



1. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated _____ the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

A. in B. at C. on D. to

2. ---Harry treats his secretary badly.

---Yes. He seems to think that she is the _____ important person in the office.

A. little B. least C. less D. most

3. The number of the spelling mistakes in your composition _____ surprising.

A. being B. are C. be D. is

4. The old photo on your desk _____ me of that Australian professor.

A. informed B. reminded C. mentioned D. memorized

5. The house is dark and quiet, so the Blacks _____ have gone to bed.

A. must B. ought to C. should D. would

6. Mr. Sun was glad to hear the news _____ his daughter had got the first prize in the competition.

A. who B. which C. that D. whom

7. Mrs. Brown is a relative of _____.

A. Mary’s mother’s B. Mary mother’s C. Mary’s mother D. mother’s of Mary

8. With a lot of homework _____, little Tom felt worried all the time.

A. did B. to do C. do D. doing

9. Not until all the fish died in the lake _____ how serious the water pollution was.

A. the villagers realized B. the villagers did realize

C. realized the villagers D. did the villagers realize

10. The sky was cloudless, _____ the sun was shining brightly.

A. but B. and C. yet D. for

11. _____ delicious, the food was sold out soon.

A. Tasting B. Tasted C. Being tasted D. To taste

12. Our school trip was _____ because of the heavy rain.

A. called on B. called off C. called for D. called up

13. The museum _____ in the northeast of the city.

A. sit B. located C. lies D. stand

14. _____! Let’s go out for a walk in the garden.

A. What a fine day B. What fine day

C. How fine day D. How a fine day

15. There is a knock at the door. It is the third time I _____ this afternoon.

A. am interrupting B. interrupted C. have interrupted D. have been interrupted

16. Copenhagen is _____ capital of Denmark, which is in _____ Europe.

A. the; the B. the; / C. /; an D. a; /

17. The novelist _____ lots of funny characters in his works.

A. created B. invented C. recovered D. discovered

18. It is no use _____ with a man like him.

A. being argued B. argued C. arguing D. argues

19. He _____ any of Chinese paintings before he visited the art museum.

A. will never see B. had never seen

C. has never seen D. would never see

20. It’s very stupid _____ you to laugh _____ your sister when she is in trouble.

A. of; to B. for; to C. for; at D. of; at

21. Skating has increased in popularity among sports lovers, _____ some high school students.

A. including B. included C. include D. includes

22. The selfish man never offers help to his friends, ______?

A. is he B. isn’t he C. does he D. doesn’t he

23. _____ my advice, you would have got the tickets for the Cup Final.

A. Had you taken B. You had taken

C. If you take D. If you have taken

24. Some roads were flooded, _____ made the journey more difficult.

A. that B. which C. where D. it

25. The hero of the film is a pianist in his _____.

A. thirty B. thirtieth C. thirties D. thirty’s

26. --- Which of the two caps will you take?

--- I’ll take _____ because they’re too small for me.

A. none B. neither C. no one D. either

27. _____ iron, the machine weighs 600 kilos.

A. Have made of B. Making of C. To be made of D. Made of

28. It _____ from her parents _____ she borrowed the money.

A. was; that B. were; that C. was; who D. were; who

29. _____ we’ll go hiking tomorrow depends on the weather.

A. If B. Whether C. That D. What

30. The professor _____ daughter teaches you English is Dr. Williams.

A. who B. that C. his D. whose


For Chinese students the end of their senior year is filled with studying and stress as they prepare for the college

entrance exams in June. But for American high school seniors the experience couldn't be more different. The end of

senior year is a celebration of their time in high school and involves parties, games and fun.

Senioritis(高年级倦怠症) is a commonly used expression. It means seniors have a disease which makes them unable

to do work. This starts in April when seniors find out whether they have been accepted to university.

Unwilling to do school work, seniors have plenty of other activities to focus on. Many schools have a "Senior Show",

in which only seniors are allowed to perform. Some seniors sing or dance but many of them perform skits (滑稽短剧),

where they make fun of their favorite teachers or their friends. For example, a group of boys may dress up and imitate

(模仿) a group of their girl friends. It is all very light-hearted. The "Senior Show" is usually a part of Senior Week,

which is a week specifically dedicated (专用的) to seniors. During this week, seniors usually get academic or athletic

awards they have won over their high school careers. The seniors also vote for one of their male and female

classmates who they believe is the best-looking or funniest or most involved, etc. These are then published in the


The yearbook is an important part of high school for seniors. It is usually dedicated to them and has all their pictures

and some words from them in it. Then seniors go around and get it signed by their friends so they can always

remember their time together.

Of course during all of this time, seniors are preparing for the Senior Prom(正式舞会), which is an important

moment in American culture. It is the most important dance in a young American's life.

The end of senior year is a truly special and wonderful time for American students. It's something they will remember

for the rest of their lives.

6. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined sentence in paragraph 1?

A. For American high school seniors, things are quite different.

B. It doesn't make difference at the end of the senior year.

C. For American high school seniors, it is the best time of the year.

D. It is the period filled with stress and workload.

7. Why are seniorities unable to do work?

A. Because they have a "disease". B. Because they are busy for the university.

C. Because it is illegal for them to work. D. There's too much for them to learn in high school.

8. What activities that seniors would like to do according to the passage?

A. School work. B. Voting for the film star.

C. Singing or dance contests. D. Senior Show and Senior Prom.

9. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. All students are allowed to perform in the Senior Show.

B. The yearbook is a reminder for the seniors.

C. Seniors elect the Prom Queen at the end of the Senior Prom.

D. Senior Prom is the most important dance for the seniors .

10. What will most probably be talked about in the next paragraph of the passage?

A. Activities on the sports field.

B. The graduation ceremony where they receive their high school diploma.

C. Their favorite film stars.

D. The health of seniors.


The market is a concept(概念). If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the

market. You might sell some to your neighbors and some to the local managers of the supermarket. But in either case,

you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you

will stop producing them.

If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market. If your father is a steel worker or a

truck driver or a doctor or a grocer, he is producing goods or service for the market.

When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets,

gas station and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery

truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market.

The market may be something abstract(抽象的). But for each person or business that is making and selling

something, it is very concrete. If nobody buys your tomatoes, it won’t be long before you get the message. The market

is telling you something. It is telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing something the market

doesn’t want you to do.

11.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A.Selling and Buying. B.Everything you do is producing for the market.

C.What is the market? D.What the market can do for you.

12.All of the following acts are producing for the market except .

A.working in a bank B.attending a night school C.printing a book D.growing beans for sale

13.You are buying from the market when you .

A.borrow a book from the library to the seaside for a holiday

C.look after your children D.dine at restaurant

14.The word “concrete” in the last paragraph may most probably mean .

A.serious B.important C.necessary D.real

15.In what way is the market very concrete for each person or business who is making and selling something?

A.It tells you what to produce B.It provides you with everything you need

C.It tells you how to grow tomatoes D.It helps you save money


SHANGHAI -- A musician who lost both arms in a childhood accident and plays the piano with his toes has won

"China's Got Talent (中国达人秀)" performing his version of James Blunt's wistful(忧郁的) love song "You're

Beautiful" to a packed audience at the Shanghai Stadium.

All three judges on the show Sunday praised 23-year-old Liu Wei for his determination, urging him to keep on

pursuing his dreams, and the Beijing native said he would try quipping, "At least I have a pair of perfect legs."

For winning the Chinese version of Britain's Got Talent, Liu will be invited to play as a guest performer with

Taiwanese singer Jolin Tsai. He also has the chance for a performing contract.

Liu's arms were amputated(截肢) after he suffered an electrical shock while playing hide-and-seek when he was 10.

At age 18, he decided to pursue a career in music, using his feet to play the piano, much as he uses them to navigate

on the computer, eat, dress and brush his teeth.

One year later, he was given the chance to work with the famous Hong Kong pop star Andy Lau and they composed

the song Let It Be.

The jury panel(评审)of China's Got Talent, Shanghai stand-up(单人表演的) comedian Zhou Libo, Taiwan

singer-actress Annie Yi and mainland pop composer Gao Xiaosong, all thought highly of Liu's performance.

While interviewed, Liu Wei said, " For me, there are only 2 paths in my life - either to die as fast as possible, or to live

as brilliant a life as I could. " Whenever he is faced with difficulties, he always says to himself “Walk on, at least I

have a pair of perfect legs."

China's Got Talent, a weekly program shown on local channel Dragon TV, has helped draw attention to the hopes and

challenges of disabled and otherwise disadvantaged Chinese.

The program, which began in July, is part of British recording executive Simon Cowell's "Got Talent" franchise(经

销权), which now has versions broadcasting in more than 30 countries.

16. Which of the following is true of Liu Wei?

A. He lost his toes when he was playing the piano. B. He plays the piano with his toes.

C. He is poor at singing a song. D. He helped the disabilities play the piano

ing to the text, Jolin Tsai. ______. .

A. is a judge B. is a host C. is a singer. D. is an actress

the 6th paragraph we can learn that______.

A. Liu Wei is worried about the death. B. Liu Wei is afraid of meeting difficulties.

C. Liu Wei is fond of walking. D. Liu Wei shows great determination.

19. "China's Got Talent” is created for____.

A. helping the ordinary people realize their dreams B. volunteers to find good jobs

C. the disabilities to communicate D. the disabilities to amuse themselves.

20. The text is most probably a _______.

A. book review B. newspaper ad C. science story. D. amusement news report


Today’s English learner has a wide choice of dictionaries in which to choose from. There are dictionaries with

American English, with British English, with idioms or slang, and even with pictures. The most popular dictionaries I

have seen among many students are talking electronic dictionaries. All you have to do is type in a word in your

language and you can see it and hear it in English. That’s great, right? Well, I think it’s great, but only


Bilingual electronic dictionaries are fast and easy. They can be great when you are traveling and need information

quickly. But I am against electronic dictionaries and even bilingual paper dictionaries in many cases. Let me explain.

When you reach an intermediate level of English, you know enough of the language to ask the meaning of certain

things while using English. Translating between languages in your head takes time. You should be translating as little

as possible and you should be thinking in English as much as possible. I strongly recommend that intermediate and

advanced students use an English-English dictionary made especially for your understanding. For example, Longman

has a good dictionary for students. Other companies do, too.

I also feel that paper (book) dictionaries are better for studying than electronic dictionaries. True, they take longer to

use. But, for some reason, the information you look up seems to stay in your head longer. It may be because you were

forced to spell the word in your head and therefore “see it” more clearly in your mind.

So what do you do if you have checked an English-English dictionary and still don’t understand something? Go to

your bilingual dictionary. It is useful sometimes. Just remember to try to stay in English as much as possible.

21. The most popular dictionaries among students are ________.

A. American-English dictionaries B. dictionaries with pictures

C. dictionaries that can talk D. dictionaries of idiom or slang

22. According to the ideas of the author, electronic dictionaries are_______.

A. always great and better B. not as great as one thinks

C. will take the place of paper dictionaries D. will be more popular

23. What does the author think the best way to use a dictionary in learning English?

A. To take the advantage of an English-English dictionary is the best way.

B. To learn more about how an English dictionary come into being.

C. To learn more about American English or American idioms.

D. To make full use of the advantages of all dictionaries.

24. Why does the author prefer paper dictionary?

A. It provides you with so much information. B. It makes you learn English better.

C. It seems that you can learn English better. D. It seems that the information stays in the head longer.

25. We can conclude that _________.

A. consulting bilingual dictionary is a better method to improve your English

B. learning more about American idioms is the best way to improve your English

C. you should make use as less as possible of English dictionary when you learn English

D. English dictionary is not important at all in the learning of English


Dogs, like people and monkeys, seem to have a sense of fairness.

In the reward experiments, Friederike Range experimented with dogs that understood the command “paw,” to place

their paws in her hand. The dogs were asked to shake hands and each could see what reward the other received. When

one dog got a reward and the other didn't, the unrewarded animal stopped playing. When both got a reward all was


But the dogs didn’t seem to care whether the reward was sausage or bread. And the dogs never rejected the food,

something that primates had done when they thought the reward was unfair. Range said she wasn’t surprised at the

dogs’ reaction, since wolves are known to cooperate with one another and appear to be sensitive to each other. Modern

dogs are descended from wolves. Next, she said, will be experiments to test how dogs and wolves work together.

“Among other questions, we will investigate how differences in emotions influence cooperative abilities,” she said via


Clive Wynne, a professor in the University of Florida, isn’t so sure the experiment measures the animals’ reaction to

fairness. “What it means is individuals are responding negatively to being treated less well,” he said in a telephone

interview. But the researchers didn’t do a control test that had been done in monkey studies, in which a preferred

reward was visible but not given to everyone. In that case the monkeys went on strike because they could see the

better reward but got something lesser. In dogs, he noted, the quality of reward didn’t seem to matter, so the test only

worked when they got no reward at all. However, Wynne added, there is “no doubt in my mind that dogs are very,

very sensitive to what people are doing and are very smart.”

26. What will dogs probably do when they think the reward is unfair?

A. They will place their paws in your hand. B. They will stop playing.

C. They will see what reward the other received. D. They will reject the food.

27. What does the underlined word “primates” in the third paragraph refer to?

A. dogs and wolves B. people and dogs C. people and monkeys D. sausage and bread

28. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. Monkeys don’t care whether the reward was sausage or bread.

B. Monkeys will go on strike when they think the reward is unfair.

C. Dogs and wolves work together well because dogs are descended from wolves.

D. Monkeys have cooperative abilities more than any other animals.

29. What does Clive Wynne think about the experiment?

A. The experiment may measure the animals’ reaction to fairness.

B. The researchers didn’t do a control test.

C. The test works only if when dogs got reward.

D. Dogs are very sensitive to what people are doing.

30. In which part of a newspaper do you think can find this text?

A. News. B. Science. C. Nature. D. Politics.






























































61. D 62. C:63. D64. B65. D


答案:63-67 CBDDA

答案:56-60 BCDAD

答案:61-65 CBADA

答案:66-70 BCBAB

本文标签: 知识小题英语试题