



Mind your own business.



以说句:Mind your own business.(管管你的事情)或者That's my own

business.(这是我的事)、That's private. / That's personal.(这是私事)、

Stay out of my affairs.(别管我的事)、Don't be nosy.(别好管闲事).

Get / Keep your nose out of my business. 不要窥探我的事情

例如:"I hear your dog bark at bout nine o'clock every night. Why is that?"

"Oh, keep your nose out of my business, won't you?"



俚语叫人少管闲事,常用Butt out!两字.Butt(用头或角撞)in即'打扰'或'干预

',是butt out的反义词.


It doesn't matter.


响应一句:It doesn't matter.(没关系,不要紧)或者说:It's not important. / It's not a big deal.(这个不

重要这 / 没什么大不了).此外,如你见到朋友好像心情不佳,你也不妨问候一下:What's the

matter?(有什么事?)如果不太想回答,可说:It doesn't matter.(没什么,不要提).

要说 '这对我没有影响',英文还有(It) Makes no difference to me. 的说法,随便一点可说:(It)

Makes me no difference,例如:Cigarette tax hikes make no difference to me(香烟大幅加税,对我

没有影响).英文indifference一字,就是说 '漠不关心',形容词是indifferent,例如:Adrian is totally

indifferent to what his girlfriend has done. / Adrian shows total indifference to what his girlfriend

has done.(亚德里恩对女朋友所做的事,完全漠不关心).


We've been expecting you.

Expect是'期待'的意思,We've been expecting you.是'我们期待你出现',例如你在餐厅订了位,到

达时侍应会向你说:We've been expecting you.(我们在等待你来临)。有时候,这句话也可

带点讽刺性,例如你约了朋友,但他迟了很久,你可说We've been expecting you. Expect /

expecting. 是期待某些事发生,但发生的可能性是不知道的,例如:I expect you are angry with

me, because I ate your rabbit.(我期望你会生气,因为我把你的兔子吃掉),但对方不一定会

生气,又例如:I'm expecting a lot of presents on my birthday.(我期待收到很多生日礼物),但

收到多少还是未知之数。许多父母都‘望子成龙,望女成凤’,英文可以说:We are expecting

great things from her.(我们期望她长大后会有成就)。

说等候某人或某事物来临,英文常用expect(期待)一字,而且多用进行时式(continuous tense),

例如:(1) I'm expecting visitors tomorrow.(明天我会有客人来访)。(2) I'm expecting a letter from

my mother.(我在等待母亲寄来的一封信)。要说期待某人随时来临,英文是I'm expecting him

/ her any minute。

有时,你会听到My wife is expecting. 这样的话。那也是期待有人降临,但

降临的是婴儿。换言之,‘我妻子怀孕了’。这个expecting之后可加a baby

两字,例如:My wife is expecting a baby; I have to make some preparations.

(我妻子怀孕了,我得准备一下)。An expectant mother就是‘孕妇’,an


Expect一字的用法,还有一点特别值得注意。请比较以下两句:(1)I expect (that)

you will go; (2)I expect you to go。这两句意思有分别吗? 按expect之后

用 ‘that +子句(clause)’,是‘想’或‘认为’的意思,例如:I expect (that)

it will rain soon.(我想,快要下雨了)。Expect之后用‘受词 (object) +

to +原形动词 (infinitive)’,则是‘要某人做某事’或‘某人有责任做某事’

的意思,例如:I expect you to clean the room. (我要你清洁这个房间)。

所以I expect you will go. 和I expect you to go. 不同,一是说‘我想,



Are you free on Sunday?

想要约会别人,首先要问别人有没有空?你可说:Are you available? / Are you free? / Are you

busy? 都是‘你有空吗?’的意思,如果要问星期天有没有空,就是:Are you free on Sunday? 如

果你有空,可以回答:I have no plans. (我没有任何计划)、I'm free. / I'm available.(我有空)、

I'm not busy.(我不忙),如果不太肯定,可说:Let me check. (让我查查看) 或 I'll check my

schedule. (让我查查看我的时间表)。


接纳人家的邀请,说话一定要显得雀跃,例如:I'd like nothing better.(再

好没有了)、I'd like to very much. / I'd love to very much / With pleasure

本文标签: 例如学习网期待私隐应该