


HWPL天上文化世界和平光复,尼日利亚宗教和平会议(in Nigeria)。

Hosted by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), the World Alliance of

Religions’ Peace Office (WARP Office) held its first successful meeting on March 31, 2015 to

discuss the need of interfaith dialogue in achieving world peace. Women, youths, and religious

leaders representing various faiths such as Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, and a sect of an

indigenous religion attended this event.

About 40 religious leaders, women, and youth participated in this interfaith dialogue which was

held in the Lagos State University College of Medicine, Laos. Participants in this meeting

discussed to seek for the commonality across religious scriptures in the hopes of defining true

peace. In reply to the question, “As a religious leader, what is the definition of peace in your

religion?” each religious representative presented his views on effective ways to build world

peace. After the presentation, Rt. Rev’d J. Adedayo Ojaoba J, a bishop of Diocese of Lagos Island

United African Methodist Church and one of the members of the audience, explained the

significance of this meeting. “Comparing scriptures will go a long way in resolving religious

crisis if it is taken seriously by leaders and subjects and if it is let known to the people how

important peace is to their religion.” Instead of holding on to prejudices and indifference, the

presenters and the audience shared an ambience of acceptance, a genuine curiosity toward one

another’s perspectives, and the thirst for insight. Notably, Imam Abdullahi Shuaib, an executive

director of Zakat and Sadaqat Foundation and also the guest speaker of the event, commented, “I

can confirm to you that the conference was a huge success. All the participants willingly signed

the peace agreement and strongly desired to meet regularly.” By signing the peace agreement, all

the participants pledged to continue to work together to bring world peace.

Convening this World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office meeting holds a special meaning for

the country of Nigeria. For a long time, Nigeria has been constantly surrounded by imposed

violence and religious conflicts. As noted in the names of many Nigerians such as “Olufemi,”

which means “God loves me,” Nigerians have always been eager to search for answers in

alleviating violence caused by religions. Interfaith dialogue through WARP Office meetings only

marks the beginning of building peaceful coexistence on behalf of every Nigerian’s wish.

Interfaith dialogue through HWPL World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office (HWPL WARP

Offices) is not only limited to the country of Nigeria. Currently, many World Alliance of

Religions’ Peace offices are being established and are actively operating around the world. The

offices began as a continuation of the signing of the Peace Agreement by the religious leaders at

the WARP Summit in September 2014 in South Korea. Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL and

Chairwoman Nam Hee Kim of the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) invited religious

leaders from around the world to the WARP Summit. Out of all participants, about 1,000 religious

leaders attended the Summit and signed the peace agreement. After returning to their home

countries, these religious leaders have been making their best efforts to carry out the promise they

had made at the summit by establishing and operating World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Offices

in their reepective countries with the help of HWPL officers.

HWPL not only hosts interfaith dialogues for religious leaders through the HWPL WARP Office

meetings, but also campaigns to enact an international law for the cessation of wars. Chairman

Lee, a Korean war veteran, experienced the atrocities of war and witnessed the deaths of his

fellow soldiers in the battlefields. Since then, he has been dedicating his entire life to bring world

peace. His dedication resulted in HWPL’s unparalleled peace activities that are now regarded as

effective solutions to world peace and cessation of wars.

本文标签: 尼日利亚光复宗教世界文化