



make ends meet是什么中文意思

大家学习了make ends meet这一个短语后,一定要清楚它的中

文意思是什么。为此店铺给大家整理了make ends meet是什么中文


英语make ends meet的中文意思


1. 量入而出;使收支相抵:make efforts to do sth. 努力做某事 |

make ends meet量入而出;使收支相抵 | make the best of 充分利


2. 使收支相抵;量入为出:on end竖着;连续地。make ends

meet使收支相抵,量入为出。put an end to结束,终止,废除

3. 收支相抵:make both ends meet 使收支平衡。make ends

meet 收支相抵。make eyes at 大送秋波

4. 量入为出,收支相抵。in and out 进进出出,来来去去。make

ends meet 量入为出,收支相抵。on and on 继续不断,不直不停。

英语make ends meet的单语例句

1. Some turn to crime to make ends meet,thereby posing a

problem for police.

2. While some are still struggling hard to make ends

meet,others already make a decent profit and are considering

further business expansion.

3. I deplore the fact that poor people can hardly make ends

meet,while wealthy people squander their money.

4. Torn by harsh demands from the EU and angry protestors

at home,the Greek government is struggling to make ends meet

to keep the country afloat.

5. The family's finances were so dire at one stage that his

Buddhist mother resold stolen bicycles to make ends meet.

6. But for people who were just able to make ends meet last

year,the increases in prices of basic foods such as bread and rice

are disastrous.

7. Maybe their disproportional financial rewards would be

better farmed out to those struggling actors waiting tables to

make ends meet.

8. Many are struggling to make ends meet,with some

refusing to be on the dole.

9. But it was difficult to make ends meet,and he couldn't even

afford to eat out for dinner.

英语make ends meet的双语例句

1. Wang generations are living on tea and can only barely

make ends meet. Jan 8,1917,Wang Yung-ching,was born in a

poor farmers in tea.



2. The husband came off sentry duty and the wife tred her

best to make both ends meet.


3. Why? Because by raising GST it would hurt most those who

have to spend all their income to make ends meet and

particularly those with children or the elderly to look after.

第三篇来自经济评论员Bernard Hickey.他揭评得最彻底,直指总


4. Among those surviving,only ten percent are making

profit,and forty to fifty percent can only make ends meet. The

rest are just losing money.



5. Make ends meet call in laugh at inform sb of sth come

across come up take note serve as insist on take a position hold

the view can't help but to chances are that… on one's own keep

contace with go through object to doing there is evidence that

in short supply in reserve in the mood to do in addition

define…as the following describe… as





的描述某人某事 there is no point in doing sth。

6. I know from my personal experience that for the majority

of people in today`s world,it`s not easy to make ends meet with

one source of income.



7. Her story also includes another rape in Uzbekistan by a

police officer and lap dancing in London to make ends meet after

Murray lost his job.

8. His father was a peddler who often struggled to make ends




meetv.[T;I] 1.相遇;相逢;遇见(无被动式) 2.相识;结识;被

引见/介绍(给某人)(无被动式) 3.开会;会晤(无被动式) 4.

(与……)会面;集合(无被动式) 5.遭遇;交锋。

makev.[T] 1. 做;制造;建造(+for) 2. 作出(某种举动) 3. 使得;

使...做... 4. 到达;赶上 5. 获得,挣得;赢得 6. 认为;估计,推算 7. 总


dead ends[ dead-end ]的第三人称单数。

beam ends船的梁端。

rear ends[ rear-end ]的第三人称单数。

meet homomorphism保交同态。

halfwayph. 与...妥协。

make don. 代用品 a. 代用的 名复: make-dos。

make or breaka. 孤注一掷的,不成则败。

本文标签: 被动式糊口结束妻子餐厅