


高中英语作文--Help or Not帮助或不帮助


I once met a middle-aged stranger who said his money had

been stolen at the railway station,so he had no money to go

home. He begged for help from passers-by,but they all

pretended not to have heard what he was saying and went by

quickly. Then he stopped me and wanted me to give him the help.

At first I could not accept that because I didn't think he was telling

the truth. But when I saw tears in his eyes,I began to believe

that he might be in the real trouble,so,just immediately I gave

him all the money I had. When he took the money, his face

turned red. Before he left,he expressed his great thanks and

also said he would give back my money when he reached home.

When I came back to school and told my classmates about

my story,they held different opinions. Some of them thought

that I did a good deed to have given a hand to the person in

trouble,while others said that I was even laughed

at me and called me a fool who could not judge things in the

right way. Now,I am really confused!












Help or Not?

In this passage, the writer mainly tells us his experience of

giving help to a stranger, which made him very confused

because his classmates held different opinions about his deed.

One evening, Father was driving me home when a stranger

stopped us and said he needed a ride badly. Father did as asked.

I felt a little worried thinking of our safety. But seven days later,

we were very surprised to receive a letter from him.

"Thank you so much for helping me so that I was able to get

to my dying wife's bedside just before she passed away. God

bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others. Sincerely

yours, Tom."

Nobody can tell when he is in trouble. If everybody just looks

on,what will our world be? But it is not unusual that quite a few

strangers cheat people out of their kindness. So, be careful

when giving help!

本文标签: 帮助概括内容论述方法