


摘  要



 Software Test Method and Application Practice


Due to the rapid development of information technology and the Internet, the application of computer software technology is also increasingly widespread. However, problems often occur in the use of computer software, and there are many problems in the quality and efficiency of software. In order to improve the stability of software operation and the quality of software products, this paper uses the methods of literature, investigation and research, and experience summary to analyze and discuss the methods and application practices of software testing, The quality of software products and the execution effect are the key factors that affect the effectiveness. Therefore, in the process of practice, only through scientific and reasonable testing methods and quality testing of computer software can we ensure the quality stability of all working links in the software system, thus reducing the software failure rate, and achieving the highest efficiency and availability of software applications. It is hoped that through this article, software testers can use reasonable testing methods to quickly locate and find out the existing problems of software, improve the testing efficiency and shorten the testing cycle, so as to improve the software quality and reduce the software development cost of enterprises.

Key words: software testing; test efficiency; test quality; test method

目  录


1 引言.... 1

1.1 课题背景... 1

1.2 研究现状... 1

1.3 研究意义... 1

1.4 研究方法... 1

2 软件测试按照过程来划分... 2

2.1 单元测试方法... 2

2.2 集成测试方法... 2

2.3 系统测试方法... 2

2.4 验收测试方法... 2

3 软件测试方法按照载体来划分... 3

3.1手机软件测试方法... 3

3.2微信小程序测试方法.. 3

3.3 web软件测试方法... 4

3.4 PC软件测试方法... 4

4 软件测试按照测试技术来划分... 4

4.1 白盒测试... 4

4.2 黑盒测试... 5

4.3灰盒测试.. 5

5 软件测试按照测试策略来划分... 5

5.1回归测试.. 5

5.2对比测试.. 6

5.3冒烟测试.. 6

本文标签: 测试方法软件