


Wang Xiangrong 0425

Liang Yi 0415

Forgotten Paradise

'I'm leaving for school,' Apollo shouted loudly after putting on his brother's

hand-me-down shoes, 'Goodbye!'

But no one responded. He closed the door and left without looking back.

Turning around the corner, he met Daphne who was waiting for him and

walked together quietly as they always did. However, at the last corner to school,

they turned left rather than right. An hour later, they escaped the town and

climbed to the top of a mountain, overlooking the town that they had never left

since they were born. But sure enough, they left it without missing it now.

They began walking down a steep path to the valley below. The cloud was

getting heavier and it was getting so dark. In no time, it rained cats and dogs.

‘Put on your raincoat quickly!’ Apollo said, ‘There’s a cave. Get inside!’

‘It’s such a heavy rain. My hair almost gets wet.’ Daphne complained as

she took off her rain coat and fixed her chestnut silky hair. When she turned

around, she cried out, ‘Look, there’s a spot of light over there.’ She backed up

a few steps in panic.

Apollo put up his head immediately. ‘Then let’s go and have a look.’

Wang Xiangrong 0425

Liang Yi 0415

The path in the cave was very small at the beginning, narrowly passing one

person. Continuing for over tens-of-feet distance, they found the view instantly

clearing up.

Out of the cave, the rain had already stopped and they found a valley full of

violets, as if the air was painted purple. Feeling like soaking into the fragrance, they

would never forget about the luminous dewdrops on the flowers in some golden

sun rays. However, among these enjoyable scenes, they still could not ignore an

upset, disharmonious noise letting out from the cabin. They heard gears and

bearings grinding. So they opened the door with great curiosity, only to see a

machine, hanged on the wall, transporting and unloading all kinds of stuff here.

The house tasted like a humid garage after the heavy rain.

Apollo removed some old musty and wrecked furniture and find something

which was familiar to him. ‘How ridiculous! There are things from people around

me.’ In front of him was the teddy bear which belonged to his cousin a couple of

months ago There were flames radiating from its eyes like a poor, abandoned,

begging dog, though its cloth was still quite clean and tidy. On his left was the

incomplete fairy tale book lying on the floor, like an old beggar, covered with

layers of worn-out, tattered and patched blankets. On the footer of the faded page,

Apollo recognized the signature, Anne, one of his classmates in primary school.

Daphne squatted down, searching like Apollo did. Then she found a shaver.

She could almost hear the annoying buzz from the bathroom when her father

shaved in the morning.

本文标签: 遗忘天堂