


Not so bad.

Better than look from outside.

Drop the cool girl acts. It's perfect.

So, it turns out our house has mold --

Which is not a reflection on this excellent homemaker.

Anyway, we have to vacate the house

while it's being treated.

I got us the last room at a hotel nearby.

I was a little concerned about

the five of us sharing a room.

But for one night? I don't know, could be fun.

But for one night? I don't know, could be fun.

- Watch it! - Look out!

Haley, I need the wi-fi corner. Get down.

Ugh, I need instagram

to know there's still beauty in the world!

Luke, you'll set off the dogs!

Look what I got from the vending machine

in the lobby -- a Charleston Chew.

Remember these?

Can someone please tell the Nigerian family

to shut their dogs up?!

Check it out! According to this wrapper,

we can win tickets to the 2005 all-star game!

I think I'm most excited about the night.

- It's gonna be like camping. - Yeah.

Okay, does anybody else need to use the bathroom?


Great. Oh, finally.

I forgot my night guard.

Sorry, Mom.

What am I thinking? This isn't my book.

Great -- now that we talked about it,

I need to use the bathroom again.

What is the point of a

Coming through!

if you guys are just gonna do whatever -

Someone else sleep in the tub tonight. Like Haley.

Okay, now that we're all here, can we just --


It's that stupid train.

It's gonna wake up those stupid dogs.

They're gonna start their stupid barking and --

They didn't hear it.

Quiet, everybody. No "Good nights."

Son of a gun. Ray Chapman just died.

I know!

He used to give me the best bonings.

You're thinking of our butcher -- Ray Eastman.

I hope.

No, Chapman was a navy buddy.

I always meant to write to him.

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