


1GThe 1st generation第一代移动通信
2GThe 2nd generation第二代移动通信
3GThe 3rd generation第三代移动通信
3GPPThird Generation Partnership Project第三代合作伙伴
4GThe 4th generation第四代移动通信
5GThe 5th generation 第五代移动通信
5GC5G Core Network5G核心网
5G-AN5G Access Network5G接入网
5G-BRG 5G Broadband Residential Gateway 5G宽带家庭网关
5G-CRG 5G Cable Residential Gateway 5G有线电视家庭网关
5G-EIR5G Equipment Identity Register5G设备标识寄存器
5G-GUTI5G Globally Unique Temporary Identifier5G全球唯一临时标识符
5GLAN5G Local Area Network5G局域网
5GS5G System5G系统
5G-S-TMSI5G S-Temporary Mobile Subscription Identifier5G短格式临时移动订阅标识符
5G-TMSI5G Temporary Mobile Subscription Identifier5G临时移动订阅标识符
5QI5G QoS Identifier5G QoS标识符
AAAAuthentication Authorization Accounting验证、授权、记账
AAUActive Antenna Unit有源天线单元
ABNFAugmented Backus-Naur Form
ADCAnalog to Digital Converter模数转换器
AFApplication Function应用功能
AKAAuthentication and Key Agreement认证与密钥协商协议
ALAggregation Level聚合等级
AMAccess Management 接入管理
AMAcknowledged Mode 确认模式
AMBRAggregate Maximum Bit Rate聚合最大比特速率
AMCAdaptive Modulation and Coding自适应调制编码
AMFAccess and Mobility Management Function接入和移动性管理功能
AMPSAmerican Mobile Phone System美国移动电话系统
ANAccess Network接入网络
ANDSF Access Network Discovery and Selection Functionality 接入网发现和选择功能
APNAccess Point Name接入点名称
ARAugmented Reality现实增强
ARIBAssociation of Radio Industries and Businesses(日本)无线工业及商贸联合会
ARPAllocation and Retention Priority分配和保留优先级
ARPFAuthentication credential Repository and Processing Function认证凭证存储库和处理功能
ASAccess Stratum接入层
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步传输模式
ATSSS Access Traffic Steering,Switching,Splitting接入流量导向、切换和拆分
AUSFAuthentication Server Function认证服务器功能
BBFBroadband Forum
BBUBaseband Unit基带处理单元
BCCHBroadcast Control Channel广播控制信道
BCHBroadcast Channel广播信道
BFRQBeam Failure Recovery request波束恢复请求
BLERBlock Error Rate误块率
BP Branching Point
BRG Broadband Residential Gateway
BSBase Station基站
BSF Binding Support Function 绑定支持功能
BSRBuffer Status Report缓存状态报告
BWPBandwidth Part部分带宽
C&MControl & Management控制和管理
CAGClosed Access Group闭合访问组
CAPIF Common API Framework for 3GPP northbound APIs 3GPP北向API的公共 API 框架
CBCCell Broadcast Center小区广播中心
CBECell Broadcast Entity小区广播实体
CBGCode block group码块组
CBGFICBG Flushingout InformationCBG擦除信息
CBGTICBG Transmission InformationCBG传输信息
CCCHCommon Control Channel公共控制信道
CCEControl-Channel Element控制信道元素
CDMCode Division Multiplexing码分复用
CDMACode Division Multiple Access码分多址接入
CHF Charging Function计费功能
CMConnection Management连接管理
CMASCommercial Mobile Alert Service商用移动预警系统
CNCore Network核心网
CORESETControl Resource Set控制资源集
CPControl Plane控制平面
CPCyclic Prefix循环前缀
CPECustomer Premise Equipment用户前置设备
CPRICommon Public Radio Interface通用公共无线接口
CQIChannel Quality Indicator信道质量指示
CRBCommon Resource Block公共资源块
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check循环冗余校验
CRG Cable Residential Gateway
CRIContention Resolution Identity竞争解决标识
CRSCell-specific Reference Signals小区特定参考信号
CRUDCreate, Retrieve, Update, Delete(计算处理时的)增查删改
CSCircuit Switch 电路交换
CSCF Call Session Control Function 呼叫会话控制功能
CSFBCS Fallback电路域回落
CSIChannel State Information信道状态信息
CSI-IMCSI Interference Measurement信道状态信息干扰测量
CSI-RSChannel state information Reference Signal信道状态信息参考信号
CSSCommon Search Space 公共搜索空间
C-TEIDCommon Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
CUCentral Unit中央单元
CU-CPCentralized Unit Control Plane中央单元控制面
CUPSControl and User Plane Separation控制和用户平面分离
CU-UPCentralized Unit User Plane中央单元用户面
DACDigital to Analog Converter数模转换器
DAIDownlink Assignment Index下行分配索引
D-AMPSDigital Advanced Mobile Phone Service数字先进移动电话服务
DAPS Dual Active Protocol Stacks
DCDual Connectivity双连接
DCCHDedicated Control Channel专用控制信道
DCIDownlink Control Information下行控制信息
DCNDedicated Core Network专用核心网
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol动态主机配置协议
DL-SCHDownlink Shared Channel下行共享信道
DMRSDemodulation Reference Signal解调参考信号
DNData Network数据网络
DNAI Data Network Access Identifier DN接入标识
DNFDisjunctive Normal Form
DNNData Network Name数据网络名称
DNSDomain Name System域名系统协议
DRBData Radio Bearer数据无线承载
DRXDiscontinuous Reception 间断接收
DSCPDifferentialcd Services Code Point 差分服务代码点
DSSDynamic Spectrum Sharing动态频谱共享
DTCHDedicated Traffic Channel 专用业务信道
DUDistributed Unit分布式单元
EAPExtensible Authentication Protocol可扩展的身份验证协议
EBI EPS Bearer Identity EPS 承载标识
eCPRIevolved Common Public Radio Interface增强型通用公共无线电接口
eLTEenhanced Long Term Evolution增强型长期演进网络
eMBBEnhanced Mobile Broadband增强移动宽带
eMTCLTE enhanced Machine Type of Communication基于LTE的增强型机器通信
EN-DC E-UTRAN New Radio-Dual Connectivity E-UTRAN 和新空口双连接
eNodeB(eNB)evolved NodeB(4G)演进型基站
EPCEvolved Packet Core演进的分组核心网
ePDG evolved Packet Data Gateway 演进的分组数据网关
EPREEnergy Per Resource Element每资源元素的功率
EPSEvolved Packet System演进的分组系统
eREeCPRI Radio EquipmenteCPRI无线电设备
eRECeCPRI Radio Equipment ControleCPRI无线电设备控制
ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute欧洲电信标准化协会
ETWSEarthquake and Tsunami Warning System地震和海啸预警系统
E-UTRAN Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network 演进通用陆地无线接入网络
FAR Forwarding Action Rule 转发动作规则
FDDFrequency Division Duplex频分双工
FDMFrequency Division Multiplexing频分多路复用
FDMAFrequency Division Multiple Access频分多址接入
FN-BRG Fixed Network Broadband Residential Gateway 固网宽带RG
FN-CRG Fixed Network Cable Residential Gateway 固网有线电视RG
FN-RG Fixed Network Residential Gateway 固网RG
FPGAField Programmable Gate Array现场可编程门阵列
FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name全限定域名/完全合格的域名
FR1Frequency Range 1频率范围1
FR2Frequency Range 2频率范围2
GAD Universal Geographical Area Description
GBRGuaranteed Bit Rate保证比特率
GFBRGuaranteed Flow Bit Rate保证流比特率
GMLC Gateway Mobile Location Centre网关移动位置中心
GPGuard Period保护间隔
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service通用无线分组业务
GPSIGeneric Public Subscription Identifier通用公共订阅标识符
GSCNGlobal Synchronization Channel Number全局同步信道序号
GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communications(2G)全球移动通信系统
GSMAGSM Association全球移动通信系统协会
GTPGPRS Tunneling ProtocolGPRS隧道协议
GTP-U GPRS Tunneling Protocol for User Plane GPRS用户面隧道协议
GTPv2GPRS Tunneling Protocol version 2

GPRS Tunneling Protocol version 1 - User

GUAMIGlobally Unique AMF Identifier全球唯一AMF标识符
HAL Hypertext Application Language
HARQHybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest混合自动重传请求
HARQ-ACKHybrid Automatic Repeat rcQuest-Acknowledgements混合自动重传响应消息
HATEOAS Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State
HFC Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial
HFNHyper Frame Number超帧号
HRHome Routed(roaming)归属地路由(漫游)
HSPAHigh-Speed Packet Access高速分组接入
HSSHome Subscriber Server归属签约用户服务器
HTTPHyper Text Transfer Protocol超文本传输协议
IABIntegrated Access and Backhaul接入回传一体化
IDLInterface Definition Language
IEInformation Element信息元素
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force 国际互联网工程任务组
IMEIInternational Mobile Equipment Identity国际移动设备标识
IMEISVInternational Mobile Equipment Identity Software Version国际移动设备标识软件版本
IMSIP Multimedia SubsystemIP多媒体子系统
IMSIInternational Mobile Subscriber Identity国际移动订户标识
IMTInternational Mobile Telecommunications国际移动通信系统
IPInternet Protocol国际互联协议
I-RNTIInactive Radio Network Temporary Identity非激活无线网络临时标识符
I-SMF Intermediate SMF 中间SMF
ITUInternational Telecommunication Union国际电信联盟
LADNLocal Area Data Network本地数据网络
LBOLocal Break Out (roaming)本地疏导
LC-HLoad Control based on LCI Header
LCILoad Control Information
LDPCLow Density Parity Check Code低密度奇偶校验码
LDR Location Deferred Request
LILawful Interception合法监听
LMF Location Management Function 位置管理功能
LoSLine of Sight视距
LRFLocation Retrieval Function位置获取功能
LTELong Term Evolution长期演进系统
MA Multi-Acces
MACMedium Access Control媒体接入控制
Massive MIMOMassive Multiple Input Multiple Output大规模天线
MBRMaximum Bit Rate最大比特速率
MCCMobile Country Code移动国家代码
MCGMaster Cell Group主小区组
MCSModulation and Coding Scheme调制编码方案
MCPTT Mission Critical Push To Talk关键任务一键通
MCXMission Critical Service 关键任务服务
MDBV Maximum Data Burst Volume 最大的数据突发量
MECMobile Edge Computing移动边缘计算
MFBRMaximum Flow Bit Rate最大流比特速率
MIBMaster Information Block主系统消息
MICOMobile Initiated Connection Only仅移动端发起连接
MIMOMultiple-Input Multiple-Output多输入多输出
mIoTMassive Internet of Things大规模物联网
MMMobility Management移动管理
MMEMobility Management Entity移动性管理实体
mMTCMassive Machine Type of Communication海量机器类通信
MNCMobile Network Code移动网络代码
MO Mobile Originated
MPLRMaximum Packet Loss Rate最大丢包率
MPSMultimedia Priority Service 多媒体优先服务
MPTCP Multi-Path TCP Protocol 多路径TCP协议
MR-DC Multi RAT Dual Connectivity多RAT双连接
MRU Mobility Registration Update 移动性注册更新
MSINMobile Station Identification Number移动台识别号
MSISDNMobile Subscriber International ISDN number移动订户国际ISDN号码
MU-MIMOMultiple User-Multiple input multiple output多用户多进多出
MT Mobile Terminated
MTCMachine Type of Communication机器类通信
N3IWFNon-3GPP InterWorking Function非3GPP互通功能
NaaS Network as a Service 网络即服务
NAI Network Access Identifier 网络接入标识
NASNon-Access Stratum非接入层
NAT Network Address Translation 网络地址翻译
NB-IoTNarrow Band Internet of Things窄带物联网
NDINew Data Indicator新数据指示
NENetwork Element网元
NEFNetwork Exposure Function网络暴露功能
NFNetwork Function网络功能
NGAPNext Generation Application Protocol下一代应用协议
NGMNNext Generation Mobile Networks下一代移动通信网
NG-RANNext Generation Radio Access Network下一代无线接入网
NID Network Identifier 网络标识
NLoSNon Line of Sight非视距
NMTNordic Mobile Telephone System北欧移动电话系统
NnrfNRF Service-based Interface
NOMANon-Orthogonal Multiple Access非正交多址接入
NPN Non-Public Network 非公共网络
NRNew Radio新空口
NRFNetwork Repository Function网络存储库功能
NRPPa NR Positioning Protocol A
NSI Network Slice Instance 网络切片实例
NSI-IDNetwork Slice Instance identifier网络切片实例标识符
NSSAA Network Slice-Specific Authentication and Authorization
NSSAINetwork Slice Selection Assistance Information网络切片选择协助信息
NSSFNetwork Slice Selection Function网络切片选择功能
NSSP Network Slice Selection Policy 网络切片选择策略
NULNormal UL普通上行
NWDAF Network Data Analytics Function 网络数据分析功能
O2IOutdoor To Indoor室外覆盖室内
O2OOutdoor To Outdoor室外覆盖室外
O&MOperation and Maintenance操作和维护
OAMOperation Administration and Maintenance操作维护管理
OCCOrthogonal Cover Code正交覆盖码
OCFOnline Charging Function
OCFOpen Connectivity Foundation
OCIOverload Control Information
OCSOnline Charging System
OFDMOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing正交频分复用
OLC-HOverload Control based on OCI Header
PAGCHPacket Access Grant Channel
OBSAIOpen Base Station Architecture Initiative开放式基站架构联盟
PAPRPeak to Average Power Ratio峰均功率比
PBCHPhysical Broadcast Channel物理广播信道
PCCHPaging Control Channel寻呼控制信道
PCFPolicy Control Function策略控制功能
PCGProject Cooperation Group项目协作组
PCHPaging Channel寻呼信道
PCIPhysical-layer Cell Identities物理小区标识
PCRFPolicy and Charging Rules Function策略和计费规则功能
PDB Packet Delay Budget 数据包时延预算
PDCPersonal Digital Cellular个人数字蜂窝
PDCCHPhysical Downlink Control Channel物理下行控制信道
PDCPPacket Data Convergence Protocol分组数据汇聚协议
PDNPublic Data Network
PDNPacket Data Network分组数据网
PDP Packet Data Protocol分组数据协议
PDRPacket Detection Rule数据包检测规则
PDSCHPhysical Downlink Shared Channel物理下行共享信道
PDUProtocol Data Unit协议数据单元
PEIPermanent Equipment Identifier永久设备标识符
PER Packet Error Rate数据包错误率
PFCPPacket Forwarding Control Protocol报文转发控制协议
PFDPacket Flow Description数据包流描述
PGW-C PDN Gateway CPPDN网关控制面
PHRPower Headroom Report功率余量报告
PLMNPublic Land Mobile Network公共陆地移动网
PMIPrecoding Matrix Indicator预编码矩阵指示
PPI Paging Policy Indicator 寻呼策略指示
PRACHPhysical Random-Access Channel物理随机接入信道
PRA Presence Reporting Area
PRBPhysical Resource Block物理资源块
PRGPrecoding Resource block Group预编码资源块组
PSPacket Switch包交换
PSAPDU Session AnchorPDU会话锚点
PSSPrimary Synchronization Signal主同步信号
PT-RSPhase Tracking Reference Signal相位追踪参考信号
PUCCHPhysical Uplink Control Channel物理上行控制信道
PUSCHPhysical Uplink Shared Channel物理上行共享信道
QCIQoS Class IdentifierQoS类别标识符
QCLQuasi Colocation准共址
QFIQoS Flow IdentifierQoS流标识符
QIBQuality Indicator Bit
QNCQoS Notification ControlQoS通知控制
QoEQuality of Service体验质量
QoSQuality of Service服务质量
QSTAQuality Station
RA Registration Area 注册区
RABRadio Access Bearer无线接入承载
RACHRandom Access Channel随机接入信道
(R)AN(Radio) Access Network(无线)接入网
RARRandom Access Response随机接入响应
RATRadio Access Technology无线接入技术
RBResource Block资源块
RBGResource Block Group资源块组
RDIReflective QoS flow to DRB mapping Indication反射QoS流到DRB映射标识
REResource Element资源元素
RERadio Equipment无线电设备
RECRadio Equipment Control无线电设备控制
REGResource-Element Group资源元素组
Rel-15Release 15版本15
REST REpresentational State Transfer
RFRadio Frequency射频
RFSP RAT/Frequency Selection Priority RAT/频率选择优先级
RG Residential Gateway 家庭网关
RIRank Indicator秩指示
RIVResource Indication Value资源指示值
RLCRadio Link Control无线链路控制
RMRegistration Management注册管理
RMaRural Macro cell 乡村宏小区
RMSIRemaining Minimum System Information剩余系统信息
RNARAN based Notification Area基于RAN的通知区域
RNCRadio Network Controller(3G)无线网络控制器
RNLRadio Network Layer无线网络层
RNTIRadio Network Temporary Identity无线网络临时标识符
ROHCrobust header compression鲁棒性头压缩
RQAReflective QoS Attribute反射QoS属性
RQIReflective QoS Indication反射QoS标识
RRCRadio Resource Control无线资源管理
RRURemote Radio Unit射频拉远单元
RSN Redundancy Sequence Number冗余序列号
RSRPReference Signal Receiver Power参考信号接收功率
RVRedundancy Version冗余版本
RSN Redundancy Sequence Number
SA NR Standalone New Radio独立的新空口
SAPService Access Point服务接入点
SARI Service Area Restriction Information
SBA Service Based Architecture 基于服务的架构
SBG Session Border Gateway会话边界网关
SBIService Based Interface 基于服务的接口
SCEFService Capability Exposure Function业务能力暴露功能
SCGSecondary Cell Group辅小区组
SCPService Communication Proxy 服务通信代理
SCTPStream Control Transmission Protocol流控制传输协议
SDSlice Differentiator切片区分符
SDAPService Data Adaptation Protocol服务数据适配协议
SDFService Data Flow业务数据流
SDLSupplementary DL补充下行
SDN Software Defined Networking软件定义网络
SDUService Data Unit服务数据单元
SEAFSEcurity Anchor Functionality安全锚点功能
SEPPSecurity and Edge Protection Proxy 安全边缘保护代理
SFISlot Format information时隙格式信息
SFNSystem Frame Number系统帧号
SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node服务GPRS支持节点
SGWServing Gateway服务网关
SISystem Information系统消息
SIBSystem Information Block系统信息块
SIDFSubscription Identifier De-concealing Function订阅标识符去隐藏功能
SIP Session Initiation Protocol会话发起协议
SLA Service Level Agreement服务级别协议
SLIVStart and Length Indicator Value起始和长度指示
SMSession Management会话管理
SMFSession Management Function会话管理功能
SMPSBI Message Priority
SMSShort Message Service短消息业务
SMSFShort Message Service Function短消息服务功能
SNSequence Number序列号
SNPN Stand-alone Non-Public Network
S-NSSAISingle Network Slice Selection Assistance Information单个网络切片选择协助信息
SRScheduling Request调度请求
SRISRS Resource Indicator探测参考信号资源指示
SRSSounding Reference Signal探测参考信号
SRVCCSingle Radio Voice Call Continuity单无线语音通话连续性
SSBSS/PBCH block同步广播资源块
SSCSession and Service Continuity会话和服务连续性
SSCMSP Session and Service Continuity Mode Selection Policy 会话和服务连续性模式选择策略
SSSSecondary Synchronization Signal辅同步信号
SSTSlice/Service Type切片/业务类型
SUCISubscription Concealed Identifier签约加密标识符
SULSupplementary UL补充上行
SUPISubscription Permanent Identifier签约永久标识符
TATiming Advance时间提前量
TACTracking Area Code跟踪区代码
TACSTotal Access Communication System全接入通信系统
TAITracking Area Identity跟踪区标识
TAUTracking Area Update跟踪区更新
TBTransport Blocks传输块
TBSTransport Blocks Size传输块大小
TCITransmission Configuration Indication传输配置指示
TCPTransmission Control Protocol传输控制协议
TDDTime Division Duplex时分双工
TDMTime Division Multiplexing时分多路复用
TEIDTunnel EndPoint Identifier
TIATelecommunications Industry Association通信工业协会
TLSTransport Layer Security传输层安全协议
TMTransparent Mode透明模式
TMSI Temporary Mobile Subscription Identifier 临时移动签约标识
TNAN Trusted Non-3GPP Access Network 可信的非3GPP接入网
TNAP Trusted Non-3GPP Access Point 可信的非3GPP接入点
TNGF Trusted Non-3GPP Gateway Function 可信的非3GPP网关功能
TNLTransport Network Layer传输网络层
TNLA Transport Network Layer Association 传输网络层关联
TPCTransmit Power Control发射功率控制
TPMITransmit Precoding Matrix Indicator传输预编码矩阵指示
TRSTracking Reference Signal追踪参考信号
TSC Time Sensitive Communication 时间敏感通信
TSN Time Sensitive Networking 时间敏感网络
TSP Traffic Steering Policy流量引导策略
TTITransmission Time Interval传输时间间隔
TWAP Trusted WLAN Access Point
TWIF Trusted WLAN Interworking Function
TxRUTransceiver Unit收发单元
UACUnified Access Control统一接入控制
UCIUplink Control Information上行控制信息
UDMUnified Data Management统一数据管理
UDPUser Datagram Protocol用户数据报协议
UDRUnified Data Repository统一数据仓库
UDSFUnstructured Data Storage Function非结构化数据存储功能
UEUser Equipment用户终端
UL CLUplink Classifier上行分类器
UL-SCHUplink Shared Channel上行共享信道
UMUnacknowledged Mode无确认模式
UMaUrban Macro cell城市宏小区
UMiUrban Microcell城市微小区
UPUser Plane用户平面
UPFUser Plane Function用户面功能
URIUniform Resource Identifier
URLLCUltra Reliable Low Latency Communication低时延高可靠通信
URRP-AMF UE Reachability Request Parameter for AMFAMF的UE可达请求参数
URSP UE Route Selection PolicyUE路由选择策略
URNUniform Resource Name
USSUE-specific Search SpaceUE 专用搜索空间
UTCCoordinated Universal Time协调世界时
V2X Vehicle-to-Everything车联网
VID VLAN Identifier VLAN标识
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network虚拟局域网
VoLTEVoice over Long-Term EvolutionLTE语音
VoNRVoice over New RadioNR语音
V-PCF Visited Policy Control Function
VRVirtual Reality虚拟现实
VRBVirtual Resource Block虚拟资源块
V-SMF Visited SMF
W-5GAN Wireline 5G Access Network 有线5G接入网
W-5GBAN Wireline BBF Access Network 有线 BBF接入网
W-5GCAN Wireline 5G Cable Access Network 有线5G有线电视接入网
W-AGF Wireline Access Gateway Function 有线接入网关功能
WCDMAWideband Code Division Multiple Access(3G)宽带码分多址
ZP CSI-RSZero Power CSI-RS零功率信道状态信息参考信号

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