




DAY 06 Turn it down! Millennials' music habit puts their

hearing at risk - U.N. 自主预习课前预习


I. 写出下列词汇的汉语释义


1. automatic


1. damage

2. debilitate

3. urge

4. ensure

5. reduce

6. harm

7. implement


1. generation

2. hearing

3. figure

4. manufacturer

5. device

6. option

7. tinnitus 8. guideline

II. 词汇拓展积累

1. automatic adj. 自动的;不假思索的→n. 自动化

2. reduce v. 减少→n. 减少,缩小,降低

3. harm v. & n. 伤害,损害→adj. 有害的

4. manufacturer n. 生产者,制造者→v.(用机器)大量生产,成

批制造→n. 制造业

5. guideline n. 指导方针→n. 指南,手册→n. 指导,引导

III. 重点短语英译汉

1. turn down

2. put sth at risk

3. audio players

4. World Health Organization

5. hearing loss

6. be expected to do

7. be at risk of 8. automatic volume reduction

9. parental control 10. so that

11. go over their sound limit 12. go over their sound limit

13. take the risk of doing 14. sporting arenas

IV. 翻译下列句子

1.A generation of music-lovers are damaging their hearing

with audio players that do not limit dangerously high noise levels,

the U.N. health agency said on Tuesday.


y 466 million people worldwide have debilitating

hearing loss, up from 360 million in 2010 and the figure is

expected to nearly double to 900 million, or one in every 10

people by 2050, the World Health Organization (WHO) said.


3. Over 1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss

simply by doing what they really enjoy doing a lot - which is

listening regularly to music through their headphones over their



4. The WHO is urging manufacturers and regulators to

ensure smartphones and other audio players have software that

can ensure people do not listen to too loud music for too long.



Turn it down! Millennials' music habit puts their hearing at

risk - U.N.

Already 466 million people worldwide have debilitating

hearing loss, up from 360 million in 2010 and the figure is

expected to nearly double to 900 million, or one in every 10

people by 2050, the World Health Organization(WHO) said.

Over 1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss simply

by doing what they really enjoy doing a lot - which is listening

regularly to music through their headphones over their devices.

"What we propose is certain features like automatic volume

reduction and parental control of the volume so that when

somebody goes over their sound limit they have the option that

the device will automatically reduce the volume to a level which

is not going to harm their ears," an officer said.

"Our effort through this standard is really to empower(授权)

the user to make the right listening choice or take the risk of

developing hearing loss and tinnitus a few years down the line,"

he said.

本文标签: 自主词汇下列思考问题备战