



Book6 A Unit 1 How Do You Go There ?

一. 知识点归纳

(一)、 词汇


bike ( 自行车) by ( 乘坐)

bus (公共汽车) foot (脚)


train (火车) how (怎样)


traffic tools

plane ( 飞机) go to school (上学)

ship (轮船)

subway ( 地铁) ( 交通工具前加by , 表示乘坐但步行要用on foot )

fifth 第五 remember记住 find 找到

difference不同 same相同的 every 每个 所有的

三会 country 国家 mean意思是 drive驾驶

right右边的 side 边 England 英国

Australia 澳大利亚 however 但是 left左边的

if 如果 must 必须


① 询问交通方式用疑问代词



How do you go to school ? 你怎样去上学?

—— I go to school on foot . 我走路去上学。

 —— How do you go to Canada ? 你怎么去加拿大。

—— I go by plane . 我坐飞机去。

 —— How does your father go to work ? 你父亲怎样去上班?

—— He goes to work by subway . 他坐地铁去上班。

② 询问地点,用疑问代词



Where is your home ? 你家在哪里?

—— It’s near the post office . 在邮局旁边。

—— Where are the teachers ? 老师们在哪儿?

—— They are in the teacher’s office . 在老师的办公室。

③ 问路

 —— How can I get to Zhongshan Park ? 我怎么去中山公园?

—— You can go by the No.1 bus.


You can take the No .1 bus .

④ 交通规则(traffic rules )

Stop at a red light . 红灯停

Wait at a yellow light . 黄灯停

Go at a green light . 绿灯行

In China and the US , drivers drive on the right side of the road .


In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road.


Exercise For Unit 1



1 A:______________________________________________?

B: I go to school by bus .

2 A:______________________________________________?

B: You can go by the No.3 bus .

3 A:______________________________________________?

B: My home is near the post office .

4 A:______________________________________________?

B: I go to Shanghai by ship .

5 A:______________________________________________?

B: Peter and John go to the park by bike .

6 How does Peter go to school ? ( 地铁)


7 How do they go to school ? (走路)


8 How can I get to the post office ? (坐10 路公共汽车)


二 选择适当的词完成短文

left, yellow , green , right , rules , are , in , a , three , red ,

You must know the traffic ________ if you walk _______ a city .There ________ always _______ lights for

the traffic lights . You can cross the street at the ______ light and you must stop at the ______ light .The _______

light means “Wait ” If you drive _______ , you must drive on the _______ side of the road in China .But in

England , people drive on the _______ side of the road.

三 完成对话

A:Excuse me , _____________________________ the library , please ?

B: Yes, _________________ .

A: _____________________________________________ ?

B: No , it’s not far .

A: _______________________________________________?

B: You can go there by bus .

A: __________________________________________________?

B: You can ______________ the No . 3 bus .

A : Thank you very much .

B: ___________________________________________________.

四 完成句子

1 Go _________ a green light .

2 Yellow ______________ wait .

3 Drivers drive ________ ________ _________ side of the road in China .

4 I often go to school _________ foot .

5 My home is not far . It’s ____________.

Book 6 A Unit 2 Where is the science museum?

本文标签: 完成司机疑问行驶问句