


Turkey mum as Istanbul to host

Iran talks


The dispute over the venue for talks on the Iranian nuclear program

continues. Despite Iranian media reports that negotiations will take place

in Istanbul, neither Turkey nor other parties in the talks confirmed initial


Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili (R) is seen with the EU’s foreign policy chief, Ashton, in

Istanbul in this 2011 photo. AFP photo

Iranian media said yesterday talks aimed at resolving a nuclear standoff with

the West would go ahead as planned in Istanbul later this week, but there was

no official confirmation from Ankara or the other governments involved.

“After weeks of debates, Iran and the six world powers agreed to attend a first

meeting in Istanbul,” semi-official Fars news agency reported, citing unnamed

sources. State-run English language Press TV carried the same report, saying

the talks were “slated for next week [April 13],” the day diplomats had expected

them to happen.

“There is no confirmed information at the moment,” said Turkish Prime Minister

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who was on a visit to China. “We are waiting for an

official statement,” a Foreign Ministry official who wants to remain anonymous

told the Hürriyet Daily News yesterday. There was also no immediate comment

from the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia or China. Fars said the

parties had also agreed to hold a second round of talks in the Iraqi capital

Baghdad if they made progress in Turkey, Reuters reported.

Tensions between Turkey and Iran rose last week after a senior Iranian figure

spoke out against Turkey hosting the nuclear talks following the meeting in

Istanbul of the “Friends of Syria” group of countries opposed to Syrian President

Bashar al-Assad.

Meanwhile, Turkish officials denied a media report claiming Erdoğan conveyed a

message from U.S. President Barack Obama to the Iranian administration, a

Turkish official told the Daily News. Erdoğan also had denied similar allegations

previously, the official said. “In any case, claims about the content of the report

are inconsistent.” The Israeli website DEBKAfile reported on April 7 that after

meeting with Obama in Seoul on March 25, Erdoğan undertook to fly to Tehran

and personally hand Obama’s six-point message to Supreme Leader Ayatollah

Ali Khamanei.

Iran also rejected demands the West will reportedly submit at talks due to take

place in days, saying it will neither close its Fordo nuclear bunker nor give up

higher-level uranium enrichment. Those two demands, outlined by European

and U.S. diplomats to The New York Times newspaper, were “irrational,” the

head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation, Fereydoon Abbasi Davani, told ISNA

news agency in a lengthy interview, according to Agence France-Presse.


本文标签: 新闻会谈伊朗