


翻译 77:很多人觉得自己有必要赶时尚。

77 It is necessary for many people to chase after fashion

RA: Many people consider it necessary to follow fashion.

Fashion 不可数

Keep up with fashion 赶时尚

Be in/out of fashion

Consider it adj to do sth

翻译 78:经费削减让很多年轻人很难接受大学教育。

78 The decreasing cost makes it difficult for many young people to have education in the college.

RA: Budget cuts make it difficult for many young people to receive a college education.

Cut budget/budget cuts

Government funds/funding/grands z政府经费

Access to sth

Accept 主动接受 receive 被动接受

翻译 79:有时候,很难去评估人类行为的环境代价。

Sometimes it is hard to evaluate the environmental cost for human behaviors.


RA: Sometimes, it is difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities.

Human behavior 暂时性的活动

Habits 习惯

翻译 80:在大城市有一些贫困的社区。

80 There are some poor communities in big cities.

RA: There are some economically deprived communities in large cities.

翻译 81:按照能力分班和学生的成绩没有明显的联系。

81 There is no obvious connection between the different selecting students with their abilities

and their academic performance.

RA: There is no clear link between grouping students by ability and their levels of attainment.

Attend classes/ take part in the class

Group/stream/track students 分学生

翻译 82:体育课可以促进身体健康,增强信心

82 PE classes can promote one’s health and self-confidence.

RA: The PE class improves students’ physical conditions and boosts their confidence.

Boost/improve/increase one’s confidence

shake one’s confidence 打击信心

翻译 83:竞争激烈,一些城市处于弱势,因为缺少资源,比如:天然气和化石燃料。

83 The competition is intense and some countries are under the disadvantaged situation because

of the lack of resources like gas and fossil fuel.

RA: The competition is intense and some countries are

at a disadvantage

because of the lack of

resources such as natural gas and fossil fuels.

The competition is intense/fierce/stiff 竞争激烈

In an advantageous position

翻译 84:在发展中国家开设新的分公司可以降低生产成本,产生巨大的利润

84 Opening a new branch of the company in developing countries can reduce the production cost

and make enormous benefits.

RA:Opening new branches in developing countries can reduce the cost of production and generat

e huge profit/generate a huge profit.

Branch 分公司 不用再加company

Make a profit 产生利益

Create/generate profit(s)

Open/start/set up a company 开公司

翻译 85:生活方式的轻微变化也能够产生巨大的变化,并且可以减少我们日常活动对


85 The small changes in people’s lifestyle can make huge differences and reduce the influence

caused by our daily lives on the environment.

RA: Small lifestyle changes can make a huge difference and can reduce the environmental impact

of our daily activities.

SB is able to do

The change of /in

翻译 86:因为没有实习机会,对他们来说提升工作技能是很难的

86 Because of the lack of the internship opportunities, it is hard for them to promote vocational


RA: It is difficult for them to improve job skills because there is/are no work placement/s.


Promote 促进销售

Highly-productive 高产的

翻译 87:大学生没办法赚到钱即使他们获得文凭。

87 College students are not enable to make money for their diplomas.

RA: University students cannot earn money even though they have gained qualifications.

Graduates 大学毕业生,university students大学生

Enable to do = be able to do

Diploma 技校文凭。。。qualification大学学历 泛指文凭 certification 证明证书

翻译 88:因为竞争是激烈和技术的迅速发展,现在经营一家公司是一个艰巨的任务。

88 It is a tough task to run a company because of the intense competitions and the quick

development of technology.

RA: Running an organization in today’s world can be a daunting task, because the competition is

stiff and technology is developing rapidly.

Although/even though/ even if 即使

本文标签: 产生变化大学文凭翻译