


史上最全 马来西亚 中英双语介绍


The earliest recorded Malay kingdoms grew from coastal city-ports established

in the 10th century AD. It is thought that originally these were Hindu or Buddhist

nations. Islam arrived in the 14th century in Terengganu. In the early part of the 15th

century, the Sultanate of Malacca was established under a dynasty started by a prince

by the name of Parameswara from Palembang. The sultanate controlled the areas

which are now Peninsula Malaysia, southern Thailand (Patani), and the eastern coast

of Sumatra. It existed for more than a century, and within that time period Islam

spread to most of the Malay archipelago. Portugal made Malacca a colony in 1511 by

military conquest, thus ending the Sultanate of Malacca. After the fall of Malacca,

three nations struggled for the control of Malacca Strait: The Portuguese (in Malacca),

the Sultanate of Johor and the Sultanate of Aceh. This conflict went on till 1641, when

the Dutch (allied to the Sultanate of Johor) gained control of Malacca. The British

took control of Malacca after the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824. The British Crown

Colony of the Straits Settlements was established in 1826, and Britain increased its

control over the rest of the peninsula.

By the turn of the 20th century, the states of Pahang, Selangor, Perak, and Negeri

Sembilan, known together as the Federated Malay States, were under the rule of

British residents appointed to advise the rulers/Sultans.. The other Peninsular states

were known as the Unfederated Malay States and, while not directly under rule from

London, had British advisors in the Sultans" courts. The four northern states of Perlis,

Kedah, Kelantan, and Terengganu were previously under Thai control. British North

Borneo (currently the state of Sabah) was a British Crown Colony formerly under the

rule of the Sultanate of Sulu, whilst the territory of Sarawak was the personal fiefdom

of the Brooke (White Rajah) family.

The Malay Peninsular was occupied by Japan from 1942 to 1945. Following the

Japanese occupation, the popular support for independence grew, coupled with a

communist insurgency. In 1948, the British-ruled territories on the Malay Peninsula

formed the Federation of Malaya, which became independent in 1957. Malaysia was

formed in 1963 when the former British colonies of Singapore and the East Malaysian

states of Sabah and Sarawak on the northern coast of Borneo joined the Federation.

The first several years of the country’s history were marred by Indonesian efforts to

control Malaysia, Philippine claims to Sabah, and Singapore’s secession from the

Federation in 1965.






的。 那时的伊斯兰君主领地所管辖的就是现在的马来群岛,南泰,和苏门答腊




萄牙人,柔佛州(Johor)和亚齐(Aceh)的伊斯兰教君主。 这场战争一直持




在十九世纪末二十世纪初期,彭亨州(Pahang), 雪兰莪州(Selangor), 霹

雳州(Perak)和森美兰州(Negeri Sembilan)组成了马来联合国,为英国所指


但在最高法院都有英国顾问。北方的四个州玻璃市州(Perlis), 吉打

(Kedah), 吉兰丹州(Kelantan),和丁加奴(Terengganu )先前是在泰国的控







西亚前几年的建国历史受到印度尼西亚尝试控制马来西亚, 菲律宾认沙巴州为



Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia. It consists of two geographical regions,

West and East Malaysia, divided by the South China Sea. West Malaysia (Peninsular

Malaysia or Malay Peninsula) shares a land border on the north with Thailand and is

connected by the Johor Causeway and the Tuas Second Link on the south with

Singapore. :East Malaysia, consisting of the federal territory of Labuan and the

states of Sabah and Sarawak, occupies the northern part of the island of Borneo,

bordering Indonesia and the Sultanate of Brunei.

Both West and East Malaysia feature coastal plains rising to often densely forested

hills and mountains, the highest of which is Mount Kinabalu at 4,095.2 m on the

island of Borneo.



西马来群岛被中国南海(south china sea)所隔。 堤道和大士的第二通道(Tuas

Second link)从南方和新加坡相连。东马来群岛是由联邦地域中的纳闽岛和沙




的山是位于婆罗洲岛的海拔4,095.2米的京那Q山(Gunung Kinabalu)又Q神


Political System

The Federation of Malaysia is a constitutional elective monarchy. It is nominally

headed by the Paramount Ruler or Yang di-Pertuan Agong, commonly referred to as

the king. Kings are selected for five-year terms from among the nine Sultans of the

Malay states; the other four states, which have titular Governors, do not participate in

the selection.

The system of government in Malaysia is closely modelled on that of Westminster,

a legacy of British colonial rule. In practice, power is vested in the executive branch

of government than in the legislative. The general election must be held at least once

every five years. Executive power is vested in the cabinet led by the prime minister

(Perdana Menteri); the Malaysian constitution stipulates that the prime minister must

be a member of the lower house of parliament who, in the opinion of the Yang di-

Pertuan Agong,commands a majority in parliament. The cabinet is chosen from

among members of both houses of parliament and is responsible to that body.

The bicameral parliament consists of the upper house (Dewan Negara, literally

"National Hall") and the lower house (Dewan Rakyat, literally "People"s Hall"). All

69 Senators sit for 6-year terms; 26 are elected by the 13 state assemblies, and 43 are

appointed by the king. The 219 members of the House of Representatives are elected

from single-member districts by universal adult suffrage, for a maximum term of 5


The state governments are led by chief ministers (Menteri Besar) selected by the

state assemblies (Dewan Undangan Negeri) advising their respective sultans or



马来西亚联合国是君主宪制。最高元首(Yang di-Pertuan Agong), 或称国

王,名义上是最高统治者。 国王每五年换届,并在9个马来州的最高领导人中




行一次。 内阁被授予行政权,首相领导内阁。 在马来最高元首(Yang di-

Pertuan Agong)的建议下,马来西亚的宪法规定首相必须作为国会众议院中身




个成员在各个地区由成人普选出, 最高任期为5年。 首席大臣(Menteri Besar)


Education System

Malaysian children begin schooling from the age of 5 or 6 in kindergarten.

Primary school education begins at the age of 7. There is a primary education leaving

exam, called "Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah", or UPSR (Primary School

Assessment Examination) where all primary Six students take before going into

secondary schools. The purpose of this examination is to assess the quality of the

primary education in Malaysia. Secondary education lasts five years. At the end of the

third year, students must sit for the "Penilaian Menengah Rendah" (PMR; Lower

Secondary Assessment), to guide them on what subjects to take the following year.

The combination of subjects available to Form 4 students vary from one school to

another. In the last year of the secondary education, students will sit for "Sijil

Pelajaran Malaysia", or SPM (Malaysian Certificate of Education; equivalent to the

British Ordinary or "O" levels). Students wishing to enter university have to complete

2 more years of secondary schooling. They are required to take up either the school

based Form Six and sit for Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia", or STPM (Malaysia

Higher Certificate of Education; equivalent to the British Advanced or "A" levels),

matriculation (1 year only), or other pre-university courses before they may apply for

entry into local universities.

Students can opt to go to private colleges after secondary studies. Most colleges

have education links with overseas universities especially in the United States, the

United Kingdom and Australia. Malaysian students abroad study mostly in the UK,

United States, Australia, Singapore, Japan and Canada.


马来西亚的孩子从5或者6岁开始在幼儿园接受教育。 7岁开始上小学。


“Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah”或者UPSR(小学评估考核)。考核的目的是评

定马来西亚小学教育的教学质量。 中等教育为五年制,在第三年末,学生必须

参加"Penilaian Menengah Rendah" (PMR,低等中级考试),以此作为在下一年

学什么科的的导向。 四年级学生可选的各科目在各个学校都是不同的。在中等

教育的最后一年学生要获得"Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia" 或者SPM(马来西亚教育

证书,等同于英国的普遍水平)。 想上大学的学生还要接受多两年的中等学校

教育。在他们可以申请进入当地大学之前他们必须继续就读以Form Six为基础

的学校并获得Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia", 或者 STPM(马来西亚高等教育







Malaysia has an estimated population of 25 million. Of which, 5 million are in

East Malaysia. Malaysia"s population comprises many ethnic groups, with the

politically dominant Malays comprising a plurality. Malays are by constitutional

definition, Muslims. They combined with indigenous peoples (e.g. Kadazandusun,

Iban, Dayak, Melanau, etc., mainly concentrated in Sabah and Sarawak) are denoted

"bumiputra". Non-Malay indigenous groups make up more than half of Sarawak"s

population and about 66% of Sabah"s. They are divided into dozens of ethnic groups,

but they share some general patterns of living and culture. Until the 20th century,

most practiced traditional beliefs, but many have become Christian or Muslim. The

indigenous people of Peninsular Malaysia are known as Orang Asli, which literally

means "original man". The Orang Asli are culturally distinct from the Malays though

some who venture out into the towns and cities have been known to become

assimilated with the Malays through marriage.

The second largest ethnic group is Chinese who have historically played an

important role in trade and business. Ethnic Indians make up the third largest ethnic


There is a small minority crudely grouped and known as the "Others" category.

This includes Malaysians of inter-alia, European, Middle Eastern, Cambodia and

Vietnamese descents. Europeans and Eurasians include British who colonized and

settled in Malaysia and some Portuguese, and most of the Middle Easterners are

Arabs. A small number of Kampucheans and Vietnamese settled in Malaysia as

Vietnam War refugees. Population distribution is uneven, with some 15 million

residents concentrated in the lowlands of Peninsular Malaysia.




法的定义应该是穆斯林。 他们和马来西亚的本土民族 (例如Kadazandusun,

本文标签: 马来西亚英国教育马来群岛马六甲海峡