

There are probably hundreds of different ways to remove backgrounds in Photoshop, and this guide aims to show you many basic ways to do just that. Get started with the basics here.

在Photoshop中,可能有数百种不同的方法来删除背景,本指南旨在向您展示实现此目的的许多基本方法。 从这里开始基础知识。

Photoshop has so many ways to cut out backgrounds and isolate objects, it sometimes seems like it was the sole purpose the program was created. We’ll attempt to take a crack at as many of those many ways as we can in this multi-part article, detailing 50+ ways backgrounds can be deleted, erased, masked, hidden, and removed. Keep reading!

Photoshop有许多方法可以剪切背景并隔离对象,有时似乎是创建程序的唯一目的。 在本多篇文章中,我们将尝试以尽可能多的方式进行破解,详细介绍50多种删除,擦除,遮罩,隐藏和删除背景的方法。 继续阅读!

解锁背景与复制背景 (Unlocking the Background vs Duplicating it)

When Photoshop opens an image, it sees it as an unlayered file, and “Locks” the background. Any attempt to erase or delete information will result in dropping back to the “background color” and not to transparancy—what you want when you try to isolate an object, or remove a background.

当Photoshop打开图像时,它将视为一个未分层的文件,并“锁定”背景。 任何擦除或删除信息的尝试都将导致退回到“背景色”而不是透明度—当您尝试隔离对象或移除背景时要使用的颜色。

Double click your Background Layer get the above dialog box and unlock it. That will transform it to a new layer called “Layer 0.” Many Photoshop purists will wag their fingers at you for using this method, as they insist that you can lose the deleted parts of your image forever. If you choose to use this “unlocking” method, make sure you save a copy of your image file under a different name to avoid overwriting any original versions you may need in the future.

双击您的“背景层”,得到上面的对话框并将其解锁 。 这样会将其转换为一个名为“第0层”的新图层。 许多Photoshop纯粹主义者会因为使用此方法而对您摇摆不定,因为他们坚持认为您可能永远丢失图像中已删除的部分。 如果选择使用此“解锁”方法,请确保以其他名称保存映像文件的副本,以避免覆盖将来可能需要的任何原始版本。

To avoid any of said finger wagging, you can Right-Click on your background layer and pick “Duplicate” to create a perfect copy of your background . You can then click the in your layers panel to hide the background layer, leaving it hidden away and intact. Either way will allow you to delete parts of your image to transparency. Both methods are about equal if you work carefully—use whichever one suits you best.

为了避免上述任何手指晃动,您可以右键单击背景图层并选择“重复”以创建背景的完美副本。 然后,您可以在“图层”面板中单击以隐藏背景图层,将其隐藏起来并保持完整。 两种方法都可以使您删除图像的某些部分以保持透明。 如果您认真工作,这两种方法几乎是相等的-使用最适合您的一种。

删除对象,背景的基础 (The Basics for Removing Objects, Backgrounds)


Most of the time, removing a background involves creating a selection that isolates an object, person, or whatever. Once that selection is created, creating a new layer usually involves some form of Copy-Paste. This seems like an excellent place to begin, considering nearly every technique will involve one of these methods or keyboard shortcuts.

在大多数情况下,删除背景涉及创建将对象,人或其他事物隔离开的选择。 创建选择之后,创建新层通常涉及某种形式的复制粘贴。 考虑到几乎每种技术都将涉及这些方法之一或键盘快捷键,因此这似乎是一个不错的起点。

Cut, Copy, Paste: Shortcut Key (Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V)

剪切,复制,粘贴: 快捷键(Ctrl + X,Ctrl + C,Ctrl + V)

Your basic cut and copy to clipboard functionality dating back through dozens of years of computer programs. Cut and copy are most obvious way to get your isolated selections into new layers.

您的基本剪切和复制到剪贴板功能可以追溯到数十年的计算机程序。 剪切和复制是将孤立的选择带入新图层的最明显方法。

Copy Merged: Shortcut Key (Ctrl + Shift + C)

合并合并: 快捷键(Ctrl + Shift + C)

This may look like the opposite of isolating objects, but it’s useful nonetheless. If you have a huge pile of layers and a selection that goes over several of them, Copy Merged will combine them into a single layer when you paste.

这看起来似乎隔离对象相反 ,但是仍然很有用。 如果您有大量的图层,并且其中的选择覆盖了多个图层,则“粘贴合并”功能将在粘贴时将它们合并为一个图层。

Paste In Place: Shortcut Key (Ctrl + Shift + V)

粘贴到位快捷键(Ctrl + Shift + V)

Paste has a bad habit of putting your newly copied information wherever it wants, usually in the center of your artboard. This can be annoying, so use Paste in Place to paste your new layer directly on top of where you cut it from.

粘贴有一个坏习惯,那就是将新复制的信息放到所需位置,通常放在画板的中央。 这可能很烦人,因此请使用“ 粘贴在原处”将新图层直接粘贴到剪切位置的顶部。

Paste Into: Shortcut Key (Alt + Ctrl + Shift + V)

粘贴到快捷键(Alt + Ctrl + Shift + V)

If you have a selection, use Paste Into to have Photoshop automatically create a layer mask, trimming what you paste into your selection.

如果有选择,请使用“ 粘贴到”使Photoshop自动创建图层蒙版,以修剪粘贴到选择中的内容。

Paste Outside: Shortcut Key (None)


The same basic idea as Paste Into, except in reverse. Paste Outside automatically creates a mask using whatever current selection you have as it pastes the image on your clipboard.

基本原理与“ 粘贴到 ”相同只是相反。 “粘贴外部”会自动使用您当前选择的任何内容创建遮罩,因为它将图像粘贴到剪贴板上。

Layer via Copy, Layer via Cut: Shortcut Key (Ctrl + J, Ctrl + Shift + J)

通过复制进行图层,通过剪切进行图层快捷键(Ctrl + J,Ctrl + Shift + J)

For Photoshop users that can’t be bothered to press commands for Copy and Paste, there’s Layer via Copy and Layer via Cut. In one quick motion, a Ctrl + J or Ctrl + Shift + J will copy your selection, and do a Paste in Place, aligning your new layer directly from where you copied it from.

对于那些不费力气按下“复制” 和“粘贴”命令的Photoshop用户,这里有“ 通过复制”和“ 通过剪切”的图层 。 快速动作中,Ctrl + J或Ctrl + Shift + J将复制您的选择,并执行“ 粘贴”,将新图层直接从复制位置对齐。

使用选择工具 (Working With Selection Tools)

It’s simple to create complicated selections with the basic marquee and selection tools. Here are some basic keyboard shortcuts that can help you unlock some hidden power of selections by adding, subtracting and intersecting.

使用基本的选取框和选择工具创建复杂的选择很简单。 以下是一些基本的键盘快捷键,它们可以通过加,减和相交来帮助您释放选择的某些隐藏功能。

Add Selection: Shortcut Key (Shift)


With any selection tool active (see below) hold down shift when creating new selections to add them to the current selection.


Subtract Selection: Shortcut Key (Alt)


When using a selection tool, hold Alt to subtract any newly created selection from the existing one, creating holes in selections, or allowing you to edit out mistakes.


Intersect Selection: Shortcut Key (Shift + Alt)

相交选择快捷键(Shift + Alt)

Combines two selections to pick what they have in common. With an existing selection, hold Shift and Alt, and draw a selection in your image. The pixels in common will be picked.

合并两个选择以选择它们的共同点。 使用现有选择,按住Shift和Alt,然后在图像中绘制一个选择。 将选择共同的像素。

Load Selection: Shortcut Key (Ctrl + Click Layer, Ctrl + Click Channel)

负载选择快捷键(Ctrl +单击图层,Ctrl +单击通道)

Holding Ctrl and clicking the thumbnail in a layer or channel will load the opaque pixels in said layer or channel. Load selection also works with Add, Subtract, and Intersect, allowing for incredibly precise selections.

按住Ctrl键并单击图层或通道中的缩略图,将在该图层或通道中加载不透明像素。 载荷选择还可以与“相加”,“相减”和“相交”一起使用,从而实现了极其精确的选择。

工具箱中的基本选择工具 (Basic Selection Tools in Your Toolbox)

Now that we’ve covered the hidden features of the selection tools, we can take a look at the various selection tools we find in our toolbox, and some of the uses therein.


Rectangular Marquee: Shortcut Key (M)
Use the rectangular marquee to draw the “marching ants” selection around any roughly square areas, and create new layers or masks with your new selection.Hold down Shift and Click  + Drag to draw squares. 

Also try: Add Selection, Subtract Selection, and Intersect Selection with this tool.

Elliptical Marquee: Shortcut Key (Shift + M)
Picking the Elliptical Marquee will allow you to draw selections around your circular and elliptical shaped areas you want to isolate or mask.Hold down Shift and Click  + Drag to draw perfect circles. 

Also try: Add Selection, Subtract Selection, and Intersect Selection with this tool.

Lasso: Shortcut Key (L)
Select the lasso to draw freeform lines around your object, in any shape you can mouse or draw with your stylus. Once selected, copy to a new layer or use masks to block off the unwanted areas in your layer.Hold down Alt and release the mouse button to quickly switch to the Polygonal Lasso. 

Also try: Add Selection, Subtract Selection, and Intersect Selection with this tool.

Polygonal Lasso: Shortcut Key (Shift + L)
The Polygonal Lasso allows you to draw straight lines between points you create with clicks of your mouse. An excellent way to draw precise angular selections quickly, without the pain of clicking and dragging.Hold down Alt and release the mouse button to quickly switch to the regular Lasso Tool. 

Also try: Add Selection, Subtract Selection, and Intersect Selection with this tool.

Magnetic Lasso: Shortcut Key (Shift + L)
The Magnetic Lasso uses Photoshop’s edge detect to snap to the edges of objects. In cases where the edges are clear to the program, this is a decent way to isolate an object. Often, it offers a rough, somewhat poor selection.Hold down Alt to quickly switch to either the regular lasso or the Polygonal Lasso in this mode. 

Also try: Add Selection, Subtract Selection, and Intersect Selection with this tool.

Magic Wand: Shortcut Key (W)Working similar to the Bucket Fill, the magic wand creates a selection of touching, adjacent similar colors.In the options panel, deselect “contiguous” to find all similar colors in the entire document, regardless of whether they touch or not. 

Also try: Add Selection, Subtract Selection, and Intersect Selection with this tool.

Quick Selection Tool: Shortcut Key (Shift + W)
Another rough edge-detecting tool, Quick Selection will provide a basic outline when the program can easily find edges. Depending on how you “paint” with Quick Selection, Photoshop may find more or less of your object.Also try: Add Selection, Subtract Selection, and Intersect Selection with this tool.
矩形选框: 快捷键(M)
使用矩形选框在任何大致正方形区域周围绘制“行进蚂蚁”选择,并使用新选择创建新图层或蒙版。 按住Shift单击+拖动以绘制正方形。


椭圆选框快捷键(Shift + M)
选择椭圆选框将允许您在要隔离或遮罩的圆形和椭圆形区域周围绘制选择, 按住Shift键单击+拖动以绘制完美的圆形。


套索: 快捷键(L)
选择套索以在对象周围绘制任意形状的线条,您可以使用鼠标笔或手写笔来绘制任意形状。 选择后,复制到新图层或使用蒙版遮挡图层中不需要的区域。按住Alt键并释放鼠标按钮可快速切换到多边形套索。


多边形套索快捷键(Shift + L)
多边形套索允许您在单击鼠标创建的点之间绘制直线。 快速绘制精确角度选择的绝佳方法,而无需单击和拖动之类的方法。按住Alt并释放鼠标按钮可快速切换到常规的套索工具。


磁性套索快捷键(Shift + L)
磁性套索使用Photoshop的边缘检测来捕捉对象的边缘。 在程序边缘清晰的情况下,这是隔离对象的一种不错的方法。 通常,它提供的选择有些粗糙,在此模式下按住Alt键可以快速切换到常规套索或多边形套索。


魔术棒快捷键(W) 魔术棒的工作原理类似于“桶填充”,它创建了一系列可触摸的,相邻的相似颜色。在选项面板中,取消选择“ contiguous ”以在整个文档中查找所有相似的颜色,而不管它们是否接触。


快速选择工具快捷键(Shift + W)
另一个粗糙的边缘检测工具“快速选择”将在程序可以轻松找到边缘时提供基本轮廓。 根据您使用“快速选择”“绘画”的方式,Photoshop可能会发现更多或更少的对象。 也可以尝试:使用此工具添加选择,减去选择和相交选择。

Combinations of these tools and techniques already offer users a wide range of easy, precise, and serviceable ways to remove backgrounds and isolate objects. However, Photoshop still has perhaps hundreds of ways to remove backgrounds—many of which we’ll cover, starting in part 2 of “50+ Ways to Remove Image Backgrounds.”

这些工具和技术的组合已经为用户提供了广泛的简便,精确和可维修的方式来去除背景和隔离对象。 但是,Photoshop仍然可能有数百种删除背景的方法-我们将介绍许多方法,从“ 50多种删除图像背景的方法”的第2部分开始。

Image Credits: Bald eagle by Arpingstone, in public domain. Osprey image by NASA, in public domain. Lens Apeture Side by MarkSweep, in public domain.

图片来源: Arpingstone的 秃头鹰 ,公共领域。 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)在公共领域拍摄的鱼鹰图像。 MarkSweep提供的 Lens Apeture Side ,在公共领域。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/60980/50-tools-and-techniques-to-remove-backgrounds-in-photoshop/

本文标签: 图像多种背景工具技术