





Java and the Internet

If Java is, in fact, yet another computer

programming language, you may question why it is so

important and why it is being promoted as a

revolutionary step in computer programming. The answer

isn’t immediately obvious if you’re coming from a

traditional programming perspective. Although Java is

very useful for solving traditional stand-alone

programming problems, it is also important because it

will solve programming problems on the World Wide Web.

1. Client-side programming

The Web’s initial server-browser design provided

for interactive content, but the interactivity was

completely provided by the server. The server produced

static pages for the client browser, which would simply

interpret and display them. Basic HTML contains simple

mechanisms for data gathering: text-entry boxes, check

boxes, radio boxes, lists and drop-down lists, as well

as a button that can only be programmed to reset the


data on the form or “submit” the data on the form back

to the server. This submission passes through the

Common Gateway Interface (CGI) provided on all Web

servers. The text within the submission tells CGI what

to do with it. The most common action is to run a program

located on the server in a directory that’s typically

called “cgi-bin.” (If you watch the address window

at the top of your browser when you push a button on

a Web page, you can sometimes see “cgi-bin” within

all the gobbledygook there.) These programs can be

written in most languages. Perl is a common choice

because it is designed for text manipulation and is

interpreted, so it can be installed on any server

regardless of processor or operating system. Many

powerful Web sites today are built strictly on CGI, and

you can in fact do nearly anything with it. However,

Web sites built on CGI programs can rapidly become

overly complicated to maintain, and there is also the

problem of response time. The response of a CGI program

depends on how much data must

be sent, as well as the load on both the server and

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