








What will the schools of the future look like? 5G smart campuses(校园)are being

built all over the world. They help students learn more effectively, as well as bring

convenience(方便)to teachers.

The University of British Columbia has created Canada’s first 5G smart campus.

The school worked with a technology company to build a 5G network across its campus.

Their researchers can use the network to test 5G software.

At Staffordshire University in the UK, many students enjoy talking to Beacon

and asking it questions. Beacon is an AI robot which can chat with you. It is like

a personal assistant for students at school. They can ask it questions, such as

whether or not one of their classes is cancelled.

5G smart campus will be a big help for students who take online classes. Many

people live in poor areas where there are no schools. But with 5G, this will change.

With virtual(虚拟)reality systems, students will be able to see places like the

Great Wall without leaving their classrooms.

In Australia, for example, many students live far away from schools. They use

cameras to talk to their teachers online, but sometimes it’s a poor experience

because of unstable(不稳定)connections. With the speed of 5G network, their teachers

will be able to teach without worrying about their connection, according to

technology radar.

1. Who will 5G smart campus help a lot?

2. Which university has created Canada’s first 5G smart campus?

3. What is Beacon like at school?

4. How can students in poor areas see the Great Wall without leaving their




5. Why do students have a poor experience when talking to their teachers online



六、阅读表达 阅读下面的短文, 并根据短文后要求答题。共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10

Yellowstone is a huge park covering over 3, 400 square miles in Wyoming, Montana

and Idaho. You can reach there by air to Cody or Jackson, 50 miles from the entrances

(入口). There is no train service nearby.

Limited(有限的)bus service is used from some of the towns near it. So when

you are in the area, a car is a must. The park has 5 entrances and the entrances

are open from May to October. It is a good idea to plan a trip during the good weather.

And parts of the park are open in winter for snow sports.

Be sure to prepare for different weather at any time of the year. Take enough

clothes because the temperature is changeable(多变的). Take good walking shoes

and thick socks, if you are going to hike. You can also see the park on horseback.

If you want to learn about Yellowstone, there are many talks, films and tours

to help you to understand it at the National Park Service. 回答下面5个问题, 每


80. How large is Yellowstone National Park?

81. What is a must when you are in the area?

82. Why are parts of the park open in winter?

83. What do you need to take while going to do any hiking?!

84. Where can you find more information about Yellowstone?


七、阅读表达 阅读短文,根据其内容按要求简略回答问题。(共5小题;每小题2分,计


Yue Fei was a hero in Chinese history. He was a famous man who lived during the

Song Dynasty (960-1279). In 1125, the Jin army from the north invaded (侵略) the



Song kingdom. Yue decided to fight the Jin. Before he set out, his mother asked

him, “Right now the country is facing great difficulty. What do you plan to do?”

“Serve the country with utmost loyalty (精忠报国),” Yue said.

That was what his mother hoped her son would do. She decided to tattoo (给……

文身) these four words onto his back so he would not easily forget them. His mother

asked, “My child, tattoos are quite painful. Are you afraid?” Yue said, “Mother,

a little needle (针) is nothing. If I was afraid of a needle, how could I face going

to war on the front lines?”

Keeping these words in mind, Yue defeated the Jin army many times. Sadly, Yue

was sent to prison by the traitor (卖国贼) Qin Hui and was killed. But Yue’s spirit

was passed on in the future.

We need to pay respect to Yue Fei, but we also need to understand how much courage

he took to serve the country, as well as how much he and his family sacrificed (牺

牲). Loving one’s country shouldn’t be only in words. We need to practice it in

our daily life.

President Xi Jinping wrote in an article that his mother told him this story

when he was very young. He has kept the words “jingzhong baoguo” in mind since

then. “This is also my lifelong goal,” Xi wrote.

(No more than 9 words)

88. When did the Jin invasion happen?


89. Why did Yue Fei’s mother tattoo “jingzhongbaoguo” on his back?


90. What happened to Yue in the end?


91. What kind of person was Yue?


92. What does President Xi Jinping want us to learn from the story?



五、阅读表达 阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

Colors Around the World



Most people have a favorite color, but how people feel about colors depends on

their culture. This can be very important to people in businesses that sell products

all over the world. They might choose a color because they think it is exciting or

attractive, but in another country that same color could be used to give a sad


Look at these examples:

If you ask someone in Britain what the right color is for a bride(新娘) to wear,

the answer will be white. In China and other eastern countries, brides often wear

red because the color red is a sign of good luck, happiness and prosperity. Red is

an unusual color for a British bride to wear.

In Britain, red is used as a sign of danger. Road signs and warning labels are

often in red. In eastern cultures the color red does not mean you have to be careful.

In Egypt, yellow is the color linked to death. In Britain and other western

cultures death and funerals(葬礼) are usually linked to the color black, but in many

eastern countries, white is the color most people connect with death and funerals.

In Britain, green is used in traffic signals to tell people that it is safe to

go. Green is often seen as a positive and lucky color but wearing green at weddings

is unlucky. In some cultures, green is linked to cheating or jealousy.

Many people like the color orange because it is bright and exciting. Some

advertisers will not use orange in their advertisements because they believe it

suggests that the products are cheap and perhaps not of good quality.

In Britain the most popular color is blue. What do you think is the most popular

color in China?





69. What does red mean in China?

70. Which colors have something to do with death in this passage?

71. What is often in red in Britain?

72. Why do many people like orange?

73. How many countries are mentioned(提及) in this passage?


六、 阅读表达(5分)



Blood donation, is a wonderful thing to do. It is an easy and direct way to help

social work. It helps those people in need of blood.

You are able to give or donate blood every three or four months. Blood donation

is not a big problem, but you need to keep a few points in mind.

Before donating blood, you should have a healthy diet. Do not go for it on an empty

stomach. After having a balanced diet, you will feel strong and comfortable to donate

blood. Then you will not feel sick or weak.

For a good blood flow in your body, you'd better drink at least 6 glasses of

water every day. Completely stop taking alcohol (酒) and smoking a day before and

after giving blood.

When you are going for blood donation, be relaxed. During the blood donation activity,

take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. Don't join in some other activities.

After donating blood, the following tips can help you. Take a rest for 15 minutes

after the donation. It helps you to feel relaxed. Eat something and drink juice before

leaving the blood donation centre.

Finally, be proud of yourself because you have done a great thing to save others’



60. How often can you donate blood?

61. What should you have before donating blood?

62. How much water do you need to drink every day?

64. What should you stop before and after the donation?

65. How long should you take a rest after the donation?









What will the schools of the future look like? 5G smart campuses(校园)are being

built all over the world. They help students learn more effectively, as well as bring

convenience(方便)to teachers.

The University of British Columbia has created Canada’s first 5G smart campus.

The school worked with a technology company to build a 5G network across its campus.

Their researchers can use the network to test 5G software.

At Staffordshire University in the UK, many students enjoy talking to Beacon

and asking it questions. Beacon is an AI robot which can chat with you. It is like

a personal assistant for students at school. They can ask it questions, such as

whether or not one of their classes is cancelled.

5G smart campus will be a big help for students who take online classes. Many

people live in poor areas where there are no schools. But with 5G, this will change.

With virtual(虚拟)reality systems, students will be able to see places like the

Great Wall without leaving their classrooms.

In Australia, for example, many students live far away from schools. They use

cameras to talk to their teachers online, but sometimes it’s a poor experience

because of unstable(不稳定)connections. With the speed of 5G network, their teachers

will be able to teach without worrying about their connection, according to

technology radar.

1. Who will 5G smart campus help a lot?

2. Which university has created Canada’s first 5G smart campus?

3. What is Beacon like at school?

4. How can students in poor areas see the Great Wall without leaving their


5. Why do students have a poor experience when talking to their teachers online


『答 案』

1. Students and teachers.


本文标签: 阅读江苏省问题下学期表达