

  1. Table Objects: Order of Import

The dump file contains objects in the following order:

Type definitions

Table definitions

Table data

Table indexes

Integrity constraints, views, procedures, and triggers

Bitmap, function-based, and domain indexes

The order of import is as follows: 

new tables are created, data is imported and indexes are built, triggers are imported, integrity constraints are enabled on the new tables, and any bitmap, function-based, and/or domain indexes are built.

This sequence prevents data from being rejected due to the order in which tables are imported. This sequence also prevents redundant triggers from firing twice on the same data (once when it is originally inserted and again during the import).

注:对于已存在表,在导入时它的indexes,triggers, constraints都是启用的,如果导入记录不符合会报错的,但对于新导入的indexes, triggers, constraints会在导入数据后再导入,最后判断是否符合(When the constraints are reenabled after importing, the entire table is checked, which may take a long time for a large table.)

  1. Before Using Import

2.1 Importing Grants

To import the privileges that a user has granted to others, the user initiating the import must either own the objects or have object privileges with the WITH GRANT OPTION. 

Privileges Required to Import Grants:

Object privileges: The object must exist in the user's schema, or the user must have the object privileges with the WITH GRANT OPTION or,the user must have the IMP_FULL_DATABASE role enabled.

System privileges: User must have the SYSTEM privilege and also the WITH ADMIN OPTION.

注system object包括:Profiles, Public database links, Public synonyms, Roles, Rollback segment definitions, Resource costs, Foreign function libraries, Context , objects, System procedural objects, System audit options, System privileges, Tablespace definitions, Tablespace quotas, User definitions, Directory aliases, System event triggers

2.2 Processing Restrictions

The following restrictions apply when you process data with the Import utility:

  1. When a type definition has evolved and data referencing that evolved type is exported, the type definition on the import system must have evolved in the same manner.
  2. The table compression attribute of tables and partitions is preserved during export and import. However, the import process does not use the direct path API, hence the data will not be stored in the compressed format when imported.
  1. Importing into Existing Tables

When you choose to create tables manually before importing data into them from an export file, you should use either the same table definition previously used or a compatible format. For example, although you can increase the width of columns and change their order, you cannot do the following:

Add NOT NULL columns

Change the data type of a column to an incompatible data type (LONG to NUMBER, for example)

Change the definition of object types used in a table

Change DEFAULT column values

  1. Import Modes

Note: When you use table mode to import tables that have columns of type ANYDATA, you may receive the following error:ORA-22370: Incorrect usage of method. Nonexistent type.This indicates that the ANYDATA column depends on other types that are not present in the database. You must manually create dependent types in the target database before you use table mode to import tables that use the ANYDATA type.

Note: As of Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2) the import utility (imp), for security reasons, will no longer import objects as user SYS. If a dump file contains objects that need to be re-created as user SYS, then the imp utility tries to re-create them as user SYSTEM instead. If the object cannot be re-created by user SYSTEM, then you must manually re-create the object yourself after the import is completed.

If the import job is run by a user with the DBA role, and not all objects can be re-created by user SYSTEM, then the following warning message is written to the log file:

IMP-00403:Warning: This import generated a separate SQL file "logfilename_sys" which contains DDL that failed due to a privilege issue.

The SQL file that is generated contains the failed DDL of objects that could not be re-created by user SYSTEM. To re-create those objects, you must manually execute the failed DDL after the import finishes.

The SQL file is automatically named by appending '_sys.sql' to the file name specified for the LOG parameter. For example, if the log file name was JulyImport, then the SQL file name would be JulyImport_sys.sql. If no log file was specified, then the default name of the SQL file is import_sys.sql.

Note: Not all import jobs generate a SQL file; only those jobs run as user DBA.

Nonprivileged users can export and import only indexes they own on tables they own. They cannot export indexes they own that are on tables owned by other users, nor can they export indexes owned by other users on their own tables. Privileged users can export and import indexes on the specified users' tables, even if the indexes are owned by other users. Indexes owned by the specified user on other users' tables are not included, unless those other users are included in the list of users to export.

Nonprivileged and privileged users can export and import all triggers owned by the user, even if they are on tables owned by other users.

A full export does not export triggers owned by schema SYS. You must manually re-create SYS triggers either before or after the full import. Oracle recommends that you re-create them after the import in case they define actions that would impede progress of the import.

  1. Import Parameters



Default: n.Specifies whether Import should commit after each array insert. By default, Import commits only after loading each table, and Import performs a rollback when an error occurs, before continuing with the next object.

If a table has nested table columns or attributes, then the contents of the nested tables are imported as separate tables. Therefore, the contents of the nested tables are always committed in a transaction distinct from the transaction used to commit the outer table.

If COMMIT=n and a table is partitioned, then each partition and subpartition in the Export file is imported in a separate transaction.

For tables containing LOBs, LONG, BFILE, REF, ROWID, UROWID, or TIMESTAMP columns, array inserts are not done. If COMMIT=y, then Import commits these tables after each row.


Default: y. Specifies whether Import should compile packages, procedures, and functions as they are created. If COMPILE=n, then these units are compiled on their first use.


Default: y. Specifies whether table constraints are to be imported.

Note that primary key constraints for index-organized tables (IOTs) and object tables are always imported.


Default: n. To import only data (no metadata) from a dump file, specify DATA_ONLY=y.

如果指定DATA_ONLY=y, 会忽略以下关于metadata的设置: 



Default: none. When TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE is specified as y, use this parameter to list the data files to be transported into the database.


Default: n. Specifies whether the existing data files making up the database should be reused. That is, specifying DESTROY=y causes Import to include the REUSE option in the data file clause of the SQL CREATE TABLESPACE statement, which causes Import to reuse the original database's data files after deleting their contents.

Note that the export file contains the data file names used in each tablespace. If you specify DESTROY=y and attempt to create a second database on the same system (for testing or other purposes), then the Import utility will overwrite the first database's data files when it creates the tablespace. In this situation you should use the default, DESTROY=n, so that an error occurs if the data files already exist when the tablespace is created. Also, when you need to import into the original database, you will need to specify IGNORE=y to add to the existing data files without replacing them.

Note: If data files are stored on a raw device, then DESTROY=n does not prevent files from being overwritten.

5.7 FILE

imp scott IGNORE=y FILE = dat1.dmp, dat2.dmp, dat3.dmp FILESIZE=2048


Default: operating system-dependent. Lets you specify the same maximum dump file size you specified on export.


If you do not specify TOUSER, then Import will do the following:

  1. Import objects into the FROMUSER schema if the export file is a full dump or a multischema, user-mode export dump file
  2. Create objects in the importer's schema (regardless of the presence of or absence of the FROMUSER schema on import) if the export file is a single-schema, user-mode export dump file created by an unprivileged user


Note: Specifying FROMUSER=SYSTEM causes only schema objects belonging to user SYSTEM to be imported; it does not cause system objects to be imported.

5.10 FULL

Default: y, 详细见exp中FULL说明


Default: y.  Specifies whether to import object grants.


Note: Export does not export grants on data dictionary views for security reasons that affect Import. If such grants were exported, then access privileges would be changed and the importer would not be aware of this.


Default: n.

If a table already exists and IGNORE=y, then rows are imported into existing tables without any errors or messages being given. You might want to import data into tables that already exist in order to use new storage parameters or because you have already created the table in a cluster.

If a table already exists and IGNORE=n, then errors are reported and the table is skipped with no rows inserted. Also, objects dependent on tables, such as indexes, grants, and constraints, will not be created.


Default: y. Specifies whether to import indexes.

System-generated indexes such as LOB indexes, OID indexes, or unique constraint indexes are re-created by Import regardless of the setting of this parameter.


Default: none.

When this parameter is specified, index-creation statements for the requested mode are extracted and written to the specified file, rather than used to create indexes in the database. No database objects are imported.

If the Import parameter CONSTRAINTS is set to y, then Import also writes table constraints to the index file.

The file can then be edited (for example, to change storage parameters) and used as a SQL script to create the indexes.

To make it easier to identify the indexes defined in the file, the export file's CREATE TABLE statements and CREATE CLUSTER statements are included as comments.


Default: operating system-dependent. Specifies the length, in bytes, of the file record. The RECORDLENGTH parameter is necessary when you must transfer the export file to another operating system that uses a different default value.

If you do not define this parameter, then it defaults to your platform-dependent value for BUFSIZ.

You can set RECORDLENGTH to any value equal to or greater than your system's BUFSIZ. (The highest value is 64 KB.) Changing the RECORDLENGTH parameter affects only the size of data that accumulates before writing to the database. It does not affect the operating system file block size. You can also use this parameter to specify the size of the Import I/O buffer.



5.17 ROWS

Default: y.Specifies whether to import the rows of table data.

If ROWS=n, then statistics for all imported tables will be locked after the import operation is finished.

5.18 SHOW

Default: n. When SHOW=y, the contents of the export dump file are listed to the display and not imported. The SQL statements contained in the export are displayed in the order in which Import will execute them.


Default: the value of the Oracle database configuration parameter, SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES, as specified in the initialization parameter file

If you do specify a value for SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES at the Import command line, then it overrides the value of the SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES configuration parameter in the initialization parameter file.

A value of y means that Import will skip building indexes that were set to the Index Unusable state (by either system or user). Other indexes (not previously set to Index Unusable) continue to be updated as rows are inserted.

This parameter enables you to postpone index maintenance on selected index partitions until after row data has been inserted. You then have the responsibility to rebuild the affected index partitions after the Import.

Note: Indexes that are unique and marked Unusable are not allowed to skip index maintenance. Therefore, the SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES parameter has no effect on unique indexes.

If the SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES parameter is not specified, then row insertions that attempt to update unusable indexes will fail.


SAFE: Import database optimizer statistics only if they are not questionable. If they are questionable, then recalculate the optimizer statistics.

RECALCULATE: Do not import the database optimizer statistics. Instead, recalculate them on import. This requires that the original export operation that created the dump file must have generated the necessary ANALYZE statements. These ANALYZE statements are included in the dump file and used by the import operation for recalculation of the table's statistics.


Default: y. Specifies whether to import any general Streams metadata that may be present in the export dump file.


Default: n. Specifies whether to import Streams instantiation metadata that may be present in the export dump file. Specify y if the import is part of an instantiation in a Streams environment.


When you import a table that references a type, but a type of that name already exists in the database, Import attempts to verify that the preexisting type is, in fact, the type used by the table (rather than a different type that just happens to have the same name).

To do this, Import compares the type's unique identifier (TOID) with the identifier stored in the export file. Import will not import the table rows if the TOIDs do not match.

In some situations, you may not want this validation to occur on specified types (for example, if the types were created by a cartridge installation). You can use the TOID_NOVALIDATE parameter to specify types to exclude from TOID comparison.

The syntax is as follows:

TOID_NOVALIDATE=([schemaname.]typename [, ...])

For example:

imp scott TABLES=jobs TOID_NOVALIDATE=typ1

imp scott TABLES=salaries TOID_NOVALIDATE=(fred.typ0,sally.typ2,typ3)

If you do not specify a schema name for the type, then it defaults to the schema of the importing user. For example, in the first preceding example, the type typ1 defaults to scott.typ1 and in the second example, the type typ3 defaults to scott.typ3.

Note that TOID_NOVALIDATE deals only with table column types. It has no effect on table types.

The output of a typical import with excluded types would contain entries similar to the following:


. importing IMP3's objects into IMP3

. . skipping TOID validation on type IMP2.TOIDTYP0

. . importing table                  "TOIDTAB3"          


Note When you inhibit validation of the type identifier, it is your responsibility to ensure that the attribute list of the imported type matches the attribute list of the existing type. If these attribute lists do not match, then results are unpredictable.


If multiple schemas are specified, then the schema names are paired. The following example imports scott's objects into joe's schema, and fred's objects into ted's schema:

imp FROMUSER=scott,fred TOUSER=joe,ted

If the FROMUSER list is longer than the TOUSER list, then the remaining schemas will be imported into either the FROMUSER schema, or into the importer's schema, based on normal defaulting rules. You can use the following syntax to ensure that any extra objects go into the TOUSER schema:

imp FROMUSER=scott,adams TOUSER=ted,ted

Note that user ted is listed twice.


Encrypted columns are not supported in transportable tablespace mode.

Note: You cannot export transportable tablespaces and then import them into a database at a lower release level. The target database must be at the same or later release level as the source database.


Default: none. When TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE is specified as y, use this parameter to list the users who own the data in the transportable tablespace set.


Default: none. Specifies the maximum number of bytes in a dump file on each volume of tape.

The VOLSIZE parameter has a maximum value equal to the maximum value that can be stored in 64 bits on your platform.

The VOLSIZE value can be specified as number followed by KB (number of kilobytes). For example, VOLSIZE=2KB is the same as VOLSIZE=2048.Similarly, MB specifies megabytes (1024 * 1024) and GB specifies gigabytes (1024**3). The shorthand for bytes remains B; the number is not multiplied to get the final file size (VOLSIZE=2048B is the same as VOLSIZE=2048).

  1. Error Handling During an Import

分为两种row errors与object errors

6.1 Row Errors

如果行违反了约束(包括not null, unique, primary key, foreign key, check)或导入无效数据(如字段长度超限制),将在日志中报错并继续导入表中其余记录

6.2 Errors Importing Database Objects


6.2.1 Object Already Exists


6.2.2 Sequences

If sequence numbers need to be reset to the value in an export file as part of an import, then you should drop sequences. If a sequence is not dropped before the import, then it is not set to the value captured in the export file, because Import does not drop and re-create a sequence that already exists. If the sequence already exists, then the export file's CREATE SEQUENCE statement fails and the sequence is not imported.

6.2.3 Resource Errors

Resource limitations can cause objects to be skipped. When you are importing tables, for example, resource errors can occur because of internal problems or when a resource such as memory has been exhausted.

If a resource error occurs while you are importing a row, then Import stops processing the current table and skips to the next table. If you have specified COMMIT=y, then Import commits the partial import of the current table. If not, then a rollback of the current table occurs before Import continues.

6.2.4 Domain Index Metadata

Domain indexes can have associated application-specific metadata that is imported using anonymous PL/SQL blocks. These PL/SQL blocks are executed at import time, before the CREATE INDEX statement. If a PL/SQL block causes an error, then the associated index is not created because the metadata is considered an integral part of the index.

7.Considerations When Importing Database Objects

7.1 Importing Object Identifiers

The Oracle database assigns object identifiers to uniquely identify object types, object tables, and rows in object tables. These object identifiers are preserved by Import.

When you import a table that references a type, but a type of that name already exists in the database, Import attempts to verify that the preexisting type is, in fact, the type used by the table (rather than a different type that just happens to have the same name).

To do this, Import compares the types's unique identifier (TOID) with the identifier stored in the export file. If those match, then Import then compares the type's unique hashcode with that stored in the export file. Import will not import table rows if the TOIDs or hashcodes do not match.

In some situations, you may not want this validation to occur on specified types (for example, if the types were created by a cartridge installation). You can use the parameter TOID_NOVALIDATE to specify types to exclude from the TOID and hashcode comparison.

Note:Be very careful about using TOID_NOVALIDATE, because type validation provides an important capability that helps avoid data corruption. Be sure you are confident of your knowledge of type validation and how it works before attempting to perform an import operation with this feature disabled.

Import uses the following criteria to decide how to handle object types, object tables, and rows in object tables:

  1. For object types, if IGNORE=y, the object type already exists, and the object identifiers, hashcodes, and type descriptors match, then no error is reported. If the object identifiers or hashcodes do not match and the parameter TOID_NOVALIDATE has not been set to ignore the object type, then an error is reported and any tables using the object type are not imported.
  2. For object types, if IGNORE=n and the object type already exists, then an error is reported. If the object identifiers, hashcodes, or type descriptors do not match and the parameter TOID_NOVALIDATE has not been set to ignore the object type, then any tables using the object type are not imported.
  3. For object tables, if IGNORE=y, then the table already exists, and the object identifiers, hashcodes, and type descriptors match, no error is reported. Rows are imported into the object table. Import of rows may fail if rows with the same object identifier already exist in the object table. If the object identifiers, hashcodes, or type descriptors do not match, and the parameter TOID_NOVALIDATE has not been set to ignore the object type, then an error is reported and the table is not imported.
  4. For object tables, if IGNORE=n and the table already exists, then an error is reported and the table is not imported.

Because Import preserves object identifiers of object types and object tables, consider the following when you import objects from one schema into another schema using the FROMUSER and TOUSER parameters:

  1. If the FROMUSER object types and object tables already exist on the target system, then errors occur because the object identifiers of the TOUSER object types and object tables are already in use. The FROMUSER object types and object tables must be dropped from the system before the import is started.
  2. If an object table was created using the OID AS option to assign it the same object identifier as another table, then both tables cannot be imported. You can import one of the tables, but the second table receives an error because the object identifier is already in use.

7.2 Importing Existing Object Tables and Tables That Contain Object Types

Users frequently create tables before importing data to reorganize tablespace usage or to change a table's storage parameters. The tables must be created with the same definitions as were previously used or a compatible format (except for storage parameters). For object tables and tables that contain columns of object types, format compatibilities are more restrictive.

For object tables and for tables containing columns of objects, each object the table references has its name, structure, and version information written out to the export file. Export also includes object type information from different schemas, as needed.

Import verifies the existence of each object type required by a table before importing the table data. This verification consists of a check of the object type's name followed by a comparison of the object type's structure and version from the import system with that found in the export file.

If an object type name is found on the import system, but the structure or version do not match that from the export file, then an error message is generated and the table data is not imported.

The Import parameter TOID_NOVALIDATE can be used to disable the verification of the object type's structure and version for specific objects.

7.3 Importing Nested Tables

Inner nested tables are exported separately from the outer table. Therefore, situations may arise where data in an inner nested table might not be properly imported:

  1. Suppose a table with an inner nested table is exported and then imported without dropping the table or removing rows from the table. If the IGNORE=y parameter is used, then there will be a constraint violation when inserting each row in the outer table. However, data in the inner nested table may be successfully imported, resulting in duplicate rows in the inner table.
  2. If nonrecoverable errors occur inserting data in outer tables, then the rest of the data in the outer table is skipped, but the corresponding inner table rows are not skipped. This may result in inner table rows not being referenced by any row in the outer table.
  3. If an insert to an inner table fails after a recoverable error, then its outer table row will already have been inserted in the outer table and data will continue to be inserted into it and any other inner tables of the containing table. This circumstance results in a partial logical row.
  4. If nonrecoverable errors occur inserting data in an inner table, then Import skips the rest of that inner table's data but does not skip the outer table or other nested tables.
  5. You should always carefully examine the log file for errors in outer tables and inner tables. To be consistent, table data may need to be modified or deleted.

Because inner nested tables are imported separately from the outer table, attempts to access data from them while importing may produce unexpected results. For example, if an outer row is accessed before its inner rows are imported, an incomplete row may be returned to the user.

7.4 Importing REF Data

REF columns and attributes may contain a hidden ROWID that points to the referenced type instance. Import does not automatically recompute these ROWIDs for the target database. You should execute the following statement to reset the ROWIDs to their proper values:


7.5 Importing BFILE Columns and Directory Aliases

Export and Import do not copy data referenced by BFILE columns and attributes from the source database to the target database. Export and Import only propagate the names of the files and the directory aliases referenced by the BFILE columns. It is the responsibility of the DBA or user to move the actual files referenced through BFILE columns and attributes.

When you import table data that contains BFILE columns, the BFILE locator is imported with the directory alias and file name that was present at export time. Import does not verify that the directory alias or file exists. If the directory alias or file does not exist, then an error occurs when the user accesses the BFILE data.

For directory aliases, if the operating system directory syntax used in the export system is not valid on the import system, then no error is reported at import time. The error occurs when the user seeks subsequent access to the file data. It is the responsibility of the DBA or user to ensure the directory alias is valid on the import system.

7.6 Importing Foreign Function Libraries

Import does not verify that the location referenced by the foreign function library is correct. If the formats for directory and file names used in the library's specification on the export file are invalid on the import system, then no error is reported at import time. Subsequent usage of the callout functions will receive an error.

It is the responsibility of the DBA or user to manually move the library and ensure the library's specification is valid on the import system.

7.7 Importing Stored Procedures, Functions, and Packages

The behavior of Import when a local stored procedure, function, or package is imported depends upon whether the COMPILE parameter is set to y or to n.

When a local stored procedure, function, or package is imported and COMPILE=y, the procedure, function, or package is recompiled upon import and retains its original timestamp specification. If the compilation is successful, then it can be accessed by remote procedures without error.

If COMPILE=n, then the procedure, function, or package is still imported, but the original timestamp is lost. The compilation takes place the next time the procedure, function, or package is used.

7.8 Importing Java Objects

When you import Java objects into any schema, the Import utility leaves the resolver unchanged. (The resolver is the list of schemas used to resolve Java full names.) This means that after an import, all user classes are left in an invalid state until they are either implicitly or explicitly revalidated. An implicit revalidation occurs the first time the classes are referenced. An explicit revalidation occurs when the SQL statement ALTER JAVA CLASS...RESOLVE is used. Both methods result in the user classes being resolved successfully and becoming valid.

7.9 Importing External Tables

Import does not verify that the location referenced by the external table is correct. If the formats for directory and file names used in the table's specification on the export file are invalid on the import system, then no error is reported at import time. Subsequent usage of the callout functions will result in an error.

It is the responsibility of the DBA or user to manually move the table and ensure the table's specification is valid on the import system.

7.10 Importing Advanced Queue (AQ) Tables

Importing a queue table also imports any underlying queues and the related dictionary information. A queue can be imported only at the granularity level of the queue table. When a queue table is imported, export pre-table and post-table action procedures maintain the queue dictionary.

7.11 Importing LONG Columns

LONG columns can be up to 2 gigabytes in length. In importing and exporting, the LONG columns must fit into memory with the rest of each row's data. The memory used to store LONG columns, however, does not need to be contiguous, because LONG data is loaded in sections.

Import can be used to convert LONG columns to CLOB columns. To do this, first create a table specifying the new CLOB column. When Import is run, the LONG data is converted to CLOB format. The same technique can be used to convert LONG RAW columns to BLOB columns.

Note: Oracle recommends that you convert existing LONG columns to LOB columns. LOB columns are subject to far fewer restrictions than LONG columns. Further, LOB functionality is enhanced in every release, whereas LONG functionality has been static for several releases.

7.12 Importing LOB Columns When Triggers Are Present

As of Oracle Database 10g, LOB handling has been improved to ensure that triggers work properly and that performance remains high when LOBs are being loaded. To achieve these improvements, the Import utility automatically changes all LOBs that were empty at export time to be NULL after they are imported.

If you have applications that expect the LOBs to be empty rather than NULL, then after the import you can issue a SQL UPDATE statement for each LOB column. Depending on whether the LOB column type was a BLOB or a CLOB, the syntax would be one of the following:

UPDATE <tablename> SET <lob column> = EMPTY_BLOB() WHERE <lob column> = IS NULL;  

UPDATE <tablename> SET <lob column> = EMPTY_CLOB() WHERE <lob column> = IS NULL;

It is important to note that once the import is performed, there is no way to distinguish between LOB columns that are NULL versus those that are empty. Therefore, if that information is important to the integrity of your data, then be sure you know which LOB columns are NULL and which are empty before you perform the import.

7.13 Importing Views

Views are exported in dependency order. In some cases, Export must determine the ordering, rather than obtaining the order from the database. In doing so, Export may not always be able to duplicate the correct ordering, resulting in compilation warnings when a view is imported, and the failure to import column comments on such views.

In particular, if viewa uses the stored procedure procb, and procb uses the view viewc, then Export cannot determine the proper ordering of viewa and viewc. If view a is exported before viewc, and procb already exists on the import system, then view a receives compilation warnings at import time.

Grants on views are imported even if a view has compilation errors. A view could have compilation errors if an object it depends on, such as a table, procedure, or another view, does not exist when the view is created. If a base table does not exist, then the server cannot validate that the grantor has the proper privileges on the base table with the GRANT option. Access violations could occur when the view is used if the grantor does not have the proper privileges after the missing tables are created.

Importing views that contain references to tables in other schemas requires that the importer have the READ ANY TABLE or SELECT ANY TABLE privilege. If the importer has not been granted this privilege, then the views will be imported in an uncompiled state. Note that granting the privilege to a role is insufficient. For the view to be compiled, the privilege must be granted directly to the importer.

8. Support for Fine-Grained Access Control

To restore the fine-grained access control policies, the user who imports from an export file containing such tables must have the EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_RLS package, so that the security policies on the tables can be reinstated.

If a user without the correct privileges attempts to import from an export file that contains tables with fine-grained access control policies, then a warning message is issued.

  1. Snapshots and Snapshot Logs

9.1 Snapshot Log

The snapshot log in a dump file is imported if the master table already exists for the database to which you are importing and it has a snapshot log.

When a ROWID snapshot log is exported, ROWIDs stored in the snapshot log have no meaning upon import. As a result, each ROWID snapshot's first attempt to do a fast refresh fails, generating an error indicating that a complete refresh is required.

To avoid the refresh error, do a complete refresh after importing a ROWID snapshot log. After you have done a complete refresh, subsequent fast refreshes will work properly. In contrast, when a primary key snapshot log is exported, the values of the primary keys do retain their meaning upon import. Therefore, primary key snapshots can do a fast refresh after the import.

9.2 Snapshots

A snapshot that has been restored from an export file has reverted to a previous state. On import, the time of the last refresh is imported as part of the snapshot table definition. The function that calculates the next refresh time is also imported.

Each refresh leaves a signature. A fast refresh uses the log entries that date from the time of that signature to bring the snapshot up to date. When the fast refresh is complete, the signature is deleted and a new signature is created. Any log entries that are not needed to refresh other snapshots are also deleted (all log entries with times before the earliest remaining signature).

9.2.1 Importing a Snapshot

When you restore a snapshot from an export file, you may encounter a problem under certain circumstances.

Assume that a snapshot is refreshed at time A, exported at time B, and refreshed again at time C. Then, because of corruption or other problems, the snapshot needs to be restored by dropping the snapshot and importing it again. The newly imported version has the last refresh time recorded as time A. However, log entries needed for a fast refresh may no longer exist. If the log entries do exist (because they are needed for another snapshot that has yet to be refreshed), then they are used, and the fast refresh completes successfully. Otherwise, the fast refresh fails, generating an error that says a complete refresh is required.

9.2.2 Importing a Snapshot into a Different Schema

Snapshots and related items are exported with the schema name given in the DDL statements. To import them into a different schema, use the FROMUSER and TOUSER parameters. This does not apply to snapshot logs, which cannot be imported into a different schema.

Note: Schema names that appear inside function-based indexes, functions, procedures, triggers, type bodies, views, and so on, are not affected by FROMUSER or TOUSER processing. Only the name of the object is affected. After the import has completed, items in any TOUSER schema should be manually checked for references to old (FROMUSER) schemas, and corrected if necessary.

  1. Storage Parameters

By default, a table is imported into its original tablespace.

If the tablespace no longer exists, or the user does not have sufficient quota in the tablespace, then the system uses the default tablespace for that user, unless the table:

Is partitioned

Is a type table

Contains LOB, VARRAY, or OPAQUE type columns

Has an index-organized table (IOT) overflow segment

If the user does not have sufficient quota in the default tablespace, then the user's tables are not imported.

This scenario can be used to move a user's tables from one tablespace to another.

For example, you need to move joe's tables from tablespace A to tablespace B after a full database export. Follow these steps:

  1. If joe has the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege, then revoke it. Set joe's quota on tablespace A to zero. Also revoke all roles that might have such privileges or quotas.
  2. When you revoke a role, it does not have a cascade effect. Therefore, users who were granted other roles by joe will be unaffected.
  3. Export joe's tables.
  4. Drop joe's tables from tablespace A.
  5. Give joe a quota on tablespace B and make it the default tablespace for joe.
  6. Import joe's tables. (By default, Import puts joe's tables into tablespace B.)

10.1 Storage Parameters for OID Indexes and LOB Columns

Tables are exported with their current storage parameters. For object tables, the OIDINDEX is created with its current storage parameters and name, if given. For tables that contain LOB, VARRAY, or OPAQUE type columns, LOB, VARRAY, or OPAQUE type data is created with their current storage parameters.

If you alter the storage parameters of existing tables before exporting, then the tables are exported using those altered storage parameters.

Note, however, that storage parameters for LOB data cannot be altered before exporting (for example, chunk size for a LOB column, whether a LOB column is CACHE or NOCACHE, and so forth).

Note that LOB data might not reside in the same tablespace as the containing table. The tablespace for that data must be read/write at the time of import or the table will not be imported.

If LOB data resides in a tablespace that does not exist at the time of import, or the user does not have the necessary quota in that tablespace, then the table will not be imported. Because there can be multiple tablespace clauses, including one for the table, Import cannot determine which tablespace clause caused the error.

  1. Read-Only Tablespaces

Read-only tablespaces can be exported. On import, if the tablespace does not already exist in the target database, then the tablespace is created as a read/write tablespace. To get read-only functionality, you must manually make the tablespace read-only after the import.

If the tablespace already exists in the target database and is read-only, then you must make it read/write before the import.

  1. Importing Statistics

By default, Import will always use the precalculated statistics that are found in the export dump file.The Export utility flags certain precalculated statistics as questionable. The importer might want to import only unquestionable statistics, not precalculated statistics, in the following situations:

  1. Character set translations between the dump file and the import client and the import database could potentially change collating sequences that are implicit in the precalculated statistics.
  2. Row errors occurred while importing the table.
  3. A partition level import is performed (column statistics will no longer be accurate).

Note: Specifying ROWS=n will not prevent the use of precalculated statistics. This feature allows plan generation for queries to be tuned in a nonproduction database using statistics from a production database. In these cases, the import should specify STATISTICS=SAFE.

  1. Tuning Considerations for Import Operations

13.1 Changing System-Level Options

  1. Create and use one large rollback segment and take all other rollback segments offline. Generally a rollback segment that is one half the size of the largest table being imported should be big enough. It can also help if the rollback segment is created with the minimum number of two extents, of equal size.

Note: Oracle recommends that you use automatic undo management instead of rollback segments.

  1. Put the database in NOARCHIVELOG mode until the import is complete. This will reduce the overhead of creating and managing archive logs.
  2. Create several large redo files and take any small redo log files offline. This will result in fewer log switches being made.
  3. If possible, have the rollback segment, table data, and redo log files all on separate disks. This will reduce I/O contention and increase throughput.
  4. If possible, do not run any other jobs at the same time that may compete with the import operation for system resources.
  5. Ensure that there are no statistics on dictionary tables.
  6. Set TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT=OFF in the sqlnet.ora file.
  7. If possible, increase the value of DB_BLOCK_SIZE when you re-create the database. The larger the block size, the smaller the number of I/O cycles needed. This change is permanent, so be sure to carefully consider all effects it will have before making it.

10.2 Changing Initialization Parameters

  1. Set LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL to a number that is larger than the size of the redo log files. This number is in operating system blocks (512 on most UNIX systems). This reduces checkpoints to a minimum (at log switching time).
  2. Increase the value of SORT_AREA_SIZE. The amount you increase it depends on other activity taking place on the system and on the amount of free memory available. (If the system begins swapping and paging, then the value is probably set too high.)
  3. Increase the value for DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS and SHARED_POOL_SIZE.

10.3 Changing Import Options

  1. Set COMMIT=N. This causes Import to commit after each object (table), not after each buffer. This is why one large rollback segment is needed. (Because rollback segments will be deprecated in future releases, Oracle recommends that you use automatic undo management instead.)
  2. Specify a large value for BUFFER or RECORDLENGTH, depending on system activity, database size, and so on. A larger size reduces the number of times that the export file has to be accessed for data. Several megabytes is usually enough. Be sure to check your system for excessive paging and swapping activity, which can indicate that the buffer size is too large.
  3. Consider setting INDEXES=N because indexes can be created at some point after the import, when time is not a factor. If you choose to do this, then you need to use the INDEXFILE parameter to extract the DLL for the index creation or to rerun the import with INDEXES=Y and ROWS=N.

10.4 Dealing with Large Amounts of LOB Data

Keep the following in mind when you are importing large amounts of LOB data:

Eliminating indexes significantly reduces total import time. This is because LOB data requires special consideration during an import because the LOB locator has a primary key that cannot be explicitly dropped or ignored during an import.

Ensure that there is enough space available in large contiguous chunks to complete the data load.

10.5 Dealing with Large Amounts of LONG Data

Keep in mind that importing a table with a LONG column may cause a higher rate of I/O and disk usage, resulting in reduced performance of the import operation. There are no specific parameters that will improve performance during an import of large amounts of LONG data, although some of the more general tuning suggestions made in this section may help overall performance.

  1. Using Different Releases of Export and Import


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