

Adobe Flash is a technology used for years to run embedded applications and code inside the web browser and HTML code. Adobe Flash was very popular during the 2000s and 2010s. But with the advancement of the HTML like HTML5, it became less useful and popular.

Adobe Flash是一项用于运行嵌入式应用程序和Web浏览器内的代码以及HTML代码的技术,已有多年使用。 Adobe Flash在2000年代和2010年代非常受欢迎。 但是随着HTML5(如HTML5)的发展,它变得不再有用和流行。

Flash结束支持 (End Of Flash Support)

With the emerge of the HTML5 Adobe Flash Player popularity decreased. HTML5 can provide most of the features of the Adobe Flash player without any extra plugin and in a faster way. Also, there are a lot of security issues related with the Adobe Flash Player.

随着HTML5的出现,Adobe Flash Player的流行度下降了。 HTML5可以提供Adobe Flash Player的大多数功能,而无需任何额外的插件,而且速度更快。 此外,还有许多与Adobe Flash Player相关的安全问题。

检查Flash Player状态 (Check Flash Player Status)

Before enabling the Adobe Flash Player we will check if it’s installed properly. While Google Chrome provides the Adobe Flash Player by default as pre-installed we get information about enablement.

在启用Adobe Flash Player之前,我们将检查其是否正确安装。 虽然Google Chrome默认提供预安装的Adobe Flash Player,但我们会提供有关启用的信息。



Check Flash Player Status
检查Flash Player状态

We can see that when we click to the button Check Now information about the Flash is displayed. Information like Browser Name, Operating System and Flash Version is displayed. If the Flash is not enabled the version will not be displayed.

我们可以看到,当单击按钮“立即检查”时,将显示有关Flash的信息。 显示诸如“浏览器名称”,“操作系统”和“ Flash版本”之类的信息。 如果未启用Flash,则不会显示版本。

为Google Chrome启用Flash (Enable Flash For Google Chrome)

Google Chrome Adobe Flash player configuration can be accessed from the Chrome settings screen. We can open the Adobe Flash Player settings from the following path which will be put into the address bar of Google Chrome.

可以从Chrome设置屏幕访问Google Chrome Adob​​e Flash Player配置。 我们可以从以下路径打开Adobe Flash Player设置,该设置将放入Google Chrome的地址栏中。

Enable Flash For Google Chrome
为Google Chrome启用Flash

We can see that Flash is blocked or disable which is by default. There is also Blocked and Allowed Site list where Flash is specifically disabled or enabled for specific sites. We will enable the Adobe Flash for Chrome by turning off the block like below. Actually this will ask before running flash animations for each site and the answer will be stored for future use for each site.

我们可以看到默认情况下Flash被阻止或禁用。 还有“已阻止和允许的站点”列表,其中特别为特定站点禁用或启用了Flash。 我们将通过关闭以下功能块来启用Adobe Flash for Chrome。 实际上,这将在为每个站点运行Flash动画之前询问,并且答案将被存储以供每个站点将来使用。

Enable Flash For Google Chrome
为Google Chrome启用Flash

在Google Chrome上为特定网站启用Flash (Enable Flash For Specific Site On Google Chrome)

When we enter a webpage that contains Adobe Flash animation. We will see a screen like below which simply says Click to enable Adobe Flash Player. This means AdobeFlash Player has not activated automatically because of the security reasons. We need to activate it manually by clicking on the Flash animation. We will see a screen like below which will ask us whether we want to allow or block the Flash content. We will simply click to Allow.

当我们进入一个包含Adobe Flash动画的网页时。 我们将看到如下屏幕,其中仅显示“单击以启用Adobe Flash Player”。 这意味着由于安全原因,AdobeFlash Player尚未自动激活。 我们需要通过单击Flash动画手动激活它。 我们将看到一个类似以下的屏幕,询问我们是否要允许或阻止Flash内容。 我们将只单击“允许”。

Allow Flash Animation

We can also change this configuration later from the site’s configuration. We will click to the address bar when the site is opened. We will click to the lock sign which will list some configuration about the site where we can find the Flash configuration too.

我们也可以稍后从站点的配置中更改此配置。 打开网站后,我们将单击到地址栏。 我们将单击锁定标志,该标志将列出有关该站点的一些配置,我们也可以在其中找到Flash配置。

Change Flash Player Configuration For Specific Site
更改特定站点的Flash Player配置

We can see that in this screen already enabled web sites from the Allow. Also blocked sites can be listed below the Block part.

我们可以看到在此屏幕中,已从“允许”启用了网站。 同样,被阻止的站点也可以在“阻止”部分下面列出。

List Flash Enabled Web Sites

检查Adobe Flash Update for Google Chrome(Check Adobe Flash Update For Google Chrome)

As a built-in component, we can use chrome://components a configuration like below. We can click on the Check Updates.

作为内置组件,我们可以使用chrome:// components这样的配置。 我们可以单击检查更新。

LEARN MORE  What Is HTML5? 了解更多什么是HTML5?
Check Adobe Flash Update For Google Chrome
检查Adobe Flash Update for Google Chrome

翻译自: https://www.poftut/how-to-enable-adobe-flash-player-for-google-chrome/

本文标签: 何为GooglechromePlayerflash