



Original Airdate (ABC): 28/NOV/2004




SCENE: Focus in on a Bible being opened. Mary Alice begins speaking.

MARY ALICE: There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. Of course, not

everyone who reads this book feels guilt over the bad things that they do.

Pull out to see that Bree opened the Bible and is reading from it.

MARY ALICE: But Bree Van de Kamp did. In fact, Bree had spent most of her life, feeling


Flashbacks showing the images of what Mary Alice is speaking of.

MARY ALICE: As a child, she felt guilty about not getting straight A’s. As a teenager, she felt

guilty about letting her boyfriend go to second base. As a newlywed, she felt guilty about

taking three weeks to get out her thank you cards she knew the transgressions of her past

were nothing compared with the sin she was about to commit.

SCENE: The Van de Kamp family is all in the living room. Danielle and Rex are seated while

Andrew paces, and Bree looks through the Bible.

DANIELLE: Couldn't we just go to the police and tell them it was an accident?

REX: This wasn't some simple DUI. Not only was your brother drinking, Andrew left the

scene of the crime. That makes it a hit and run.

ANDREW: Maybe I could go to Canada, you know, until the statute of limitations is up.

DANIELLE: Do you really think mom and dad are going to foot the bill while you go moose

hunting for seven years?

REX: If Carlos’ mother dies, there is no statute of limitations.

.DANIELLE: Right. Because then it’s murder.

ANDREW: Shut up!

DANIELLE: You shut up!

ANDREW: How could it be murder, it was an accident!


BREE: We have to get rid of the car. But we can't sell it. The police might find it, and there

could be DNA. We take the car to a bad part of town. We'll leave the keys in the ignition

and the doors unlocked. If the police don't find it, we'll get the insurance money, and if

they do, it wasn't in our possession. Anyone could have hit Mrs. Solis.

ANDREW: That sounds good!

REX: Bree, are you sure?

BREE: Our son could spent the rest of his life in jail. I won't allow that.

Bree stands up and puts the Bible away.

MARY ALICE: Bree knew what she was about to do was wrong, but like most sinners, she

would worry about her guilt tomorrow.

BREE: Well everybody should, uh, go wash up. We're having pancakes for breakfast.

MARY ALICE: Not since my own suicide had violence intruded upon the serenity of life on

Wisteria Lane in such a conspicuous fashion. And needless to say, my friends attacked the

problem head on.

Lynette, Susan, and Bree are all in the middle of the street, trying to clean off the skid

marks on the road. Lynette brought the broom. Susan brought the trash bags. And Bree

brought the industrial strength solvent.

LYNETTE: Woo. That stuff is strong!

BREE: It has to be, I don't want Gabrielle and Carlos coming home to this ugly reminder in

front of their house.

LYNETTE: So, has anyone been over there?

SUSAN: Julie and I went over this morning.

BREE: How is Juanita doing?

SUSAN: She’s been in a coma ever since she came out of ER. Nobody knows when or even if

she'll wake up.

LYNETTE: This is awful. Carlos must be just devastated.

SUSAN: I hope she wakes soon. Maybe she can tell us who was driving that car.

BREE: We can only hope.

A red car zips around the corner and speeds past the women.

Lynette stands up, shouting after the car.

LYNETTE: Slow down, you jerk, this is a residential neighborhood.

She throws her sponge at the car and it bounces off of the car's hood.

SUSAN: Wow, that’s quite a pitching arm you've got there.

LYNETTE: It pisses me off. I've got four kids, you know. I was up all night reading statistics

online. One out of every four traffic accidents happens on residential streets. I hope

whoever hit Juanita gets put away for life.

BREE: don't you think that’s a little bit extreme?

LYNETTE: An innocent woman gets hit by a car and the driver just takes off? I don't think

it’s extreme.

SCENE: Carlos and Gabrielle are in Mama Solis's hospital room. Carlos sits by the bed and

Gabrielle checks her nails as she sits on the dresser.

GABRIELLE: You should go home and get some rest, eat something. You have a ton of

messages from work--Tanaka called; said it was urgent. Carlos, I can stay here with your


CARLOS: I need to be here if she wakes up.

GABRIELLE: You can't go on like this. You have to take care of yourself.

CARLOS: And what if she dies? People slip into comas all the time and never come out.

GABRIELLE: Don't say that! We need to stay positive.

The door opens and John sticks his head in.

JOHN: Mr. and Mrs. Solis?


JOHN: Is it okay if I come in?

CARLOS: Of course.

JOHN: Mr. Solis, I'm so sorry this happened.

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