



Sony's PlayStation network has been shut down after cyber-a

ttackers overloaded it in what's known as a distributed denial o

f service attack.



In a blog post Sony said that no personal information had been


On Sunday an American Airlines flight carrying a senior Sony e

xecutive was also diverted following a bomb scare.

The group claiming responsibility for closing down the network

also tweeted suggesting there was a security threat to the flight.

'Fixing the issue'

In a blog Sony said that "the PlayStation Network and Sony Ent

ertainment Network have been impacted by an attempt to over

whelm our network with artificially high traffic".

"We will continue to work towards fixing this issue and hope to

have our services up and running as soon as possible," the blo

g said.

Sony has said the FBI is investigating the security scare over th

e flight carrying Sony Online Entertainment President John Sm

edley, which should have landed in San Diego but was diverted

to , .

Mr Smedley tweeted, "Yes. My plane was diverted. N

ot going to discuss more than that. Justice will find these guys."

Sony's 52 million strong PlayStation network has been hit by ha

cking attacks before, including a security breach in 2011.

Sony had already scheduled routine maintenance work to be do

ne on its PlayStation network on Monday.

本文标签: 袭击网络关停超载系统