.

    第一步是从Oracle网站下载Java安装文件。 Java 9是最新版本,因此请转到此链接并接受许可协议。 然后单击Windows的下载链接,如下图所示,并保存文件。

    Note: If you are trying to install Java 8 or earlier, then you need to know whether your Windows 10 is 32-bit or 64-bit. It’s because there are two different installers for Windows as seen in this link for Java 8 binaries.

    注意:如果您尝试安装Java 8或更早版本,则需要知道Windows 10是32位还是64位。 这是因为有两个不同的Windows安装程序,如Java 8二进制文件的此链接所示 。

    If your Windows 10 is 32-bit OS then download Windows x86 exe file, else download Windows x64 exe file.

    如果您的Windows 10是32位操作系统,则下载Windows x86 exe文件,否则下载Windows x64 exe文件。

    If you are not sure of your Windows version, you can easily check it in Settings > System Settings > About.

    如果不确定Windows版本,则可以在Settings > System Settings > About轻松检查它。

  3. Java Windows 10安装步骤 (Java Windows 10 installation steps)

  4. Next step is to run the downloaded java installer executable file. Just double click on it and follow the steps. Most of the time you don’t need to check anything and go with default selection, below are images from my installation screens. They might differ a little bit based on your java version installation but mostly it’s the same as usual.

    下一步是运行下载的Java安装程序可执行文件。 只需双击它,然后按照步骤进行即可。 大多数时候,您不需要检查任何内容并使用默认选择,以下是我的安装屏幕上的图像。 它们可能会因您的Java版本安装而有所不同,但大多数情况与往常相同。

  5. Windows 10版本检查中的Java (Java on Windows 10 Version Check)

  6. Finally, we have to check if java is installed properly or not. We can do that by using java -version command in command prompt, as shown in below image.

    最后,我们必须检查java是否正确安装。 我们可以通过在命令提示符下使用java -version命令来做到这一点,如下图所示。

    Note: In older java versions and other windows operating systems, you need to set up two environment variables to get it working.

    注意: 在较早的Java版本和其他Windows操作系统中 ,您需要设置两个环境变量以使其运行。

    Go to System Properties (Right Click on My Computer and select Properties) > Advanced > Environment Variables.

    转到System Properties (Right Click on My Computer and select Properties) > Advanced > Environment Variables

    In the popup window, System variables section, click on New button and add a variable with the following details:


    Name: JAVA_HOME


    Value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25

    值:C:\ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_25

    After this, you need to edit the Path variable already present there. Just select the Path variable and click on the Edit button. In the popup window value section, go to the end and add the following ;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25\bin (The colon is used as a delimiter, so don’t miss that!)

    之后,您需要编辑已经存在的Path变量。 只需选择Path变量,然后单击Edit按钮。 在弹出窗口值部分中,转到末尾并添加以下;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25\bin (冒号用作分隔符,所以请不要错过!)

    Now your setup is done and you can check it by opening a command prompt and running command java - version.

    现在您的设置已完成,您可以通过打开命令提示符并运行命令java - version

    In Windows 10 and Java 9, we don’t need to do these manually. Java installer takes care of that and you can check environment variable Path value, as shown in the below image. Note that we don’t need to set the JAVA_HOME variable.

    在Windows 10和Java 9中,我们不需要手动执行这些操作。 Java安装程序将解决此问题,您可以检查环境变量Path值,如下图所示。 注意,我们不需要设置JAVA_HOME变量。

  7. 下载并安装Java IDE (Download and Install Java IDE)

  8. This is an optional step but highly recommended. If you want to get things done easily, you should install either Eclipse, Intellij Idea or NetBeans IDE that helps a lot in development of java programs. Just download and install it with executable file, they are straight forward.

    这是一个可选步骤,但强烈建议您这样做。 如果您想轻松完成工作,则应该安装Eclipse,Intellij Idea或NetBeans IDE,它们对Java程序的开发有很大帮助。 只需下载并安装可执行文件即可,它们很简单。

That’s all for downloading and installing java on windows 10. Let me know if you face any issue in setting up the environment.

这就是在Windows 10上下载和安装Java的全部内容。如果您在设置环境时遇到任何问题,请告诉我。

安装Java之后会怎样 (What’s after installing Java)

Now you are ready to learn java programming, go through the articles on core java tutorial and learn java programming step by step.


Note: A few years back, I made this video to install java 8 on windows 10. Steps are still almost the same so you can watch it to get more ideas about it.

注意:几年前,我制作了此视频,以在Windows 10上安装Java8。步骤仍然几乎相同,因此您可以观看它以获得更多有关它的想法。


Also if you want to have multiple java versions and want to switch between them easily, then go through this short 2-minute video.



翻译自: https://www.journaldev/476/java-windows-10-download-install

本文标签: JavaWindows