


Windows 10 is designed for PCs with unlimited Internet connections, and it normally uses as much of your download and upload bandwidth as it wants without asking. Setting a connection as metered puts you back in control, and it’s essential on some types of connections.

Windows 10专为具有无限Internet连接的PC设计,通常无需询问即可使用所需的下载和上传带宽。 将连接设置为已计量可让您重新控制,这对于某些类型的连接至关重要。

You’ll always want to do this on connections with data caps, mobile hotspots, satellite Internet connections, dial-up connections, and anything else. It gives you more control over your connection and prevents Windows from gobbling bandwidth. On the Creators Update, Microsoft now easily allows you to set a wired Ethernet connection as metered, too.

您将始终希望在具有数据上限 ,移动热点,卫星Internet连接,拨号连接以及其他任何功能的连接上执行此操作。 它使您可以更好地控制连接,并防止Windows吞噬带宽。 在Creators Update上 ,Microsoft现在也可以轻松地将有线以太网连接设置为按流量计费。

将连接设置为计量的功能 (What Setting a Connection as Metered Does)

Setting a connection as metered prevents Windows from automatically using bandwidth in many ways. Here’s exactly what it does:

将连接设置为计量连接可防止Windows通过多种方式自动使用带宽。 这就是它的作用:

  • Disables automatic downloading of most Windows updates: Windows won’t automatically download most updates from Windows Update on metered Internet connections. You’ll get a “Download” button you can click whenever you want to install updates. On the Creators Update, Microsoft has now given Windows Update permission to download critical security updates even if your connection is marked as metered. Microsoft has promised not to abuse this.

    禁用自动下载大多数Windows更新 : W

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