


Unit 5 Pioneers of Flight

Key to Exercises


A Mighty Airplane Built by Howard Hughes in 1947




It was 220 feet long.

It was higher than a five-story building.

It weighed about 60 tons.

It had to make the trip from Culver city in California to the Pacific,

which is 30 miles away.


Reading & Interacting

I. Understanding the Text

1. Text Organization

Story The hero When it happened How it relates to modern aviation

Wan Hu’s crazy dream contains the

principles of rocket-powered spaceflight.

Many of the design features of the Spruce

Goose have been incorporated into

modern cargo planes.

1 Wan Hu . 1500




On November 2,



Leonardo About 500 years The flying devices with flapping wings

da Vinci ago

controlled and steered by human pilots

he designed still inspire people to pursue

their dreams of flying freely in the sky.

2. Comprehension Check

Focusing on the main ideas

The article consists of three stories about pioneers of flight. The first story is

about a Chinese named Wan Hu, who made an unsuccessful attempt at

spaceflight in He built a spaceship powered by 47 rockets using gunpowder. His

idea was crazy, but his dream of flight came true 500 years later when China

successfully launched its first manned Shenzhou V spaceship. The second one is

about the Spruce Goose, a flying boat designed to meet the need of transporting

troops and materials during World War II. It was made entirely of wood and still

holds the record for the greatest wingspan. Although it was never put to use,

many of its design features have been incorporated into today’s cargo planes. The

last is about Leonardo da Vinci, the most famous artist of the Renaissance. Apart

from his great artistic work, he also drew sketches of flying devices with flapping

wings controlled and steered by human pilots. Five hundred years later, a

professional parachutist made a successful jump using a wood and canvas

parachute based on one of da Vinci’s designs/sketches.

Digging into detail

1. Because it was powered by rockets.

2. It was the biggest airplane ever built up to that time, and still holds the record

for the greatest wingspan. Besides, it was made entirely of wood.

3. No, because it was behind schedule and was not completed until well after the


4. Da Vinci’s flying machines have wings that flap like birds in flight.

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