


模块10 Unit 3 知识点

1.lose sb to sth 因……失去

The children lost their parents to deadly Aids。

Lose sth to sb 输给某人

They lost the football match to us。

Lose one‘s way 迷路

Lose heart 气馁 lose one‘s heart 爱上某人

Lose oneself in 沉湎于

2.Die out 灭绝 die of /from 死于疾病 die away声音/风/光线慢慢变弱,渐


die down (吵闹骚动)渐熄,(炉火)渐熄

die off (一群人/动物)相继死去

die for one’s country 为国捐躯

be dying for sth /to do =be thirsty /eager for sth /to do=long for sth /to do 渴


adj. 免疫的 immunity n。免疫力

(1)be immune to sth

The child is immune to measles.

The product is immune to customs.

(2) be immune from sth

Nobody can be immune from being punished.

Not even the president’s wife was immune from criticism by the press.

4.Be caused by sb/sth =arise /result from 由……引起

cause sth /sb sth。=cause sth to sb

cause sb to do sth

the cause of sth /the reason for sth

5.a cure for sth ……的疗法/药物

本文标签: 光线知识点骚动死去药物