



Desperate Housewives 1绝望主妇1精讲笔记

Danielle: Why can't we have a normal soup?

Bree: Danielle, there is nothing abnormal about basil puree.

Danielle: Just once, can we have a soup that people all heard of, like French

onion, or navy bean.

Bree: First of all, your father can't eat onions. He's deathly allergic. And I won't

even dignify your navy bean suggestion. So, how's theosso buco?

Andrew: It's okay.

Bree: It's okay? Andrew, I spent three hours cooking this meal. How do you

think it makes me feel when you say it's okay in that sullen tone?

Andrew: Who asked you to spend three hours on dinner?

Bree: Excuse me?

Andrew: Tim Harper's mom gets home from work, pops open a can of pork

and beans, and boom, they're eating. Everyone's happy.

Bree: You'd rather I serve pork and beans?


Danielle: Apologize now, I am begging you.

Andrew: I'm saying, do you always have to serve cuisine? Can't we ever just

have food?

Bree: Are you doing drugs?

Andrew: What?

Bree: Change in behavior is one of the warning signs and you have been as

fresh as paint for the last six months. That would explain why you're always locked

in the bathroom.

Danielle: Trust me, that is not what he is doing.

Andrew: Shut up. Mom, I'm not the one have a problem here, right? You're the

one who is acting like she's running for mayor of Stepford.

Bree: Rex. Seeing that you're the head of this household, I would really

appreciate you saying something.

Rex: Pass the salt.

Mary Alice Young: Three days after my funeral, Lynette replaced her grief with

a much more useful emotion. Indignation.

本文标签: 精讲笔记绝望主妇