


8A Unit4 知识点讲解与课后巩固

1. What should I do? I don’t know.

= I don’t know what I should do. (从句陈述句语序)

= I don’t know what to do. (特殊疑问词+to do)


如何做 ________________ 做什么 __________________

什么时候离开 _____________去哪儿 _________________

2. Here come a cat and two dogs. (全倒装:Here+谓语+主语)

Here he is. (半倒装:Here+主语+谓语)

倒装句:动词单复看主语 没有现在进行时。

Look! Here ___________ (come) the bus!

3. instruction 指示;说明 可数

an instruction some instructions明确的指示___________

区分:tips for (doing) sth (做)某事的提示

4. No problem! 没问题

have problems with sth I have problems __________ English.

have problems (in) doing sth. I have problems __________ (learn) Englsih.

5. It says/reads, “Do it yourself.” 写着 看书/报 read books/newspapers

6. tools 工具: 可数: 刷子brush(es) 绳子rope(s) 不可数: 胶水glue 胶带tape

复数名词 剪刀scissors

Eg. A pair of scissors _______ cheap. When we use scissors, we should be careful with


6. exact adj.确切的

Can you tell me the ________ number of the visitors.

exactly adv. 确切地; 精确地

Can you tell me ____________ the number of the visitors?

7. clear adj. 清楚的;明确的 (比较级: clearer)


clearly adv. 清楚地; 明确地 (比较级: more clearly)

Eg. This picture looks much ________ than the last one. Can you see it _________ than


8. stand for代表/象征/意味 stand-stood

The Great Wall _____________ China.

________ the Great Wall stand for China? (一般疑问句)

________ _________ the Great Wall stand for? (特殊疑问句)

te v.装修

Thank you for _____________ my new house. 过去式:decorated

10. 人pay sb to do sth 付钱给某人做某事 pay-paid

人pay (钱) for sth 付(多少)钱买某物

11. I’m going to make some paper roses.

= some roses made of paper

12. It sounds/looks lovely. 系动词+形容词 Does it sound/look lovely?

13. 行为动词need:

(1)need sth (2)need to do sth (3)need sb to do sth (4)need ...for sth

情态动词need:needn’t do sth 不必

Eg. You don’t need to do exercise every day. =

You ___________ ___________ every day.

14. be crazy about sb./sth./doing sth. 对…着迷 crazy-crazier- the craziest

Eg. My mother is _________ (痴迷的) about making paper roses in my family.

15. finish sth./ doing sth. 结束某事

16. terrible adj. 可怕的 That sounds/looks _____________

terrible-terribly adv. 可怕地;非常,极度地

Eg. be___________ ill/hurt I’m __________ sorry for being late.

17. try to do sth. 努力/试图/设法做某事

try not to do sth. 尽量不要做某事

18. put in sth. 安装(门,窗,灯, 淋浴器...)put -putting put - put(过去式)


本文标签: 主语可数动词