



The spread of the SARS virus was reportedly caused by humans eating wild

animals, but the novel coronavirus outbreak is still caused by stupid people eating

bats. And the Internet: & lsquo; I hate wildlife.& rsquo; " Wild animals just deserve

to die."" no!no!no! It's all our fault, the victims, they are them."Should you eat wild

animals after all? The answer is actually in everyone's heart! Should not eat! Should

not try those things that are harmful to yourself and others for the sake of novelty!

Once upon a time, I often saw all kinds of wild animals appear in the major

restaurants, but I want to say is, don't you know how much harm of wildlife is? Or

do it knowingly? The news reported a living example, someone for eating a large

piece of snake meat, and had a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot, and was almost

taken away by death. I have checked on the Internet that all kinds of animals have

their own diseases. Such as rabies, tuberculosis, plague, influenza, AIDS, epidemic

Japanese encephalitis and so on.

The exceptions are the more than 200 diseases which parasites cause

For a primary school students all know the common sense, but many adults do

not know.

News said, the virus is caused by a person eating bats, but I want to say that

for a long time for hunting, trafficking, eating wildlife events everywhere, many

people think good eating game is just personal preferences, others, some even

proud of eating national key protection of wildlife, ostentation and extravagance,

no killing, illegal eating wild animals like a coin, written interests, writing desire.

But I promised: " I will never eat wild animals, and I will urge others to refuse to

eat them like me. They are also a habitat, but also a healthy human body.”

本文标签: 野生动物危害作文