


While Windows 8 may seem a bit out of place on hardware without a touch screen, trackpad gestures can help bridge the gap. Gestures on a trackpad work similarly to gestures on a touch screen.

尽管Windows 8在没有触摸屏的硬件上似乎显得有些不合适,但触控板手势可以帮助缩小差距。 触控板上的手势与触摸屏上的手势类似。

Instead of moving the cursor to the corners of the screen, you can swipe the trackpad to reveal hidden menus and pinch your fingers to zoom in and out.


Image Credit: Michael Mol on Flickr

图片提供: Flickr上的Michael Mol

触控板驱动程序 (Trackpad Drivers)

Laptops that come with Windows 8 should have trackpad drivers preinstalled and working properly. If you’ve installed Windows 8 on an existing laptop, you may have to install the trackpad drivers yourself, as many people are reporting that the final version of Windows 8 doesn’t yet include these drivers.

Windows 8随附的笔记本电脑应预先安装触控板驱动程序

本文标签: 手势华为笔记本电脑板上操作