




aid作名词的意思 帮助;助手;外援;辅助设备

aid作动词的意思 帮助;救助;资助;促进 aid的英语

音标 英 [eid] 美 [ed] aid的时态 现在分词:

aiding 过去式: aided 过去分词: aided aid

的英语例句 1. i thought a phonetic spelling might

aid in pronunciation. 我想语音拼写可能有助于发音。

2. he succeeded with the aid of a completely new method

he discovered. 借助于自己发现的一种全新的方法,他

获得了成功。 3. he keeps coming to the aid of this

damsel in distress. 他不断出手相助这位落难女子。

4. there are many emergencies which need prompt first

aid treatment. 有很多紧急情况需要进行迅速的急救处

理。 5. they siphon foreign aid money into their

personal bank accounts. 他们把国外救济金非法转入

了个人银行账户。 6. the president ordered a review

of us economic aid to jordan. 总统下令对美国向约

旦提供的经济援助进行审查。 7. he says his accusers

are trying to discredit government foreign-aid

policies. 他说他的责难者试图使政府的对外援助政策

名声扫地。 8. aid convoys have unimpeded access to


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the city. 联合国救援车队可以畅通无阻地进入该市。

9. calcium may aid in the prevention of colon cancer.

钙可能有助于预防结肠癌。 10. the civil war is

obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid

agencies. 内战阻碍着救援机构对饥荒赈济物资的配

给。 11. the $40 million-a-month aid payments will

remain on ice. 每月4,000万美元的援助款项将继续搁

置下去。 12. foreign aid workers will not be allowed

into the stricken areas. 国外救援人员不准进入灾区。

13. the legal aid system should be accessible to more

people. 法律援助制度应该面向更多人。 14. the

book is an invaluable aid to teachers of literature.

这本书对于教授文学的老师来说帮助非常大。 15. mr

chesler said foreign military aid was prolonging the

war. 切斯勒先生说国外的军事援助拉长了战事。


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本文标签: 救援帮助进行政府援助