


Even the most ardent Google basher has a GMail account. What’s not to like? It’s fast, free, offers several GB of storage, and has one of the best spam filters available. It’s great — even if you only use it for throw-away website registrations.

即使是最热情的Google basher都有一个GMail帐户。 不喜欢什么 它快速,免费,提供数GB的存储空间,并且是现有最佳的垃圾邮件过滤器之一。 很棒-即使您仅将其用于一次性网站注册。

However, one of the more controversial features is “conversation view”. This groups related messages into threads and it’s been the only option since day 1. It’s a hotly-debated topic: the view works well, but takes a little mental re-configuration if you’re used to a traditional inbox such as (pre-2010) Outlook or other email clients.

但是,更具争议性的功能之一是“对话视图”。 此功能将相关邮件归为多个线程,这是自第一天以来唯一的选择。这是一个热门话题:该视图运行良好,但是如果您习惯了传统的收件箱,例如(pre- 2010)Outlook或其他电子邮件客户端。

According to Google’s blog:

根据Google的博客 :

We really hoped everyone would learn to love conversation view, but we came to realize that it’s just not right for some people.


Many people simply prefer a non-threaded inbox. If you’re in that group, you’ll be pleased to hear that Google has made conversation view optional. To change it:

许多人只是喜欢非线程的收件箱。 如果您属于该群组,您会很高兴听到Google将对话视图设置为可选项。 要更改它:

  1. Click the “Settings” link at the top-right of the screen.

  2. On the General tab, select Conversation on or off (it’s the sixth option down).


(Note that the facility is being rolled out this week so you may have to wait another day or two before it appears. Business users should ensure “Enable pre-release features” is selected in the Google Apps control panel.)

(请注意,该功能将于本周推出,因此您可能需要等待一两天才能显示该功能。业务用户应确保在Google Apps控制面板中选择了“启用预发布功能”。)

It’s a welcome addition. I know several people who abandoned or struggle with GMail because conversation view is too different to their previous experiences. Automated threading has benefits — especially if you receive a lot of mail — but standard inboxes can be easier to understand and work well for many users.

这是一个受欢迎的补充。 我认识几个放弃或与Gmail斗争的人,因为对话视图与他们以前的经历有很大不同。 自动线程化有很多好处-特别是在您收到大量邮件的情况下-但是标准收件箱对于许多用户而言更容易理解和良好地工作。

But seriously Google, it’s taken 6 years implement this option! Better late than never, I suppose.

但是,对Google而言,实现此选项花了6年时间! 我想迟到总比没有好。

Do you love or hate threaded email views? Did you abandon GMail because of it? Does the new option encourage you retry the service?

您是喜欢还是讨厌线程邮件视图? 您是否因此而放弃了Gmail? 新选项是否鼓励您重试该服务?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/gmail-conversation-view-off/


本文标签: 视图gmail