


It’s a good idea to keep your iPad’s operating system (iPadOS) up to date. iPadOS updates are available for free from Apple, and they give your iPad the latest security and bug fixes, and features.

最好使iPad的操作系统( iPadOS )保持最新。 Apple可以免费提供iPadOS更新,它们为您的iPad提供了最新的安全性和错误修复以及功能。

Here’s how to update your iPad to the latest version of iPadOS.


更新之前先备份 (Back Up Before You Update)

While problems during the install process are rare, it’s possible for something to go wrong and cause your iPad to lose your data. So, before you install an iPadOS update on a mission-critical iPad (or one with irreplaceable data), make it a habit to back it up first.

尽管安装过程中的问题很少见,但有可能出现问题并导致iPad丢失数据。 因此,在任务关键型iPad(或具有不可替代数据的iPad)上安装iPadOS更新之前,请养成先备份它的习惯。

通过设置应用程序更新iPadOS (Update iPadOS via the Settings App)

These days, most people update their iPad directly through the Settings app without connecting their iPad to a computer. This is called a wireless installation.

如今,大多数人都直接通过“设置”应用程序更新iPad,而无需将iPad连接到计算机。 这称为无线安装。

To do this, open the “Settings” app from the Home screen.


Tap “General” in the left column.


Tap “Software Update” on the right side.


The Settings menu displays information about the latest iPadOS update, including the version number and some details about the changes it will make.


If your iPad has not yet downloaded the update, you see a button that says “Download and Install.” Tap it to download the update. Your iPad will install the update automatically after the download is complete.

如果您的iPad尚未下载更新,则会看到一个显示“下载并安装”的按钮。 点按下载更新。 下载完成后,您的iPad将自动安装更新。

If your iPad has already downloaded the update, you see the “Install Now” button; tap it to begin the update process.

如果您的iPad已经下载了更新,则显示“立即安装”按钮; 点按它即可开始更新过程。

After the installation process begins, a popup alerts you that it’s verifying the update; wait for this to finish.

安装过程开始后,将弹出一个窗口,通知您正在验证更新。 等待完成。

After verification is complete, the iPad screen goes black and it restarts. The Apple logo and a small progress bar appear in the center of the screen.

验证完成后,iPad屏幕变黑,然后重新启动。 Apple徽标和一个小的进度条出现在屏幕中央。

When the installation is complete, you can use your iPad again, as usual.


使用Finder或iTunes通过USB更新iPadOS (Update iPadOS via USB with Finder or iTunes)

You can also update your iPad via a wired connection with your Mac or Windows PC. If your Mac runs macOS 10.15 or later, open Finder. If your Mac runs macOS 10.14 or earlier, or you’re using a Windows PC, open iTunes.

您也可以通过与Mac或Windows PC的有线连接来更新iPad。 如果您的Mac运行的是macOS 10.15或更高版本,请打开Finder。 如果您的Mac运行的是macOS 10.14或更早版本,或者您使用的是Windows PC,请打开iTunes。

Connect your iPad to your computer with a Lightning-to-USB cable. If it’s the first time you’re connecting it to the computer, your iPad will ask if you want to trust the computer; tap “Trust.”

使用Lightning-to-USB电缆将iPad连接到计算机。 如果是第一次将其连接到计算机,则iPad会询问您是否要信任计算机; 点击“信任”。

Locate your iPad on the computer and click it. On macOS 10.15 or later, you’ll see it on the left side of the Finder window under “Locations.”

在计算机上找到您的iPad,然后单击它。 在macOS 10.15或更高版本上,您将在Finder窗口左侧的“位置”下看到它。

If you’re using iTunes, click the iPad icon in the toolbar near the top of the screen.


In the window with information on your iPad, navigate to the “General” tab (in Finder) or Settings > Summary (in iTunes). Click “Check for Update.”

在iPad上包含信息的窗口中,导航到“常规”选项卡(在Finder中)或“设置”>“摘要”(在iTunes中)。 点击“检查更新”。

If an update is available, click “Download.” When the download is complete, click “Update.” Type your passcode if necessary and the update will install.

如果有更新,请单击“下载”。 下载完成后,单击“更新”。 如有必要,请输入密码,然后将安装更新。

确保您的iPad是最新的 (Make Sure You’re iPad Is Up to Date)

After you update your iPad, you can double-check to make sure everything was installed.


On your iPad, navigate to Settings > General > Software Update. If your device is fully updated, you see a screen similar to the one below that confirms this.

在iPad上,导航至“设置”>“常规”>“软件更新”。 如果您的设备已完全更新,则会看到类似于以下屏幕的画面,这确认了这一点。

Congratulations! Your iPad is all updated and ready to use.

恭喜你! 您的iPad已全部更新并可以使用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/658748/how-to-update-your-ipad-to-the-latest-version-of-ipados/


本文标签: 最新版本您的如何将新到ipad