

AGI之GitAgent:《GitAgent: Facilitating Autonomous Agent with GitHub by Tool Extension通过工具扩展实现与GitHub的自主代理》翻译与解读


《GitAgent: Facilitating Autonomous Agent with GitHub by Tool Extension通过工具扩展实现与GitHub的自主代理》翻译与解读


Figure 1: Illustration of autonomous tool extension from GitHub图1:来自GitHub的自主工具扩展的示意图


Figure 2: Illustration of the four-phase procedure of the GitAgent.图2:GitAgent的四阶段程序示意图





Figure 12: Prompt of GitAgent图12:GitAgent的提示

Figure 13: Prompt of Stored Repository Retrieval图13:存储库检索提示

Figure 14: Prompt of Repository Topic Generation图14:存储库主题生成提示

《GitAgent: Facilitating Autonomous Agent with GitHub by Tool Extension通过工具扩展实现与GitHub的自主代理》翻译与解读






Bohan Lyu, Xin Cong, Heyang Yu, Pan Yang, Yujia Qin, Yining Ye, Yaxi Lu, Zhong Zhang, Yukun Yan, Yankai Lin, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun













>>在遇到问题时,它可以查询GitHub中的Issue和Pull Request,学习人类如何解决类似问题。













While Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and GPT-4 have demon-strated exceptional proficiency in natural language processing, their efficacy in ad-dressing complex, multifaceted tasks remains limited. A growing area of research focuses on LLM-based agents equipped with external tools capable of perform-ing diverse tasks. However, existing LLM-based agents only support a limited set of tools which is unable to cover a diverse range of user queries, especially for those involving expertise domains. It remains a challenge for LLM-based agents to extend their tools autonomously when confronted with various user queries. As GitHub has hosted a multitude of repositories which can be seen as a good re-source for tools, a promising solution is that LLM-based agents can autonomously integrate the repositories in GitHub according to the user queries to extend their tool set. In this paper, we introduce GitAgent, an agent capable of achieving the autonomous tool extension from GitHub. GitAgent follows a four-phase procedure to incorporate repositories and it can learn human experience by resort-ing to GitHub Issues/PRs to solve problems encountered during the procedure. Experimental evaluation involving 30 user queries demonstrates GitAgent’s ef-fectiveness, achieving a 69.4% success rate on average.



Figure 1: Illustration of autonomous tool extension from GitHub图1:来自GitHub的自主工具扩展的示意图


Significant advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) (OpenAI, 2022; 2023) have show-cased remarkable proficiency in natural language processing (NLP). Recently, a notable trend emerged to develop LLMs equipped with external tools (e.g., search engines (Nakano et al., 2021; Qin et al., 2023a), calculators (Schick et al., 2023), and knowledge bases (Parisi et al., 2022)) to function as agents capable of performing complex tasks, extending the capability boundary of LLMs beyond NLP tasks. Consequently, a variety of LLM-based agents have surfaced, e.g., ChatGPT Plu-gins (OpenAI), AutoGPT (AutoGPT), AutoGen (Wu et al., 2023b), XAgent (XAgent, 2023).

However, the range of tools that existing LLM-based agents can utilize remains notably lim-ited (Parisi et al., 2022; Schick et al., 2023; Patil et al., 2023). It is particularly evident in real-world scenarios where user queries are highly diverse and often necessitate specific, domain-specialized tools. Even agents with a broad range of tools still struggle to cover all proper tools to address these specialized queries (Qin et al., 2023c). Hence, when confronted with various queries, it is necessary for agents to autonomously extend their supported toolset to meet the user demands. We observe that there already exist numerous repositories in host platforms like GitHub which is a good tool resource especially including many professional tools across diverse domains (e.g., Qlib for the quantitative investment, AiZynthFinder for the molecule retrosynthetic planning, etc.). If LLM-based agents could search and deploy relevant repositories from GitHub, thereby extending their tools on their own, they can autonomously extend their capability boundary to address diverse user queries.



Tool extension based on GitHub has some challenge due to the lack of standardization of available repositories.

(1) Presence of Flaws: Repositories on GitHub cannot guarantee absolute perfection, devoid of any flaws. Even for those developed by notable organizations (e.g., Microsoft), they may still suffer from inadequate maintenance, resulting in the presence of potential bugs in their source codes.

(2) Incomplete Documentation. Documentations (e.g., README), serving as the pri-mary guide, may not comprehensively detail all the necessary information for effective utilization. Especially, developers might not invest the required effort to create detailed, user-friendly documen-tation. Hence, agents will struggle to integrate repositories and further utilize them to accomplish user queries.


>> 缺陷的存在:GitHub上的存储库不能保证绝对完美,没有任何缺陷。即使是由知名组织(例如Microsoft)开发的存储库,它们可能仍然存在不足的维护,导致其源代码中可能存在潜在错误。

>> 不完整的文档:文档(例如README),作为主要指南,可能无法全面详细地描述有效利用所需信息的所有必要信息。尤其是,开发人员可能不会投入必要的精力来创建详细的、用户友好的文档。因此,代理将努力集成存储库并进一步利用它们来完成用户查询。

In this paper, we introduce GitAgent, an Autonomous Agent enabled to Extend Tools from GitHub. GitAgent decomposes the tool extension procedure into four phases: Search, Setup, Apply, and Store. It begins by searching suitable repositories from GitHub according to user queries and then configuring its environment. Subsequently, GitAgent utilizes the configured repository to fulfill the user query and ends by storing the repository for efficient handling of subsequent queries. To address the non-standardization challenge, as GitHub provides Issues and Pull Requests (PRs) which contains human practice experience, GitAgent can resort to Issues and PRs to learn how human practitioners solve problems (e.g., bugs) during the tool extension. Specifically, upon en-countering a problem, GitAgent first summarizes the problem as a query and utilizes GitHub Issues/PRs API to search for pertinent Issues/PRs. It then judges the relevance of these Issues/PRs to determine their relevance and applicability to the current problem sequentially. If identifying a suitable one, it reads the contents of Issues/PRs to learn how to solve the problem. Finally, GITA-GENT summarizes the practical experience gained during the procedure to guide future use.

We validate the effectiveness of our proposed GitAgent by conducting experiments involving 30 user queries. Our results demonstrate that, GitAgent achieves a success rate of 69.4% on average in addressing the user queries. Furthermore, we discuss the reasons behind failures, shedding light on potential future research directions.





In summary, our main contributions are as follows:

>> We propose GitAgent, an autonomous LLM-based agent. It can autonomously integrate repos-itories in GitHub to extend tools to meet the diverse demands of user queries.

>> To address the non-standardization challenge, GitAgent can autonomously learn human expe-rience based on the GitHub Issues/PRs to solve problems during the tool extension procedure.

>> Experimental results showcase the effectiveness of GitAgent in autonomously integrating tools for task accomplishment across expertise domains.


>> 我们提出了GitAgent,一个基于LLM的自主代理。它可以自主整合GitHub中的存储库,以满足多样化的用户查询需求。

>> 为了解决标准化挑战,GitAgent可以根据GitHub的问题/拉取请求自主学习人类经验,以解决工具扩展过程中的问题。

>> 实验结果展示了GitAgent在自主整合跨专业领域任务的工具方面的有效性

Figure 2: Illustration of the four-phase procedure of the GitAgent.图2:GitAgent的四阶段程序示意图



Given the user query Q, the agent aims to accomplish it and give the response R to the user, involving autonomously tool extension from external resources (i.e., GitHub).



In this paper, we present GitAgent, an autonomous agent that can integrate GitHub repositories to proficiently address various user queries. Through a meticulously designed four-phase proce-dure and the implementation of learning human experience from GitHub Issues/PRs, GitAgent demonstrates its effectiveness in navigating the challenges posed by non-standardized repositories. The experimental results validate GitAgent’s ability to achieve high success rates in addressing user queries. However, while GitAgent showcases promising outcomes, challenges such as vary-ing repository quality and unexpected issues during integration persist. This work prompts future research avenues, including refining GitAgent to adapt to repository variations, enhancing error handling mechanisms, and exploring methodologies for broader repository utilization.



Figure 12: Prompt of GitAgent图12:GitAgent的提示


You are a professional programmer. Given a query, your task is to search for a githubrepository and use it to solve the query.

If the result of `apply` function is lack of required information, you can call `apply` again if you think the result is close to what you want and you think this repository can be used to solve your query. You can also call `set_repository` function to find another repository if you think this repository is not suitable for your query.




Figure 13: Prompt of Stored Repository Retrieval图13:存储库检索提示

Stored Repository Retrieval

You are a professional programmer. Given a task, you want to find a githubrepository to solve the task. Now, your colleagues have explored some repositories. If you think any of the repository(s) might can solve your task, call

`use_existing_repository` function to use it. Otherwise, call `find_a_new_repository` function to find another repository.

You will be given the query of the task and name(s) and description(s) of existed repositories.

Stored Repository Retrieval



Figure 14: Prompt of Repository Topic Generation图14:存储库主题生成提示

Repository Topic Generation

You are a professional programmer. Given a query, you want to find a githubrepository to solve this query. Firstly you need to search for the needed repository by their topics, which should be relevant to the query.

The topic name should be a noun. IF it contains many words, the words should be connected by '-'.

Repository Topic Generation



本文标签: 工具FacilitatingAutonomousAGIGitAgent