

In this section there are several passages followed by fourteen multiple choice questions. For each multiple
choice question, there are four suggested answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that you think is
the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.
I used to look at my closet and see clothes. These days, whenever I cast my eyes upon the stacks of shoes and
hangers of shirts, sweaters and jackets, I see water.
It takes 569gallons to manufacture a T-shirt, from its start in the cotton fields to its appearance on store
shelves. A pair of running shoes? 1,247gallons.
Until last fall, I’d been oblivious to my “water footprint”, which is defined as the total volume of freshwater
that is used to produce goods and services, according to the Water Footprint Network. The Dutch nonprofit has
been working to raise awareness of freshwater scarcity since 2008, but it was through the “Green Blue Book” by
Thomas M. Kostigen that I was able to see how my own actions factored in.
I’ve installed gray-water systems to reuse the wastewater from my laundry, machine and bathtub and reroute it
to my landscape—systems that save, on average, 50gallons of water per day. I’ve set up rain barrels and infiltration
pits to collect thousands of gallons of storm water cascading from my roof. I’ve even entered the last bastion of
greendom—installing a composting toilet.
Suffice to say, I’ve been feeling pretty satisfied with myself for all the drinking water I’ve saved with these
big-ticket projects.
Now I realize that my daily consumption choices could have an even larger effect—not only on the local water
supply but also globally: 1.1billion people have no access to freshwater, and, in the future, those who do have
access will have less of it.
To see how much virtual water I was using, I logged on to the “Green Blue Book” website and used its water
footprint calculator, entering my daily consumption habits. Tallying up the water footprint of my breakfast, lunch,
dinner and snacks, as well as my daily dose of over-the-counter uppers and downers—coffee, wine and beer—I’m
using 512gallons of virtual water each day just to feed myself.
In a word: alarming.
Even more alarming was how much hidden water I was using to get dressed. I’m hardly a clotheshorse, but the
few new items I buy once again trumped the amount of water flowing from my faucets each day. If I’m serious
about saving water, I realized I could make some simple lifestyle shifts. Looking more closely at the areas in my
life that use the most virtual water, it was food and clothes, specifically meat, coffee and, oddly, blue jeans and
leather jackets.
Being a motorcyclist, I own an unusually large amount of leather - boots and jackets in particular. All of it is
enormously water intensive. It takes 7,996gallons to make a leather.jacket, leather being a byproduct of beef. It
takes 2,866gallons of water to make a single pair of blue jeans, because they’re made from water-hogging cotton.
Crunching the numbers for the amount of clothes I buy every year, it looks a lot like my friend’s swimming
pool. My entire closet is borderline Olympic.
My late resolution is to buy some items used. Underwear and socks are, of course, exempt from this strategy,
but I have no problem shopping less and also shopping at Goodwill. In fact, I’d been doing that for the past year to
save money. My clothes’ outrageous water footprint just feinforced it for me.
More conscious living and substitution, rather than sacrifice, are the prevailing ideas with the water footprint.
It’s one I’m trying, and that’s had an unusual upside. I had a hamburger recently, and I enjoyed it a lot more since it
is now an occasional treat rather than a weekly habit. (One gallon =3.8litres)
11. According to the passage, the Water Footprint Network ________.
[A] made the author aware of freshwater shortage.
[B] helped the author get to know the Green Blue Book
[C] worked for freshwater conservation for nonprofit purposes
[D] collaborated with the Green Blue Book in freshwater conservation
12.Which of the following reasons can best explain the authors feeling of self-satisfaction?
[A] He made contribution to drinking water conservation in his own way.
[B] Money spent on upgrading his household facilities was worthwhile.
[C] His house was equipped with advanced water-saving facilities.
[D] He could have made even greater contribution by changing his lifestyle.
13. According to the context, “…how my own actions factored in” means
[A] how I could contribute to water conservation
[B] what efforts I should make to save fresh water
[C] what behaviour could be counted as freshwater-saving
[D] how much of what I did contributed to freshwater shortage
14. What is the tone of the author in the last paragraph?
[A] Sarcastic. [B] Ironic. [C] Critical. [D] Humorous.
In her novel of “Reunion, American Style”, Rona Jaffe suggests that a class reunion “is more than a
sentimental journey. It is also a way of answering the question that lies at the back of nearly all our minds. Did they
do better than I?”
Jaffe’s observation may be misplaced but not completely lost. According to a study conducted by social
psychologist Jack Sparacino, the overwhelming majority who attend reunions aren’t there invidiously to compare
their recent accomplishments with those of their former classmates. Instead, they hope, primarily, to relive their
earlier successes.
Certainly, a few return to show their former classmates how well they have done; others enjoy observing the
changes that have occurred in their classmates (not always in themselves, of course). But the majority who attend
their class reunions do so to relive the good times they remember having when they were younger. In his study,
Sparacino found that, as high school students, attendees had been more popular, more often regarded as attractive,
and more involved in extracurricular activities than those classmates who chose not to attend. For those who turned
up at their reunions, then, the old times were also the good times!
It would appear that Americans have a special fondness for reunions, judging by their prevalence. Major
league baseball players, fraternity members, veterans groups, high school and college graduates, and former Boy
Scouts all hold reunions on a regular basis. In addition, family reunions frequently attract blood relatives from
faraway places who spend considerable money and time to reunite.
Actually, in their affection for reuniting with friends, family or colleagues, Americans are probably no
different from any other people, except that Americans have created a mind-boggling number and variety of
institutionalized forms of gatherings to facilitate the satisfaction of this desire. Indeed, reunions have increasingly
become formal events that are organized on a regular basis and, in the process, they have also become big business.
Shell Norris of Class Reunion, Inc., says that Chicago alone has 1,500high school reunions each year. A
conservative estimate on the national level would be 10,000annually. At one time, all high school reunions were
organized by volunteers, usually female homemakers. In the last few years, however, as more and more women
have entered the labour force, alumni reunions are increasingly being planned by specialized companies rather than
by part-time volunteers.
The first college reunion was held by the alumni of Yale University in 1792. Graduates of Pennsylvania,
Princeton, Stanford, and Brown followed suit. And by the end of the 19th century, most 4-year institutions were
holding alumni reunions.
The variety of college reunions is impressive. At Princeton, alumni parade through the town wearing their
class uniforms and singing their alma mater. At Marietta College, they gather for a dinner-dance on a steamship
cruising the Ohio River.
Clearly, the thought of cruising on a steamship or marching through the streets is usually not, by itself,
sufficient reason for large numbers of alumni to return to campus. Alumni who decide to attend their reunions share
a common identity based on the years they spent together as undergraduates. For this reason, universities that
somehow establish a common bond – for example, because they are relatively small or especially prestigious—tend
to draw substantial numbers of their alumni to reunions. In an effort to enhance this common identity, larger
colleges and universities frequently build their class reunions on participation in smaller units, such as departments
or schools. Or they encourage “affinity reunions” for groups of former cheerleaders, editors, fraternity members,
musicians, members of military organizations on campus, and the like.
Of course, not every alumnus is fond of his or her alma mater. Students who graduated during the late 1960s
may be especially reluctant to get involved in alumni events. They were part of the generation that conducted sit-ins
and teach-ins directed at university administrators, protested military recruitment on campus and marched against
“establishment politics.” If this generation has a common identity, it may fall outside of their university ties — or
even be hostile to them. Even as they enter their middle years, alumni who continue to hold unpleasant memories of
college during this period may not wish to attend class reunions.
15. According to the passage, Sparacino’s study ________.
[A] provided strong evidence for Jaffe’s statement
[B] showed that attendees tended to excel in high school study
[C] found that interest in reunions was linked with school experience
[D] found evidence for attendees intense desire for showing off success
16. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a distinct feature of U.S. class reunions?
[A] U.S. class reunions are usually occasions to show off ones recent success.
[B] Reunions are regular and formal events organized by professional agencies.
[C] Class reunions have become a profitable business.
[D] Class reunions have brought about a variety of activities.
17. The rhetorical function of the first paragraph is to ________.
[A] introduce Rona Jeffe’s novel [B] present the author’s counterargument
[C] serve as prelude to the author’s argument [D] bring into focus contrasting opinions
18. What is the passage mainly about?
[A] Reasons for popularity and (non)attendance for alumni reunions.
[B] A historical perspective for alumni reunions in the United States.
[C] Alumni reunions and American university traditions.
[D] Alumni reunion and its social and economic implications.
One time while on his walk George met Mr. Cattanzara coming home very late from work. He wondered if he
was drunk but then could tell he wasn’t. Mr. Cattanzara, a stocky, bald-headed man who worked in a change booth
on an IRT station, lived on the next block after George’s, above a shoe repair store. Nights, during the hot weather,
he sat on his stoop in an undershirt, reading the New York Times in the light of the shoemaker’s window. He read it
from the first page to the last, then went up to sleep. And all the time he was reading the paper, his wife, a fat
woman with a white face, leaned out of the window, gazing into the street, her thick white arms folded under her
loose breast, on the window ledge.
Once in a while Mr. Cattanzara came home drunk, but it was a quiet drunk. He never made any trouble, only
walked stiffly up the street and slowly climbed the stairs into the hall. Though drunk he looked the same as always,
except for his tight walk, the quietness, and that his eyes were wet. George liked Mr. Cattanzara because he
remembered him giving him nickels to buy lemon ice with when he was a squirt. Mr. Cattanzara was a different
type than those in the neighbourhood. He asked different questions than the others when he met you, and he seemed
to know what went on in all the newspapers. He read them, as his fat sick wife watched from the window.
“What are you doing with yourself this summer, George?” Mr. Cattanzara asked. “I see you walkin’ around at
George felt embarrassed. “I like to walk.”
“What are you doin’ in the day now?”
“Nothing much just now. I’m waiting for a job.” Since it shamed him to admit that he wasn’t working, George
said, “I’m reading a lot to pick up my education.”
“What are you readin’?”
George hesitated, then said, “I got a list of books in the library once and now I’m gonna read them this
summer.” He felt strange and a little unhappy saying this, but he wanted Mr. Cattanzara to respect him.
“How many books are there on it?”
“I never counted them. Maybe around a hundred.”
Mr. Cattanzara whistled through his teeth.
“I figure if I did that,” George went on earnestly, “it would help me in my education. I don’t mean the kind
they give you in high school. I want to know different things than they learn there, if you know what I mean.”
The change maker nodded. “Still and all, one hundred books is a pretty big load for one summer.”
“It might take longer.”
“After you’re finished with some, maybe you and I can shoot the breeze about them?” said Mr. Cattanzara.
“When I’m finished,” George answered.
Mr. Cattanzara went home and George continued on his walk. After that, though he had the urge to, George
did nothing different from usual. He still took his walks at night, ending up in the little park. But one evening the
shoemaker on the next block stopped George to say he was a good boy, and George figured that Mr. Cattanzara had
told him all about the books he was reading. From the shoemaker it must have gone down the street, because
George saw a couple of people smiling kindly at him, though nobody spoke to him personally. He felt a little better
around the neighbourhood and liked it more, though not so much he would want to live in it forever. He had never
exactly disliked the people in it, yet he had never liked them very much either. It was the fault of the neighbourhood.
To his surprise, George found out that his father and his sister Sophie knew about his reading too. His father was
too shy to say anything about it—he was never much of a talker in his whole life—but Sophie was softer to George,
and she showed him in other ways she was proud of him.
19. In the excerpt, Mr. Cattanzara was described as a man who ________.
[A] was fond of drinking [B] showed a wide interest
[C] often worked overtime [D] liked to gossip after work
20. It can be inferred from the passage that __.
[A] Mr. Cattanzara was surprised at George’s reading plan
[B] Mr. Cannazara was doubtful about George throughout
[C] George was forced to tell a lie and then regretted
[D] George lied at the beginning and then became serious
21. We can tell from the excerpt that George .
[A] had a neither close nor distant relationship with his father.
[B] was dissatisfied with his life and surroundings
[C] found that his sister remained skeptical about him
[D] found his neighbours liked to poke their nose into him
Abraham Lincoln turns 200this year, and he’s beginning to show his age. When his birthday arrives, on
February 12, Congress will hold a special joint session in the Capitol’s National Statuary Hall, a wreath will be laid
at the great memorial in Washington, and a webcast will link school classrooms for a “teach-in” honouring his
Admirable as they are, though, the events will strike many of us Lincoln fans as inadequate, even halfhearted
— and another sign that our appreciation for the 16th president and his towering achievements is slipping away.
And you don’t have to be a Lincoln enthusiast to believe that this is something we cant afford to lose.
Compare this year’s celebration with the Lincoln centennial, in 1909. That year, Lincolns likeness made its
debut on the penny, thanks to approval from the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Communities and civic associations
in every comer of the country erupted in parades, concerts, balls, lectures, and military displays. We still feel the
effects today: The momentum unloosed in 1909led to the Lincoln Memorial, opened in 1922, and the Lincoln
Highway, the first paved transcontinental thoroughfare.
The celebrants in 1909had a few inspirations we lack today. Lincoln’s presidency was still a living memory
for countless Americans. In 2009we are farther in time from the end of the Second World War than they were from
the Civil War; families still felt the loss of loved ones from that awful national trauma.
But Americans in 1909had something more: an unembarrassed appreciation for heroes and an acute sense of
the way that even long-dead historical figures press in on the present and make us who we are.
One story will illustrate what I’m talking about.
In 2003a group of local citizens arranged to place a statue of Lincoln in Richmond, Virginia, former capital of
the Confederacy. The idea touched off a firestorm of controversy. The Sons of Confederate Veterans held a public
conference of carefully selected scholars to “reassess” the legacy of Lincoln. The verdict — no surprise — was
negative: Lincoln was labeled everything from a racist totalitarian to a teller of dirty jokes.
I covered the conference as a reporter, but what really unnerved me was a counter-conference of scholars to
refute the earlier one. These scholars drew a picture of Lincoln that only our touchy-feely age could conjure up.
The man who oversaw the most savage war in our history was described — by his admirers, remember — as
“nonjudgmental,” “unmoralistic,” “comfortable with ambiguity.”
I felt the way a friend of mine felt as we later watched the unveiling of the Richmond statue in a subdued
ceremony: “But hes so small!”
The statue in Richmond was indeed small; like nearly every Lincoln statue put up in the past half century, it
was life-size and was placed at ground level, a conscious rejection of the heroic— approachable and human, yes,
but not something to look up to.
The Richmond episode taught me that Americans have lost the language to explain Lincoln’s greatness even to
ourselves. Earlier generations said they wanted their children to be like Lincoln: principled, kind, compassionate,
resolute. Today we want Lincoln to be like us.
This helps to explain the long string of recent books in which writers have presented a Lincoln made after their
own image. We’ve had Lincoln as humorist and Lincoln as manic-depressive, Lincoln the business sage, the
conservative Lincoln and the liberal Lincoln, the emancipator and the racist, the stoic philosopher, the Christian, the
atheist—Lincoln over easy and Lincoln scrambled.
What’s often missing, though, is the timeless Lincoln, the Lincoln whom all generations, our own no less than
that of 1909, can lay claim to. Lucky for us, those memorializers from a century ago—and, through them, Lincoln
himself — have left us a hint of where to find him. The Lincoln Memorial is the most visited of our presidential
monuments. Here is where we find the Lincoln who endures: in the words he left us, defining the country we’ve
inherited. Here is the Lincoln who can be endlessly renewed and who, 200years after his birth, retains the power to
renew us.
22. In the author’s opinion, the counter-conference .
[A] rectified the judgment by those carefully selected scholars
[B] offered a brand new reassessment perspective
[C] came up with somewhat favourable conclusions
[D] resulted in similar disparaging remarks on Lincoln
23. According to the author, the image of Lincoln conceived by contemporary people .
[A] conforms to traditional images
[B] reflects the present-day tendency of worship
[C] shows the present-day desire to emulate Lincoln
[D] reveals the variety of current opinions on heroes
24. Which of the following best explains the implication of the last paragraph?
[A] Lincoln’s greatness remains despite the passage of time.
[B] The memorial is symbolic of the great man’s achievements.
[C] Each generation has it own interpretation of Lincoln.
[D] People get to know Lincoln through memorializers.
In this section there are eight short-answer questions based on the passages in SECTION A. Answer each
question in NO more than 10words in the space provided on ANSWER SHEET TWO.
25. According to the passage, what does the author think is more alarming?
26. What mainly attracts many people to return to campus for reunion?
27. Why did George like Mr. Cattanzara?
28. Why did George lie to Mr. Cattanzara and say he was reading?
29. Why did George do after the street conversation with Mr. Cattanzara?
30. Why does the author think that this year’s celebration is inadequate and even halfhearted?
31. According to the passage, what really makes the 1909celebrations different from this year’s?
32. Why did earlier generations want their children to be like Lincoln?
The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case,
only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:
For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank
provided at the end of the line.
For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “∧”sign and write the
word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of
the line.
For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/”and put the word in the
blank provided at the end of the line.
When ∧ art museum wants a new exhibit, (1) an

it never buys things in finished form and hangs (2) never

them on the wall.When a natural history museum
wants an exhibition, it must often build it. (3) exhibit

Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET THREE as instructed.
Translate the underlined part of the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER
泊珍到偏远小镇的育幼院把生在那里养到 1 岁的孩子接回来。但泊珍看他第一眼,仿似一声雷劈头而
来。令她晕头胀脑,这 l 岁的孩子脸型长得如此熟悉,她心里的第一道声音是,不能带回去!
With the continued growth of the number of native English speaking teachers in China’s English learning
schools, English learning will never be the same for students and teachers. Are native English speaking teachers
better than non-native English speaking teachers? The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts
carefully and write your response in about 300words, in which you should:

  1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides;
  2. give your comment.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality.
    Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
    My father came over to this country sixty-five years ago not speaking a word of English. Being a tailor by
    trade he was soon working in an all immigrant clothes factory where no one spoke native English and just spoke
    their country’s languages. Several months later, he started seeking for jobs elsewhere, but with little English, the
    places he wanted to work wouldn’t hire him. Frustrated by the rejection, he decided to learn English. He found a
    native English speaking house that was renting a room, moved in and soon it became easier and easier for him to
    decipher the words he already knew but had not actually heard spoken before by someone who was a native
    English speaker. By being forced to communicate in English, his pronunciation improved and his ears started to
    decipher the accents around him. Elated that he could speak more freely, he soon paid for weekly lessons with a
    retired school teacher who was a native English speaker; within six months he understood most of what was spoken
    to him, but more importantly his verbal fluency increased. He was able to joke with everyone around him, using
    idioms and peppering his speech with the current pop references of the time.
    He often said to me how important it was to learn from a native speaker when seeking to speak another
    language. To look at him chirping along in English now, is amazing to me. I learned both languages from birth, but
    to learn another language in my mid-twenties and be fluent is a feat to me, because I would have had a very hard
    time. The trick is to listen to the rhythm of the language around you and adjust your hearing and then practice
    loudly; my father used to do it in front of a mirror.
    I believe it’s a myth opening in a new window that only NESTs(Non-native English Speaking Teachers)can
    provide a good language model. What I find troubling is that many in the profession assume language proficiency
    to be equal to being a good teacher, trivializing many other important factors such as experience, qualifications and
    personality. While proficiency might be a necessity, schools should ensure that both the prospective native and
    non-native teachers can provide a clear and intelligible language model. Proficiency by itself should not be treated
    as the deciding factor that makes or breaks a teacher. Successful teaching is so much more! As David Crystal put it
    in an interview: “All sorts of people are fluent, but only a tiny proportion of them are sufficiently aware of the
    structure of the language.” So if recruiters care about students’ progress, I suggest taking an objective and balanced
    view when hiring teachers, and rejecting the notion that nativeness us equal to teaching ability.
    Most people will agree that language and culture are inextricably connected. But does a “native English
    speaker culture” exist? I dare say it doesn’t. After all, English is an official language in more than 60sovereign
    states. English is not owned by the English or the Americans, even if it’s convenient to think so. But as Hugh Dellar
    notes, even if we look at one country in particular, “there is very clearly no such thing as ‘British culture’ in any
    monolithic sense.” As native speakers, we should have the humility to acknowledge that “non-native speakers have
    experience, or understand all aspects of the culture to which they belong.”
    Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
    Observing Behaviour
    People do observation in daily life context for safety or for proper
    behaviour. However, there are differences in daily-life observation and
    research observation.
    A. Differences
    —daily life observation
    —(1) ________ (1) __________
    —dependence on (2) ________ (2) __________
    —research observation
    —(3) ________ (3) __________
    —careful record keeping
    B. Ways to (4) ________ in research (4) __________
    —time sampling
    —systematic: e. g. fixed intervals every hour
    —random: fixed intervals but (5) ________ (5) __________
    Systematic sampling and (6) ________ are often used in combination. (6) __________
    —(7) ________ (7) __________
    —definition: selection of different locations
    —reason: humans’ or animals’ behaviour (8) ________ across (8) __________
    —(9) ________ : more objective observations (9) __________
    C: Ways to record behaviour (10) ________ (10) __________
    —observation with intervention
    —participant observation: researchers as observer and (11) ________ (11) __________
    —field experiment: researcher (12) ________ over conditions (12) __________
    —observation without intervention
    —purpose: describing behaviour (13) ________ (13) __________
    —(14) ________ : no intervention (14) __________
    —researcher: a (15) ________ recorder (15) __________

The central problem of translating has always been whether to
translate literally or freely. The argument has been going since at least (1) __________
the first century BC. Up to the beginning of the 19th century, many
writers favoured certain kind of “free” translation: the spirit, not the (2) __________
letter; the sense not the words; the message rather the form; the matter (3) __________
not the manner. This is the often revolutionary slogan of writers who (4) __________
wanted the truth to be read and understood. Then in the turn of the 19th (5) __________
century, when the study of cultural anthropology suggested that the
linguistic barriers were insuperable and that the language was entirely the (6) __________
product of culture, the view translation was impossible gained some (7) __________
currency, and with it that, if was attempted at all, it must be as literal as (8) __________
possible. This view culminated the statement of the extreme “literalists” (9) __________
Walter Benjamin and Vladimir Nabokov.
The argument was theoretical: the purpose of the translation, the
nature of the readership, the type of text, was not discussed. Too often,
writer, translator and reader were implicitly identified with each other.
Now, the context has changed, and the basic problem remains. (10) __________
