


Web pages are just documents your web browser displays. But what if you could type directly on any web page to modify it? You can, and you don’t need a browser extension—it’s a feature built into every modern browser.

网页只是您的网络浏览器显示的文档。 但是,如果您可以直接在任何网页上键入以进行修改怎么办? 您可以,也不需要浏览器扩展,它是每个现代浏览器都内置的功能。

This feature takes advantage of the “document.designMode” feature, which you can enable via your web browser’s JavaScript console. It was recently highlighted by Tomek Sułkowski on Twitter, but it’s so cool that we have to share it with our readers.

此功能利用了“ document.designMode”功能,可以通过Web浏览器JavaScript控制台启用该功能。 TomekSułkowski最近在Twitter上强调了这一点,但是它太酷了,我们必须与读者分享。

That feeling when you first discov

本文标签: 浏览器网页编辑如何在chrome