

360 Browser Root Certificate Program

360 is a security company in China and has always been working on the secure development of the Internet.

Over the last years, the Internet environment has become increasingly complex. With the rapid development of the Internet Infrastructure and the web, certificates management are more and more a burden to the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificate security issues are drawing more and more concerns worldwide. Web Browser vendors are facing this situation. The users only focus on the content of the web pages, but know little about what is going on behind the scenes.

Newly generated and revoked certificates from each CA everyday have increased to a considerable amount while overissue, misissuance and unconscious trust happen from time to time. Certificate’s reliability and authenticity cannot be effectively validated. In order to address these issues, CAs have implemented some methods for a better management, but sometimes is difficult to rely on them, meaning that there are still unresolved security issues related to certificates management. In order to enhance our ability to respond to these issues, by improving the efficiency of problem processing, reducing the risk cycle and clearly identifying that a certificate of a website is issued by a specific CA to help users identify trusted certificates for security reasons, 360 has decided to establish its own Root Certificate Program.

Usually 360 browsers trust the root CA certificates from the store of the underlying operating system but now will configure its own root store. 360 reserves the right to remove any certificate.

360 Browser Root Certificate Program is primarily intended for 360 browsers.

For browser bugs: kefu@360

For CA root store: caprogram@360

本文标签: 浏览器证书计划