


Windows 10 now allows you to remap an Xbox One Controller’s buttons, just like you can remap the buttons on an Xbox One console. This feature is part of the Xbox Accessories app, which isn’t installed by default.

Windows 10现在允许您重新映射Xbox One控制器的按钮,就像您可以重新映射Xbox One控制台上的按钮一样。 此功能是Xbox附件应用程序的一部分,默认情况下未安装。

局限性 (Limitations)

Unfortunately, this new remapping feature doesn’t fully eliminate the need for third-party controller remapping apps. There are a still few big limitations:

不幸的是,此新的重新映射功能不能完全消除对第三方控制器重新映射应用程序的需求。 还有一些大限制:

  • You can only remap the buttons on Xbox One controllers. You can’t remap other types of controllers, including the popular Xbox 360 controllers.

    您只能重新映射Xbox One控制器上的按钮。 您不能重新映射其他类型的控制器,包括流行的Xbox 360控制器。
  • You can only remap the buttons on the controller itself to other

本文标签: 手柄控制器按钮如何在Xbox