

1.7 List four applications you have used that most likely employed a database system to store persistent data.
Banking: For account information, transfer of funds, banking transactions.
• Universities: For student information, online assignment submissions, course registrations, and grades.
• Airlines: For reservation of tickets, and schedule information.
• Online news sites: For updating new, maintainence of archives.
• Online-trade: For product data, availability and pricing informations, order-tracking facilities, and generating recommendation lists.

1.8 List four significant differences between a file-processing system and a DBMS.

1.9 Explain the concept of physical data independence, and its importance in database systems.

1.10 List five responsibilities of a database-management system. For each responsibility, explain the problems that would arise if the responsibility were not discharged.

1.11 List at least two reasons why database systems support data manipulation using a declarative query language such as SQL, instead of just providing a library of C or C++ functions to carry out data manipulation.

1.12 Explain what problems are caused by the design of the table in Figure 1.4.
• If a department has more than one instructor, the building name and budget get repeated multiple times. Updates to the building name and budget may get performed on some of the copies but not others, resulting in an inconsistent state where it is not clear what is the actual building name and budget of a department.
• A department needs to have at least one instructor in order for building and budget information to be included in the table. Nulls can be used when there is no instructor, but null values are rather difficult to handle.
• If all instructors in a department are deleted, the building and budget information are also lost. Ideally, we would like to have the department information in the database irrespective of whether the department has an associated instructor or not, without resorting to null values.

1.13 What are five main functions of a database administrator?

1.14 Explain the difference between two-tier and three-tier architectures. Which is better suited for Web applications? Why?

1.15 Describe at least 3 tables that might be used to store information in a social networking system such as Facebook.
Answer: Some possible tables are:
a. A users table containing users, with attributes such as account name, real name, age, gender, location, and other profile information.
b. A content table containing user provided content, such as text and images, associated with the user who uploaded the content.
c. A friendstable recording for each user which other users are connected to that user. The kind of connection may also be recorded in this table.
d. A permissions table, recording which category of friends are allowed to view which content uploaded by a user. For example, a user may share some photos with family but not with all friends.

本文标签: 习题概念答案数据库系统