




一、 WRITING(总题数:5,分数:10.00)

V WRITING(分数:2.00)



order to keep their students safe, a lot of school administrators are considering installing

security cameras. Installing cameras, however, can be controversial. There have been protests

and legal action on camera installation at schools nationwide. Should more security cameras be

installed in schools? The following are opinions from different sides. Read the excerpts carefully

and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the opinions

from different sides; 2. give your comment. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content

sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may

result in a loss of rs A teacher from Texas: Yes! Yes! Please do this. This would

be the quickest way to fix our education system at very little cost. Give parents a code to do

real time virtual visits to the classroom. Observe teachers not just for accountability, but for

training purposes. Get rid of behavior management problems on the spot! Schools should have glass

walls and this is the easiest way to have them. A teacher from Kansas: This would prevent abuse

both from teachers and from students. A camera in the classroom should be able to put everyone

on their best behavior. It would be a deterrent against abusive behavior. As a teacher, I would

love to have a camera in the classroom as I strive to behave professionally towards students.

Sometimes, I encounter aggressive and inappropriate behavior. Talking to a parent of an abusive

student would benefit from a short video of the incident. A teacher from New Jersey: The idea

of cameras in classrooms is an absolutely sick one. It has nothing to do with pedagogy, but with

prisons, terror, discomfort, guilt, etc. It induces a constant feeling of guilt, to students,

as well as to teachers. If you are a real professional, as a teacher, or even if you are just

a normal person, claiming a right to normality, especially in schools, you realize that camera

surveillance in class is something coming from paranoid people who cannot lead the activity through

normal ts Terry Piper, a student from Michigan; I feel the time is right for

security cameras at my school. After all, dozens of schools in the county have already done it,

and with some success. There are 30 high schools in Oakland County, and every single one of them

has security cameras except Seaholm and Groves. They've seen thefts go down. They've been able

to solve instances of vandalism on occasion, and there have been student altercations where they've

been helpful. They also serve as a deterrent, so you never know how many things might have happened

if you hadn't had them. Joe, a student from Ohio: I think that security cameras in schools are

a good idea. Having them in the entrances and the hallways is a way to cut back on school crime

and protect the student population. However, I think that putting those cameras actually within

the classrooms violates the privacy of both the students and the teachers. Knowing that someone

could be watching you at all times may bring security, but it's also able to distract students

and teachers and could be harmful to s A parent: Video cameras have begun to invade

privacy. These days, parents are obsessed with monitoring everything about their kids, but taping

their education is not the solution. The cameras would be a distraction, and eager parents would

not be able to resist watching and interfering constantly. In general, cameras are already too

pervasive in society. It has created a culture of big brother watching every last action, and

this prevents people from acting normally because everyone feels they are being watched. Write

your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.



正确答案:(正确答案: Should More Security Cameras Be Installed in Schools? Due to the frequent

reoccurrence of various accidents and incidents in schools, such as vandalism, bullying, truancy

and theft, many school administrators are considering installing security cameras in schools as

a preventative countermeasure and many of them have taken the action. However, a heated discussion

has arisen among students, parents, and teachers, about its necessity. The notion is favored by

many teachers, believing that cameras serving as a deterrent can have an immediate effect on

guarding against potential incidents, and consequently a significant decrease in incidents has

been witnessed in schools with the cameras. What's more, other school faculty also find the cameras

a convincing proof when dealing with misbehavior in classrooms. Besides, students believe the

cameras can shield them from harm and bullying. However, some other students disapprove of the

cameras as a distraction for the teachers and students, thus they may exert a negative influence

on learning. What's worse, parents worry the cameras can be a breach of the students' privacy

and they deprive the students of their freedom and fun of life. As for me, I'm inclined to be

in favor of the installation of security cameras as protection. On the one hand, safeguarding

the well-being of all students and the staff is a primary concern for schools today. A properly

installed system of school security cameras is an important tool for ensuring safety in school.

On the other hand, as long as the camera is installed, it warns those with the intention to break

the rules and regulations, therefore a lot of misconduct can be prevented. To summarize, for the

schools facing challenges such as violence or vandalism on campus, school security cameras are

an indispensable aid to identifying and resolving issues as they er, the cameras,

to a large extent, serve as a precaution against the potential misbehavior.)





people suggest that universities should consider awarding more vocational courses to

prepare graduates for work. However, some disagree, arguing that the purpose of university is

to open up students' mind, not to train them. Should there be more vocational courses in colleges?

The following are opinions from two sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response

in about 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides; 2.

give your comment. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization

and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of

s Barry: My son started a degree course at the local university, but because of his

dyslexia eventually graduated with an HND, effectively the practical part of the degree. He

currently works in the construction industry and earns much more than several of his co-students

who obtained degrees in less necessary disciplines. My comments are not to undermine the value

of a good degree. I worked with many degree holders who were very good at their work. It is simply

to point out to us that the world needs relevant skills. Lord Digby Jones points out the danger

of unfocused degrees, and the simple fact that there are more skills in the world than those

obtained from a university. Philips: Yes they should. I see many college graduates could not find

a job. Though they have some fancy college degrees, they don't have the vocational skills that

are required to do a certain job. After all, many courses have a vocational element, eg: medicine,

teaching, vets etc. So why not others? To an extent though, we will have to change snobbish

attitudes. Some degrees such as History, English Literature, PPE are considered good but degrees

such as Golf Management, Computer Games Design are considered bad. This would encourage schools

to advise on vocational courses as an option for their students rather than suggesting them opting

for a course that looks good on the university entry statistics. Jacob: There should be many more

vocational courses, but they shouldn't be at universities. The conventional university approach

is not suitable for vocational training. You end up with an institution which combines the

weaknesses of both universities and vocational training colleges, and has the strengths of

sity faculty Mr. Anderson: Universities should be offering academic courses,

training people to think logically and coherently, and teaching research skills. Vocational

courses are the domain of technical colleges. Rachel: Vocational training is better done by

employers or specialised colleges, because by its nature it is often very specialised. The

universities can contribute most effectively by teaching knowledge of general applicability such

as mathematics, languages and science. This was the traditional approach of universities, with

exceptions in the cases of law and medicine, which tend to operate as separate schools anyway,

with a lot of on the job training. Back in the early 1980's Keith Joseph as Mrs. Thatcher's education

secretary of the state, forced the universities to move in the direction that Digby Jones is

advocating, that is to offer more vocational courses. This distracted universities from their

special role in scholarship and research. It may not be a coincidence that the decline of the

UK from the leading position it previously had in the traditional fields accelerated from that

time on. I suggest that we should let the universities revert to their traditional role, and then

set up training colleges, or whatever, for the specialised skills required by industry. Write

your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.



正确答案:(正确答案: Should There Be More Vocational Courses in Universities? With the Chinese

government's objective to reach high level of university attendance, there's a school of thought

saying that China is now educating too many young people to university degree level and that those

same youngsters, and the job market, would be better served by much more focus on vocational courses

during their college education. A heated discussion has arisen as to whether universities should

offer more vocational courses. There are quite a number of people agreeing with the idea. They

argue that the society is suffering from an odd phenomenon, that is on the one hand a large number

of college graduates fail to find a position in the job market, while on the other hand many

employers complain about a severe lack of skilled workers. Therefore, universities should

undertake the responsibility and offer more vocational courses to equip the students with certain

vocational skills. On the flip side, a lot of other people hold different views, maintaining that

colleges can be made best use of when they teach knowledge of general applicability. Should there

be more vocational courses? It would be more sensible for specialized vocational schools to offer

them than colleges. Balancing the two sides of the argument, I tend to agree with the former opinion.

To begin with, employers are increasingly requesting a greater element of vocational training

be introduced alongside academic studies, something which many universities should start

responding to, one example being vocational training for medical students to prepare them more

thoroughly for responsibilities like dealing with patients or managing staff. Combinations of

the two are more and more sought after by employers in order to produce new workers with a more

rounded skill set who are better prepared for all of the demands of the roles they are taking

on. Secondly, the most important lesson of all is that young people need to be provided with a

greater understanding of the variety of options available to them and should shake off any

preconceptions that vocational training can only lead them to a second-class career. On the

contrary, it can lead to valuable, lucrative and fulfilling professions. In short, I think it's

clear that vocational course is no longer the poor relation of the university degree. Rather,

it is filling a gap which college education is not necessarily covering when it comes to equipping

young people with practical skills for the workplace.)





Ministry of Education is banning universities from recruiting students based on gender.

Many people say this policy will bring about true equality for female students. But there are

still some debates on whether it is advisable for universities to set enrollment ratios based

on gender. The following are opinions from different sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write

your response in about 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the opinions from

different sides; 2. give your comment. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content

sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may

result in a loss of ts Ouyang Le, a fresh graduate from a Guangzhou high school: The

rules affected me. I had wanted to study at the University of International Relations. I scored

614 on the gaokao, but as a woman, I needed 628. If I had been a man, I would have needed just

609. Most young women do not speak up, instead silently switching their major or university. It

was difficult to know how many women were affected every year, however, the number could run in

the hundreds or thousands. Xiong Jing: We protest a growing trend in Chinese universities in which

women increasingly must score higher than men to get in and face unofficial but widespread gender

quotas that favor men. But the Education Ministry responded that the practices were in the

"national interest". The response made us really angry—it's just such a pity. It's illegal too.

The Education Law forbids discrimination on several grounds including gender. And the Education

Ministry is allowing it. Zhou Haipeng, who graduated from college two years ago with a degree

in Arabic studies: In Arabic countries, many local people feel more comfortable working with men.

Male graduates with his major had an easier time getting a job. The majority of my classmates

ended up working in companies related to the Arabic rs Zhang Ting, a teacher at Beijing

No. 5 High School: I agreed with the ministry's ban on gender discrimination. The regulation

reaches true equality principles, which will benefit all students equally. But it is

understandable that some universities have gender requirements for some majors. It reflects the

market demand. It is better to clarify the need when entering universities instead of recruiting

thousands of students who cannot land jobs after als Tang Shangshu, a counselor

at the School of Plant Sciences: Generally speaking, boys mature later, while girls have good

study habits. In addition, Mr. Tang said that many jobs that once required physical labor had

been replaced by labor-saving science and technologies. That had removed women's physical

disadvantages, while in terms of wisdom boys may not have particularly obvious advantages. Ms.

Lu, the Media Monitor program monitor: Young women today have real opportunities to study, and

that they are becoming so outstanding is really to their credit, their families' credit and to

the country's credit. They worked so hard to get these high grades. And we cannot accept that

the Education Ministry is infringing on their rights. They must respect their own e

Lu Pin; In view of consideration of the national interest, to meet personnel training needs in

some job areas or specialties, a few colleges may appropriately adjust the enrollment ratios of

men and women. An official, at the Teaching Office at the China University of Political Science

and Law: The school did not have gender-based enrollment policies. For criminology, female

students must account for less than 15 percent of students because of the nature of their future

career. But women were scoring so well that in practice a higher percentage were being admitted.

Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.



正确答案:(正确答案: Is It Advisable for Universities to Set Enrollment Ratios Based on Gender?

Several years ago, there were complaints filed by female students who were discriminated in

admissions to 11 prestigious universities in China. Several universities were also accused of

lowering their passing rate for entrance-admission tests for male applicants. Therefore, a heated

discussion has arisen as to whether it is justifiable to set enrollment ratios based on gender.

Quite a number of female students protested vigorously against this policy. They hold that it

breaches the law of equality when female students are required of higher grades to be admitted

into universities than their male counterparts. What's more, some experts have also maintained

that female students no longer face the disadvantages in terms of physical strength compared with

male ones in the job market, because with the advancement of technology, many labor-demanding

jobs have been replaced by scientific and technological innovations. Therefore, concerns about

female disadvantages in certain majors should be eased and eradicated. However, other experts

still find this policy in accordance with the interest of both the nation and the female students

concerned in light of their future career. They hold that due to the fact that some jobs are

male-oriented, it's understandable for the universities to set gender ratios. Taking the arguments

of the two sides into account, I am inclined to agree with the former opinion. For one thing,

it is an undeniable right for female students to enjoy the same chances and rights to receive

education as male students. It infringes on their fundamental human rights when they're denied

to apply certain majors and universities because of their gender. For another, it is claimed that

some majors favor male students because their future jobs are most likely undertaken by males.

However, this is a false argument, because dating back, all the jobs used to be undertaken by

men and women were prohibited to take a career life. Women have proved their intelligence and

competence to fulfill all the career they are allowed to do. Therefore, no one should doubt their

ability in terms of job performance and all they need is the chance to show how good they are

by being admitted into these majors in the first place. To sum up, it is a woman's inalienable

right to enjoy equal opportunity in terms of education. As a place shaping and modeling the young

of the world, universities should pilot the effort to present equality to women by removing the

gender ratios of their majors.)





academic curriculum has never been all that schools and colleges offer to their students.

Often a range of other classes, clubs and activities is available to students, referred to as

extra-curricular activities and they are mostly voluntary for students. Examples would include

sports, musical activities, debate, community service, Young Enterprise projects etc. Whether

the extra-curriculum should be attached great importance in schools and colleges? The following

are opinions from different sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about

300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the different opinions; 2. give your comment.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language

quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Lahowl: Students

have the right to be able to choose a broad education. Every child and young person are entitled

to experience a broad general education. Even if a student does not aim to be a professional

musician they should still have the opportunity to learn an instrument. A career is not the only,

or the most important, part of an adult's life—school needs to make sure they have interests

and skills that will help them in their family and leisure life too. Megan: Extra-curricular

activities are prohibitively expensive for schools. Giving a greater place in education to the

extra-curriculum means that many more clubs and activities will have to be organised for students.

This will be very expensive as it will require more staff and more resources to be paid for. This

explains why most schools that currently offer a large extra-curriculum are well-funded fee-paying

institutions. NimmO: Extra-curricular activities have important health benefits. Most

extra-curricular activities are physically active, getting the students out from behind their

desks and making them try new things. Physical activity is extremely important for general health

whilst ensuring that students are exposed to practical tasks, not just what is taught in class.

Sport clubs and teams give students the opportunity to do physical exercise in an enjoyable

environment. TVO: Making extra-curricular activities compulsory makes them less attractive to

students. It will take the fun out of it and strip it of its benefits. In the end, the key is

fun. Successful extra-curricular groups work precisely because the students have voluntarily

chosen to be there. If some were forced to take part, they would be less enthusiastic and spoil

the activity for the rest. And the more the activity is like ordinary school, the less attractive

it will be to young people. Most of the personal development benefits associated with

extra-curricular commitments—such as altruistic service, initiative-taking, and leadership

skills—come from the voluntary nature of the activity. Estelle: Extra-curricular activities

encourage interpersonal interactions that are good for building a strong civil society. Boosting

the place of the extra-curriculum in schools is one way of addressing a weakness in modern society,

a lack of civil strength and community. Activities offered in schools are vital in providing

opportunities to learn the diverse skills, and helping to equip young people with the civic spirit,

initiative and organizing skills to set up their own clubs, teams and activity groups when they

leave education. A successful extra-curriculum often depends on building links between the school

and the wider community, bringing local enthusiasts in to work with students, and sending students

out to work on community projects. Nicola: Students should focus on gaining the specialist skills

they need for their chosen professions. Most specialist professions still provide a range of career

opportunities, without any need to compromise academic education by over-emphasis on non-academic

activities. There are concerns that schools do not focus enough on core subjects. School-leavers

and even graduates lack basic literacy and numeracy skills, according to a survey of big employers.

Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.



正确答案:(正确答案: Whether the Extra-Curriculum Should Be Attached Great Importance in Schools

and Colleges? It is worth pointing out that the purpose of education is not only to know how to

make bread, but also to know how to taste bread sweet. The latter can only be taught in

extra-curricular activities apart from academic training. In actuality, the non-academic

activities can furnish the educated with the weapon for the mental well-being. Advocates of

extra-curricular activities suggest that the endowed right of receiving a broad education has

been shown due respect with the bonus of health benefits in the activities which, furthermore,

foster a strong civil society by building links between the school and community service. On the

other hand, the opposites complain about the prohibitive cost for activities and the urgent social

demand for professional talents with literacy and numeracy skills, and the unexpected deprivation

of joy in the seemingly compulsory activities. The diversified extra-curricular activities could

possibly supply the educated with a platform for mental well-being. To begin with, in education,

more often than not, one uniform approach, especially mechanical memorization and implantation,

has been adopted in academic teaching, without proper consideration for students who do not learn

by the methods employed. Those who fall into less feasible learning models in classrooms are

considered as either delinquent or introverted students who are often the victims of the poor

academic achievement. Fortunately, given the chance, those assumed academically poor students

could form their identity, by discovering their weaknesses and strengths in activities, such as

gardening, crafts, cookery and dance, and possibly meet their soul mates which are the endurable

treasure for their lives based on the same interest and experience. Most importantly, team spirit,

an indispensable tool for one's success in career and life, could be, to a large extent, enacted

in those non-academic activities, because of the mutual appreciation and compromise received and

giving in the group of sports, musical activities, debate, etc. It is safely concluded, based

on the above arguments, that extra-curriculum is doubtless a treasure island worthy of investment

and exploration for one's mental well-being.)





本文标签: 校园考生观点问题是否