


Create a basic sketch

In this video, you’ll create and modify

sketch geometry.

Learning objectives

• Create a sketch.

• Create sketch entities.

• Edit a sketch.

1. Open a new untitled document. In the

document, expand the Document

Settings and click Change Active Units.

The completed exercise

2. Choose Inch from the dialog’s Unit Type

menu, then OK the dialog.

Create a basic sketch

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3. Create a new folder in the Data Panel’s 21

Intro to Design for Manufacture folder

and name it Intro to Sketching and

Modeling. Save the current file into the

Intro to Sketching and Modeling folder

and name it Sketch Practice.

4. Click Assemble> New Component.

5. In the New Component dialog, name the

new component Sketch1, check the

Activate option, then OK the dialog.

6. Click Create> Create Sketch.

Create a basic sketch

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7. Choose to sketch on the XY plane by

selecting the plane shown in the image

on right.

8. Open the Line tool by clicking Create>


9. Click once at the sketch’s origin to place

one of the line’s endpoint at this location.

Create a basic sketch

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10. Stretch the line upwards and click a

second time to place the line’s second

endpoint roughly 2.5 inches from the

origin. Click the green checkmark to end

the line. Press Esc to leave the Line tool.

11. Notice the small icon in the center of the

line. Fusion 360 is automatically added a

vertical constraint to this line.

12. The line’s endpoint is underdefined and

can be dragged to a new position. Click

the endpoint and drag it downwards to

make the line shorter.

Create a basic sketch

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13. Open the Line tool by pressing L, then

hover your cursor over the line’s

midpoint to see the blue midpoint

triangle icon.

14. Click the line’s midpoint to place the new

line’s endpoint in this location. Stretch

the new line outwards and notice that it

will snap to a horizontal position if you

get close enough to horizontal.

15. Use in the image on right as a guide, click

to place the new line’s second endpoint.

Press Esc to leave the Line tool. Notice

that the line is blue because its angle is

not defined.

16. Click Create> 2-Point Rectangle.

Create a basic sketch

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17. Inside the Sketch Palette dialog, choose

the Center Rectangle option.

18. Click the vertical line’s top point to select

it as the rectangle’s first point. Drag the

cursor outwards to describe the

rectangle’s size, click the end of the

diagonal line to make the rectangle’s

corner coincident with this point. Press

Esc to leave the Rectangle tool. Drag the

rectangle’s corners and notice that the

rectangle’s geometry can move.

19. Click Create> Center Diameter Circle.

20. Place the circle’s first point at the

sketch’s origin, then place the second

point where the diagonal line begins.

Press Esc to leave the Circle tool. Click

and drag the circle’s perimeter and notice

that most of the sketch is allowed to be

adjusted. However, the vertical line will

always stay vertical, the diagonal line will

always be attached to the center of the

vertical line, and the circle’s perimeter

will always be attached to the center of

the vertical line. The applied constraints

make sure that this is always the case.

Create a basic sketch

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21. Click Finish Sketch> Finish Sketch, then

save the file.

22. Even though you finished the sketch in

the previous step, it’s geometry can still

be adjusted. In the Browser, expand the

Sketch’s folder, right-click Sketch1, then

choose Edit Sketch. Alternately, the

sketch could be edited by double-clicking

the sketch’s icon inside the timeline.

Make any changes you want to see, then

click Finish Sketch> Finish Sketch.

23. Select the sketch’s geometry in the

Canvas area and notice that the sketch in

the Browser is highlighted by a dashed

line. This feature can help you efficiently

find the thick sketches or features inside

a crowded Browser.

24. Edit Sketch1 by selecting it, right-clicking

it, then choosing Edit Sketch.

Create a basic sketch

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25. Reduce the circle’s diameter by clicking

on the perimeter and dragging it inwards.

Finish the sketch by clicking Finish

Sketch> Finish Sketch. Save the file and

continue to the next video.

Create a basic sketch

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