


as a result用于作文


1. as a result 结果

He never studied hard, and as a result he failed in the last


2. as a result of 由于

He is late for work as a result of a traffic accident.

3. accordingly 于是

He wanted to buy a radio for study English, and accordingly

her mother bought it for him.

4. because(of) 因为

We are delayed because of a traffic jam.

5. due to 由于

His success is due to his excellent work.

6. owing to 由于

Owing to his absence, our meeting is not held.

7. thanks to 幸亏

Thanks to a good teacher, she passed the examination.

8. now that 既然

Now that you have grown up, you must earn for yourself.

9. so long as 只要

You could realize your dream so long as you try it again and


10. since 既然

Since you are here now, you’d better give a hand.

11. in that 因为

The policy is harmful in that it may encourage people to give


12. so that 所以

The officer speaks at the top of his voice, so that every soldier

heard him.

13. therefore 因此

There is a calculating mistakes there, therefore, the answer is


14. consequently 因此

It rained so heavily, consequently, we cancelled the plan of

climbing the mountain.

15. hence 因此

It is now, hence you must take a sleep.

16. on account of 因为,由于

We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather.


1. as a matter of fact 事实上

I will go there this morning, as a matter of fact, I am only 10

minutes, drive from you.

2. as well 也

I will go there. My friend will go with me as well.

3. frankly speaking / to be frank / to be honest / honestly

speaking 实话说

Frankly speaking, I am not very satisfactory with your words.

4. in this case 既然这样

In this case, I will go there as soon as possible.



1. or else 否则

Hurry up, or else you’ll be late.

2. otherwise 否则

You must carry this passport, otherwise you will be stopped by

the guard.

3. if so 如果这样的话

If so, it will make a great difference.

4. so that implies 那表明

He is in panic now, so that implies he is lying.

5. to put it more precisely 更精确地说

He is rather strong, to put it more precisely, he is a little sturdy.

6. under no circumstances 在任何情况下都不,绝不

Under no circumstances will I go there.


1. in addition 此外

I need your help. In addition, I also need her support.

2. besides 此外

First, we must work hard. Besides, we must work with a

creative mind.

3. and moreover 此外

The hat is the right size for you, and moreover, it goes well

with your skin.

4. that is to say 就是说

The stock price is declining, that is to say, I am losing money.

5. in other words 换句话说

I am not hungry, in other words, I really dislike the food in this


6. equally important 同样重要的是

You should read more news from newspapers, and equally

important, keep an eye on the news from the


7. what’s more 此外

It is harmful to my health, and what’s more, it is no good to

my work.

8. last but not least 最后

Last but not least, my thanks should go to every member of

my class.

9. furthermore 而且,此外

She is kind, and furthermore, she’s beautiful.


1. equally 同样地

As a teacher, I should teach well, but equally, I should study


2. in the same way 同样地

It is such a coincidence that we figure it out in the same way.

3. in contrast to 和……相反

In contrast to your belief, I quite disagree with you.

4. instead 代替,顶替

If you don’t go, I’ll go instead.

5. on the contrary 相反

You thought I like it. On the contrary, I dislike it.

6. in contrast 对比之下

It is hot in the daytime, but in contrast it’s very cold at night.

7. while 而


We are happy in China, while most Africans live unhappily.

8. in comparison with 和…相比

In comparison with the red one, I would like to choose the

blue cap.


1. alternatively 作为选择,二者选一地

You may take the exam. Alternatively you take another one

next year.

2. either…or 或者…或者…

Either you or I will go there.

3. rather than 而不是

In this matter, the parents should be blamed rather than the


4. instead of 而不是

You should be reading books instead of lying there in bed.

6. not …but 不是…而是

She is not an English teacher, but a German student.

7. whether…or not 是否

I wonder whether you will come or not this afternoon.

8. neither…nor 既不…也不

Neither you nor I will go there. He will come this afternoon.

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